Purple People Eater Monsters Just In Time For Halloween Pawpaws Medicine Tent Chapter #3

@Bill284 as you know Im using the gro pros warrior with the bottom of the pot raised 11/2IN WITH 2X2 You can see how they are raised in the middle would it be good or bad to add a pc fan at the bottom and have the small computer fan blowing air right up the middle? these pots are awesome after they are filled with roots. Lifting them in the air makes easier to see the first signs of run off if I have a good enough harvest Im pretty sure I can convince the wife into a new set of air pots.
Thx bud
** I researched perlite to see exactly what it does from now on I will add a 2 in layer about 6 in down especially after learning what it actually does not to mention it is a lot cheaper than Fox Farm I also buy a new bag of soil for every grow I am going to start filling a 30 gallon drum Im going to start a sativa tree early april till late october outdoor grow this will be an adventure

I completely forgot. :nicethread:🥺
Did you line the bottom with perlite?
Roots just need access to air.
A fan would dry the bottom out too quick.
Use them as designed, master that first. :rofl:
Hey are you in Richmond?
I can't remember if you answered me. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I completely forgot. :nicethread:🥺
Did you line the bottom with perlite?
Roots just need access to air.
A fan would dry the bottom out too quick.
Use them as designed, master that first. :rofl:
Hey are you in Richmond?
I can't remember if you answered me. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Yeah Im in Richmond lakeside 10 min from downtown but a nice quiet neighborhood. I figured I used enough when I mixed it it is about 25 % perlite But I didn't know then what I know now I just knew lot perlite Good, little perlite BAD but now understanding exactly what is does I will add a lot and a good 2 In layer about 6" down it should be fine for this grow I did the same asd last and had great drainage after I got some roots (I hope) they are looking awesome If runt is ready Ill put them under the net at the end of next week Im taking my time and filling the net before I flip the switch
Last time I had them under bricks with excellent air flow and they would need water 2-3 days max when I took off the saucer it was like the damn broke with in a cpl hour they where up stretching for the light. even bad haircut girl is growing out when I do flip can I change time up for example now I am running 18/6 1pb to 7 pm when I go 12/12 I want lights on 9am to 9pm OFF 9pm till 9AM will that drastic of of a change cause any issues as long as I stick with 1 big change till harvest? now here is the the real problems I got 4 heathy good looking plants no spots no lockout 4 pretty plants and I gotta fret over every detail, a "Life lesson via Cannabis BE HAPPY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE "
a1 911.jpg
Yeah Im in Richmond lakeside 10 min from downtown but a nice quiet neighborhood. I figured I used enough when I mixed it it is about 25 % perlite But I didn't know then what I know now I just knew lot perlite Good, little perlite BAD but now understanding exactly what is does I will add a lot and a good 2 In layer about 6" down it should be fine for this grow I did the same asd last and had great drainage after I got some roots (I hope) they are looking awesome If runt is ready Ill put them under the net at the end of next week Im taking my time and filling the net before I flip the switch
Last time I had them under bricks with excellent air flow and they would need water 2-3 days max when I took off the saucer it was like the damn broke with in a cpl hour they where up stretching for the light. even bad haircut girl is growing out when I do flip can I change time up for example now I am running 18/6 1pb to 7 pm when I go 12/12 I want lights on 9am to 9pm OFF 9pm till 9AM will that drastic of of a change cause any issues as long as I stick with 1 big change till harvest? now here is the the real problems I got 4 heathy good looking plants no spots no lockout 4 pretty plants and I gotta fret over every detail, a "Life lesson via Cannabis BE HAPPY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE "
a1 911.jpg
Richmond was our weekend get away when I was in high-school.
I loved going to Richmond VA.
I had buddies in My fraternity there.
Back in the 80's were you there then?

Run your lights when ever the cheapest electricity is.
Or when ever it is coolest your choice.
They don't know the difference.
What ever works for you.
But once you flip your pretty much shuck when ever you choose.
So pick your time they will go with it no matter when. :thumb:
Hope you had a good weekend.
Talk soon. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Richmond was our weekend get away when I was in high-school.
I loved going to Richmond VA.
I had buddies in My fraternity there.
Back in the 80's were you there then?

Run your lights when ever the cheapest electricity is.
Or when ever it is coolest your choice.
They don't know the difference.
What ever works for you.
But once you flip your pretty much shuck when ever you choose.
So pick your time they will go with it no matter when. :thumb:
Hope you had a good weekend.
Talk soon. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
good afternoon my friend
Naa in the first part of the 80's I was station at 2/75 Ranger Battalion ft lewis WA spending 80% of my times in a jungle or mountains Just about landscape you can think of the other 20% was jumping out of air planes now that guy was a bad azz but now it looks like I ate him, got married in 83 ,Honorable discharge in 84 grew my hair and moved to ft wayne Indiana home of the front loading mixer truck , shelly long from cheers and a few other things I do not mean to offend anyone but Northern indiana is Very flat and in-between the cities is nothing but Pigs and Corn asd far as the eye could see lived there till the mid 90's then I moved to Richmond I hated it at first til I started Hunting and fishing and visiting cemeteries it was a family thing we would walk thru old cemeteries and read the tombstones' while you were here did you ever hear of Hollywood cemetery ? it has like 4-5 president and a bunch of famous people not to mention the urban legends and there ya have it my life in a paragraph

since I got air under my pots they are in another growing spurt. I know everything seems to lean to 4 weeks for the flip with this being a scrog Im going to be at 6 -7 weeks before I flip it 12/12 I assume that wont hurt anything I just have to wonder is lettings this grow a bit longer am I over doing it in a 4x4 tent Im all set if I need to add a second net this is my first photo scrog so I will learn a lot with this grow the plants weigh half what they did yesterday and like I said are growing great so I think I got it in time to prevent root rot as far as feeding I should go to bloom 2 weeks before the switch? My watering should come back to a 2-3 day watering so twice a week if I water each plant with 2 liters cvan I feed it one liter with purpinator and 20 - 30 min later give it the second liter with bud candy or should I just do 1 watering with PURP and the next watering add the Bud candy?
ok I rambled your eyes out so Ill let ya go Thx for everything
I hope that method is ok the girls are dry drooping I cant wait for the lights to go on at 7pm I know they are going to go Ape poop chasing water stretching their limbs pull out so heard they grow a inch over night man growing weed is exciting ..some times I just like the early veg when you can watch them grow, and then ya get the stretch what a rush lol gonna give myself a heart attack My how life changes lol @Bill284 if you can clarify I would appreciate ity I* already have 2 batches PHed and ready Bud candy and Purpinastor over fresh bed of kobashi and frass with Nuggets of geo flora sounds so good Im gonna take some lol
Yeah I been up there fishing serval times well howdy neighbor :thumb:
Yeah I been up there fishing serval times well howdy neighbor :thumb:
Look at you two, less than an hour apart.
Hope you get a smoke in together. :yahoo:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
good afternoon my friend
Naa in the first part of the 80's I was station at 2/75 Ranger Battalion ft lewis WA spending 80% of my times in a jungle or mountains Just about landscape you can think of the other 20% was jumping out of air planes now that guy was a bad azz but now it looks like I ate him, got married in 83 ,Honorable discharge in 84 grew my hair and moved to ft wayne Indiana home of the front loading mixer truck , shelly long from cheers and a few other things I do not mean to offend anyone but Northern indiana is Very flat and in-between the cities is nothing but Pigs and Corn asd far as the eye could see lived there till the mid 90's then I moved to Richmond I hated it at first til I started Hunting and fishing and visiting cemeteries it was a family thing we would walk thru old cemeteries and read the tombstones' while you were here did you ever hear of Hollywood cemetery ? it has like 4-5 president and a bunch of famous people not to mention the urban legends and there ya have it my life in a paragraph

since I got air under my pots they are in another growing spurt. I know everything seems to lean to 4 weeks for the flip with this being a scrog Im going to be at 6 -7 weeks before I flip it 12/12 I assume that wont hurt anything I just have to wonder is lettings this grow a bit longer am I over doing it in a 4x4 tent Im all set if I need to add a second net this is my first photo scrog so I will learn a lot with this grow the plants weigh half what they did yesterday and like I said are growing great so I think I got it in time to prevent root rot as far as feeding I should go to bloom 2 weeks before the switch? My watering should come back to a 2-3 day watering so twice a week if I water each plant with 2 liters cvan I feed it one liter with purpinator and 20 - 30 min later give it the second liter with bud candy or should I just do 1 watering with PURP and the next watering add the Bud candy?
ok I rambled your eyes out so Ill let ya go Thx for everything
I hope that method is ok the girls are dry drooping I cant wait for the lights to go on at 7pm I know they are going to go Ape poop chasing water stretching their limbs pull out so heard they grow a inch over night man growing weed is exciting ..some times I just like the early veg when you can watch them grow, and then ya get the stretch what a rush lol gonna give myself a heart attack My how life changes lol @Bill284 if you can clarify I would appreciate ity I* already have 2 batches PHed and ready Bud candy and Purpinastor over fresh bed of kobashi and frass with Nuggets of geo flora sounds so good Im gonna take some lol
Omg I'm sorry I missed this.
Give me a minute to read it and I'll come back.
So sorry buddy. :Namaste:
I knew a gentleman him and his father were metal detector fanatics.
Loved looking at their treasures and hearing their stories.
History there is incredible.
I loved Richmond, very fond memories.
You must have joined straight out of high-school. ;)
Sounds exciting share a story when you get a minute.
Your plan sounds terrific, again my apologies on the delay. 🥺
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Buddy Im in no hurry I value our friendship even more than your advice I know you will reply in good time I know how busy you are no worries take your time.
My wife and kids can tell you about every battle field revolutionary and civil war let me put this way the History channel is my favorite I love learning about History I belive if more people actually knew the correct history they would throw out all the poloticians that keep repeating it and start off with people who already know how a STORY ENDS

Does this make sense on my runt she is starting to grow but it looks like 2 opposite fan leaves lowered a bit to allow light for the next set of sprouts

20220912_221633 (1).jpg

ya cant see'em but i brought in a extra crew of Gnomies on this one

Buddy Im in no hurry I value our friendship even more than your advice I know you will reply in good time I know how busy you are no worries take your time.
My wife and kids can tell you about every battle field revolutionary and civil war
When I went rafting on the New river our guid was a civil war expert.
Just unbelievable some of those battles.
Great freeken trip.
let me put this way the History channel is my favorite I love learning about History I belive if more people actually knew the correct history they would throw out all the poloticians that keep repeating it and start off with people who already know how a STORY ENDS

Does this make sense on my runt she is starting to grow but it looks like 2 opposite fan leaves
you mean at the 5th node where they start to alternate?
lowered a bit to allow light for the next set of sprouts

20220912_221633 (1).jpg

ya cant see'em but i brought in a extra crew of Gnomies on this one
Love the Gnomies Amigo. :love:
I need one of those stogies he has.
Hate the papers we have now though.
What happens to players and export papers.
Ever tried to spread honey oil on thin papers?
I mus b getin old.:rofl:
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 ;)
When I went rafting on the New river our guid was a civil war expert.
Just unbelievable some of those battles.
Great freeken trip.

you mean at the 5th node where they start to alternate?

Love the Gnomies Amigo. :love:

I need one of those stogies he has.
Hate the papers we have now though.
What happens to players and export papers.
Ever tried to spread honey oil on thin papers?
I mus b getin old.:rofl:
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 ;)
you mean at the 5th node where they start to alternate?
Did I just learn something ? is that a common thing ? I never realized it if it was but that helps me understand why ppl wait longer to top

I need one of those stogies he has.
Hate the papers we have now though.
What happens to players and export papers.
Ever tried to spread honey oil on thin papers?
I mus b getin old.:rofl:
Talk soon my friend.

when I was younger I would roll a doobie that looked like a lucky strike while driving down the road with a small zigzag the arthritis in my fingers really sucks I remember driving down the road rolling a joint with a single small zig zag and you would swear it was a cigarettes' now i CANT PULL ONE OUTTA THE PACK WITH OUT RIPPING IT (MAD EMOJI) but with age comes pain and wisdom now I use those Zigzag RAW with the scoop and the packer and the papers with a filter looking thing let alone spread honey oil

a buddy of mine had a tree on his families farm well more than one but any wauy it was in his back yard and went to cut it down got half way thru and the was a civil war Musket apparently in one of the local battles it was leaned against a tree and the tree grew around it man I have always been a history nut now im just a nut in genral
I am still 2-3 weeks at least away from the final transplant. I have been thinking about this grow before I was done germinating the last. In order to be a "OUTLAW NO MORE" I am capped at 4 plants. as I have grown I have learned that growing pretty plants is a challenge. this Grow is going to be in a purple haze, Black Lebanon accompanied with Blackberry mook rocks Bothstrains are know for their blackish purple coloring no to mention the butt kickin High let me start off with the strains

THC Levels That Till Take You to Space!

Anesia ” Anesia Seeds have created something exquisite with Blackberry Moonrocks. There was a time when THC levels which crept towards 20% seemed excessive. Anesia thought they could do better, and created a cannabis strain with THC levels pushing 33%! As cannabis strains go this is not one to miss. It is well balanced: 80% Indica and 20% Sativa. Due to the strength, it surpasses medical standards too. The Indica dominance means that although this strain is ludicrously strong, the effects are very pleasant. Nevertheless, expect these unbelievably potent buds to take your mind and body out of this world.

  • 33% THC
  • Up to 700gr/m2 Yield
  • 56 – 63 Days Until Harvest
  • Very Easy to Grow

A Game Changing Cannabis Strain

The potential yield on this plant is equally impressive. If treated well, the indoor weigh in can be up to 550gr/m2 – there will be enough THC on those plants to put a whale to sleep! These buds are seriously dense, almost rock solid, and are dripping with resin. The hefty weigh in means you can smoke some, and make extractions out of the rest. If this wasn’t enough, Blackberry Moonrocks has a speedy take off too, and on average blooms for about 8 weeks. You won’t be waiting long before your life is full of these blue-back buds. It is a fairly large plant, reaching between 110cm and 130cm indoors and climbing to over 250cm outdoors, where it likes dry weather. Although, it is resistant to mould. On a good year it is feasible even in northern climates, as harvest comes around at the end of September, meaning it is ready to to go before the bad weather arrives. The best part about an outdoor grow is that you can get yourself up to 700gr per plant.

These blue-purple nuggets taste how they look, like blackberries, blueberries and lavender. Just to remind you what your smoking, and betraying the serious strength of this strain, there is the slightest hint of citrus in there too. The soft smoke of Blackberry Moonrocks will delight you as it swirls about you in a heady fog.

To the Moon and Back!​

the second have of the scary duo




9 Weeks flowering period
Indica Dominant
Compact plants

Feminized seeds
Fem Gem
Hash, berries, fruity, slightly earthy
Long lasting, physical, relaxing, stoned

About Black Lebanon cannabis seeds​

Black Lebanon is a real treat for the true connoisseur of old school strains. This is the original Black Lebanon dating back from the 1980's, a true Hash plant. The producer has been busy with this strain since 2008 and selected the best mothers out of hundreds of plants. This strain is made from two original Black Lebanon landraces, a crossed between Lebanon #1 and Lebanon #5. Of course we took into account our desires towards quality, potency, taste, effect and of course a good yield.
We are very pleased and proud with the successful breeding results. Black Lebanon is one of the strongest landrace strains from Lebanon. She is naturally very resistant to high temperatures and dry climates thanks to the Lebanese landrace genetics.

The plants are very dark green with some leaves showing purple colourations. Some can look almost black. This makes these plants a real treat for the eye. The spectacular appearance is enhanced by the glittering white resinous trichomes which really stand out against the dark foliage of the plant.

The taste is a little fruiter than the original Black Lebanon, more flavoursome with less of an earthy taste. The production levels are medium to high, depending on the growers skills and lights used. We recommend a minimum of 600W per m2 of HPS, or perhaps around 400W/m2 of quality LED. In optimum conditions 500 gram per m2 is possible.
She grows between 80cm and 1.50 m tall and is also very suited to the SOG grow technique. SCROG is possible but takes longer because she isn't the stretchiest of strains. Black Lebanon is very sticky and resinous with THC levels reaching in between 16% and 22%

The indoor flower period is around 60-65 days. Outdoors she can be harvested around the middle of October. Indoors, she is very resistant to stress and high temperatures. The genetic background is very strong and the team were surprised and impressed with the resin levels, terpene profile and bud production. It's not very common to see a plant this vigorous with such growth speed.

So if you want to impress yourself and your stoner friends try it out now and enjoy the relaxing vibes and old school memories from the 1980's.

the girls have been caught they tried to get away but I threw thew net over them the SCROG NET "LET THE GAMES BEGIN"

The topping has been paying off as a matter a fact thew plant I butchered I hope to recover by topping it today 2 plant are great Runt is coming on strong

the toppings last week are done recovering and moving ahead I have topped every plant sevral times now
20220918_135825 (1).jpg

The topping has been paying off as a matter a fact thew plant I butchered I hope to recover by topping it today 2 plant are great Runt is coming on strong

the toppings last week are done recovering and moving ahead I have topped every plant sevral times now
20220918_135825 (1).jpg

Good job saavvaaggee hope your doing good man.
Good job saavvaaggee hope your doing good man.
Than you Green, this grow will be better than my last and the same will happen for you Buddy Just think a few mopre grows and we'll be the ones helping the new guys
wo I been neglecting my journal. a lot has happen to0 make long story short with winter coming ,it means we will be running the heat with the house AC on I can keep my plants between 65*F./19c to 80*/27*c (did i get that right I paid attention in school when they told us needed to know the metric system just been so dang long 45 yrs lol) anyway before i ramble on I moved my tent to to put it in a place I can add a portable ac, Ill have it monday, those low temps are key along with the phenos to get THE PURPLE PEOPLE EATER I hope this bud is so good it eats me so far (knock on wood) Im having a really good grow that Geo flora ios magic I know I said it a million times the Dynomyco, Bokashi and frass they are D"shi7 . now that I am in a new place I figured I would turn my plants since I had the rare chance with a SCRoG. I found out I hads to learn my plants again looking at the other end I have to look for where I topped them. I am going to lost a little bit because I had to make room for the AC and I can't have it blowing on them. here is a shot end of week 5 on monday 60% full probably going to flip at 80%-90% and have a 6" net waiting to catch them. *correction end of week 6.they kind of look better with out the scrog but wait till they bud. the last pic is the ladies in their new home notice the wall of fame I Geo flora a letter telling them how awesome it was and asked if they had any swag for my tent and they hooked me up a bunch of stickers a key Chain and nice Pin I put it in my non sponsor supplier hat , I see now I gotta fix my bar its covering my 420 mag sticker


I got my new AC unit today it was rated best choice for a grow tent, the sernelife slcap8 as little 8000 btu and it kicks out some cold air Luckily mit allows the air to go up or down enough that it isnt freezing a leaf. now that I have full control of the temps I added a 260 watt burple light raising my lux to about 55000 and my ppfd avg to 600 so it should be ready to flip soon I know it is terrible but im already planning my next grow

@Bill284 I had a question for you on purple pics ,But I would like to see your reply here in my journal if ya alreadfy ansdwered it dont do it again lol in the journal from the founders buddy in the emerald Triangle they talked about a 16/60 16 day dry is the thing I want to know about I got a 3x3x5 tent just for drying how do I get a 16 day dry ?
Thx bud
I got my new AC unit today it was rated best choice for a grow tent, the sernelife slcap8 as little 8000 btu and it kicks out some cold air Luckily mit allows the air to go up or down enough that it isnt freezing a leaf. now that I have full control of the temps I added a 260 watt burple light raising my lux to about 55000 and my ppfd avg to 600 so it should be ready to flip soon I know it is terrible but im already planning my next grow

@Bill284 I had a question for you on purple pics ,But I would like to see your reply here in my journal if ya alreadfy ansdwered it dont do it again lol in the journal from the founders buddy in the emerald Triangle they talked about a 16/60 16 day dry is the thing I want to know about I got a 3x3x5 tent just for drying how do I get a 16 day dry ?
Thx bud
Good morning :ciao:
16 is a little long for me but doable.
You need control of the environment.
Dropping the rh very slowly until you reach 65-70.
Then into jars or bags.
10 days was my longest I believe.
But a week give or take was average.
Unless you have your drying tent in a lung room you will have difficulties.
Controlling that small of an environment will be hard.
Not impossible just difficult.
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I thought 16 was a bit long I imagine they have a drying barn? something like they do for tobacco?
Good morning :ciao:
16 is a little long for me but doable.
You need control of the environment.
Dropping the rh very slowly until you reach 65-70.
Then into jars or bags.
10 days was my longest I believe.
But a week give or take was average.
Unless you have your drying tent in a lung room you will have difficulties.
Controlling that small of an environment will be hard.
Not impossible just difficult.
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
it seemed long to me too I went a week this last time and It was too wet so I let it sit out for a day or so before jaring it here is the kicker did you ever have a plant give 2 diffrent buds? one dense and long the other small and rock hard the Rock-hard buds were perfect smell good smoke smooth everything I want from a harvest but that was 1 oz out of 4 it is important to me that this grow not smell like a barn you have taught me to grow decent pot I still have a lot to learn but it is getting better the Gelato I grew 2 months ago is just now smelling decent and really smooth I need to fix my end game (the wife said the same thing almost 40 yrs ago must a worked ) how are you doing Buddy finding muscles you forgot ya had ? I regret not buying my own place I would have a shed/greenhouse going too. prolly a bit nippy now at least in the am isnt it? gotta get to work ill talkl soon
@Bill284 I am trying to get use to the new AC when I have the temps set at 77 directly under the light has gotten as high as 88 while below the canopy the temp are 75 ish (in the plants pot thermometer is sitting on top of the medium the other is on top of the net. where should I focus my temps what needs to be the coolest the tops or the roots? I really like this AC you know I got the one you recommended it was rated as one of the best for a grow tent I was worried about it blowing on the plants but not a problem It can blow up or down and not blow on the plants
Thanks have a good day :snowboating:

* got another one just to clarify Im due to put down geo flora on friday I also want to flip on friday Now from a past conversation we have had I want no lights for 36 hrs when I feed on friday even if I flip I should still use the GF veg till after the stretch I am going to defoil under the net when I flip so everything goes to the top. does that sound like the way to go?
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