Piña's 2020 Diary 3rd Journal

Wow this last picture you post is looking good man!
Congrats on all these grows, seem like you're treating them very well
May I know what light you're using indoor (Didn't manage to find it in the journal)
Well done again and best of luck for the future, will stay tuned in
Peace :passitleft:
Frequent watering feels so alien, but that's what I was advised, and that's what's working. Leaving the taproot to do it's thing is not the way forward in Hempy apparently.

Once they get out of the seedling stage and into a bigger volume perlite/reservoir, you can back off on the watering if you want.

That Kraken is phat! :drool:
Hey all,
Welcome to my journal blvck, cheers for stopping by. As for my light, it's a DIY cob setup I built for myself. It's construction was featured in my 2nd journal. There's a link in my sig if you're really interested :)

That Kraken is crackin'. :)

She is indeed, good to see you Shed, hope you're feeling better.

I managed to find my loupe....


Typical. Where the hell am I supposed to get watch batteries in the middle of a lock down. I must have scrounged them for something, no idea what. Weird thing is it would probably be easier for me to get a new one than the batteries at the moment. Strange times.

I was quite pissed off until I remembered I'd been given an old usb microscope by a friend. Even better.



What fun, I'm seeing a good amount of milky, some clear, and no amber. Maybe Saturday is a bit premature. Thoughts?

Stay safe and well all

The Kraken gets a stay of execution then. I'll have another look at her in a week by the sounds of things. Thanks for the advice all.

Welcome, backlipslide. The loupe is fantastic, I'd completely forgot I had it. I must have just put it away when we moved. I don't think it's working correctly, but it works. :D

More good news I'm loving the established Hempys


Growing great, and happy. Not one sign of complaint.

Now the bad news. I think I've burnt, the burnt girl again.


Gave her 1.5ml per L again yesterday, and she was like that this morning.

Not overly bothered, one of the reasons I kept her around is I suspected I'd do it again. I'd hoped I wouldn't though.

I flushed her and will go back to 1ml per L.

The really bad news is the poor Blueberry. She's still on 0.5ml per L, but she's looking like this.


So much for launching without a hitch.

I'm thinking it's an overwater problem. Her perlite is from a different bag and is far finer, it's not draining as well as the others. I suspected it might happen, but thought she'd be able to ride it out until the up pot.

I'm going to transplant her to another Hempy with the larger perlite.

Another lesson learnt, not all perlite is equal :D

Cheers for stopping by, stay safe and well

Who knew hempy was this complicated?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I'm sure it's not, just my dumbarsedness.

The more established plants are doing great, I'm well pleased with them so far.

The problem's getting the seedlings established :oops:. I'll get there, I've got a few seeds in the fridge :).

The good news is burnt girl hasn't missed a beat. She's now got 2 sets of funky leaves, but the new growth is good and true. Fingers crossed I don't turn a third set funky.

The blueberry will be fine, caught it in time. I was right about the perlite, it had so much powder in it. I've washed it through, and now it drains miles better.

You'll have to take my word for it, no pics. My camera's playing up :confused:.

Cheers for stopping by, stay safe and well

Happy Friday all,
Hope everyone's well.

So I've managed to find a workaround to get my camera up and running, sort of. It's developed a problem with it's aperture mechanism. It's a known issue apparently, and the camera is conveniently (for the manufacturer) out of warranty. Very frustrating, but there are far worse things going on at the moment.

I'm still killing babies when it comes to starting seed in perlite. It does get easier once you get a feel for it.

Good to know I'm not the only one. Gardening does not come naturally to me. I'm learning, let's hope it's quick for the sake of my seed collection.

I haven't killed the seedlings yet. Burnt girl is now wearing her second set of burnt leaves with pride. As promised new growth is good. I have yet to burn them.


Today is Day 17, she is still on 1ml per L, and have no plans of changing it. I've convinced her I won't burn her again, I'd like to be true to my word.

The Blueberry, on
Day 7 has managed to avoid the worst of my stupidity so far.


She is no longer drowning, and appears happy in her new home. She's still on 0.5ml per L at the moment. Not increasing it yet. There are enough abused leaves in this journal already.

The established girls are doing great, as far as I can tell super happy and content.


Here they are, showing the young ones I'm not a complete monster :). They're being watered every other day with 2ml per L. No signs of deficiencies that I can see, so I'm sticking with that. Day 49 for them.

I've fallen into a routine. First I tilt them, and remove any nute mix from the reservoir, there's never much left. Then I float them with plain bubbled water, putting my finger over the hole. I then let them drain and tilt them, (every other watering I do this twice). Lastly I water with a fresh nute mix until I get run off. Simples.

All I've got to do is get the little ones to that stage, and they'll be golden. As long as nothing else goes wrong :).

I hope it doesn't, the Dark Devil is becoming quite the looker.


She's not smelling too bad either. Just waiting for something to go screwy.

Cheers for stopping by all.



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I've fallen into a routine. First I tilt them, and remove any nute mix from the reservoir, there's never much left. Then I float them with plain bubbled water, putting my finger over the hole. I then let them drain and tilt them, (every other watering I do this twice). Lastly I water with a fresh nute mix until I get run off.

That’s some routine! Now, even Shed thinks hempy is complicated. :laughtwo:

I am curious about your rinse step. Why do it? Have you experienced a problem with just adding the nutrient solution rapidly, so that you get a good stream out of the hole? That usually flushes out the remnants in the reservoir.

Sometimes, I will plug the hole and “raise” the perlite, and then let go and get the good old Belgian pee. :surf:

But if you derive great pleasure doing something, during these times especially, then please continue. :slide:
mr.Pina you have inspired me to try hempy today cause I have to see for myself as this looks like a challenge to me and something that's going to irk me until forever.....hahaha

So step one I need a closed pot which I make holes in the side walls bout 5-10cm from the bottom, I only got fine perlite during lockdown so that will have to do, next is flushing the perlite of dust.

While this is all going on I drop a seed in water and those steps that follow, once decent taproot is out and into perlite, now the tricky part the nutrients and feeding...... :cough: ok mr.Pina I'm going to go make a coffee and roll myself a doobie:passitleft:its gold cheese luverly uppity stuffto get ya going, go figure out who my hempy sacrifice is going to be and ill leave you to figure out if I've gone wrong anywhere so far....:rofl:
Happy 420 eve everyone,
Time for a Sunday update.


Group photo, enjoying the Sunshine. For the first time everyone's happy. The established plants are rolling along, and I haven't done anything more to upset the seedlings :).

As it's the weekend I kept track of how much direct Sun they're getting. By moving them to the right at some point during the afternoon I can get them direct Sun between 11am and 4pm. I can add that movement to my watering routine @FelipeBlu ;).

My watering routine probably reads more complicated than it is. Don't let it put anyone off.

I decided on a rinse step firstly because it has been mentioned that AN might be more prone to leaving a build up than others. Secondly because flushing with a nute mix seems somehow wasteful to me.

But if you derive great pleasure doing something, during these times especially, then please continue. :slide:

Having said all that there could be more than a bit of that going on. Although most importantly I've started with it, and the girls aren't complaining.

I'm not going to say they're out of the danger zone yet, but burnt girl's got to be getting there.


Still feeding her 1ml per L, will risk upping it later in the week.

The Blueberry has managed to escape any more screw ups, but there's time.


Showing slight leaf damage from her drowning, but nothing like the burnt girl's. She's still getting 0.5ml per L. Likewise I'm hoping to up that later in the week.

Smeegol I'm humbled if I inspired you, I'll pop over and see who you choose to sacrifice :) .

At the moment, despite all my teething troubles, I couldn't recommend Hempy enough. I'm really enjoying it, and so are the plants.


Stay well and safe all.

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