well I should asked ya 3 weeks ago I didnt layer But IU used a lot of perelight 16 qys for 4 plants that 4 dry qts per plant My plants are heavy I tap packed my soil by raising it 6 in in the air and dropping on my sidewalk and I fill the pots up I am goinf to cut back a lot on my water Pouring till I got run off from a freshly planted plant is too much I would water them 1 time a week and I dont feel that is allowing my geo flora enough time to do the magic both strains are durable to dry pots so Im stepping baCK FROM 2 L/1/2 GAL PER PLANT TO 1 LITER AND A LITER AND A HALF ON M Y 2 BIG GIRLS Sry caps stuck so I can waterr every 3 days 1 day with purpinator and the next with Bud Candy.
So IO called them today 8 ml per gallon once a week from Cradle to bong ! well drying tent
purpinator Pre-flower is 5ml per gallon They told me I would need to learn they metric system someday I just never though it would be for growing legal weed
geo Flora 1/2 cup per 2 weeks
and that is it at least the next 3-4 weeks. I wont be doing the flip at the end of week 4 I will wait till my scrog net is covered from corner to corner then go 12/12 hi ho hi ho my Gnomies to work they will grow!
** UPDATE** I dont put much faith in ph monitors but this one is really close to accurate but when it comes to knowing if your soil is wet or dry I would say it 99.999 accurate and My plants are still wet from 2 days ago whis would be the 3rd day tomorrow will be the 4 th day which exp0lains why some arent growing as fast it is early so If I let it go ahead and dry them to the bottom now and start water less they should be fine I dont know is 5 days between watering to much? with using as top dress nute I think I would rather give them a liter every other daY one thing for sure if I want a primo crop I need to quit watering like a noob, I guess knowing that I screwed up and what I need to do to fix it is a sign Im learning as usually learning by murphys law lol
Good morning Amigo.
or evening
First thing throw that probe away.
They are notoriously inaccurate, sorry.
The reason we use a lot of perlite is for aeration and reduce compaction.
How does slamming your potvon the sidewalk help.
I never pack my pots.
I let them settle over time.
By then the roots have filled the pot.
For Drainage.
I used oil change pans from the dollar store.
Put a grill or rack over it, set the pot on top.
Airflow and drainage.
Get a little shop vac to empty them.
Slowly in a circle away from the plant.
making the roots chase the water.
You must do it until you get just a little come out the bottom.
But you must get a little down there.
You want the roots chasing the water.
And the tap root shoots to the bottom.
You must give it a little moisture.
Did you read Ems watering thread.
Your whole objective right now is growing
Not the plant.
Your filling your container with roots so you will get a big healthy plant as a reward.
Get a bathroom scale and weigh the pots if you have too.
3-4-5 Days at first is common.
Your pot isn't full yet so it takes time for the small root ball to drain it.
But you must drain it and let air in.
GF. Nutrients are microbes , once you water they are alive and in your soil.
You don't have to be concerned with refeeding.
That are all in there working away.
So don't panic about feeding.
Bokashi & frass the same , they put microbes and fungi in the pot.
The microbes and fungi feed the roots, it's so much better than just having roots.
They will do there thing, pamper and feed the roots/ plant.
I got a gallon of Terpinator yesterday.
Don't ask
, but I did the Coco girls with it on their second feeding.
You read the mix on that ( 10 - 35 ml/ gallon) holy crap.
At a 100 liters a day how long will that last. 100 litres is about 25 gallon.
Every day.
Soil girls empty their pots daily. Bill284 Method.
Hopefully that covers everything.
Talk soon my friend.
Stay safe