Piña's 2020 Diary 3rd Journal

Thanks Shed! I do my transplant differently. I wait until the roots have populated the perlite in the solo cup to the point that I can just pull the cup off. The plant is stronger then, and I don’t have to worry about damaging the young, tender tap root and early fine hair roots.
I forgot that the last post was about transplanting out of hempy! beez is going into soil from there and probably doesn't want to deal with the transition from water roots to soil roots.
Good afternoon all,
Hope everyone is well, and having the best Sunday possible during these trying times.

The information regarding transplanting out of hempy is going to come in handy eventually Shed. The flooding method to release looks like it works great, with what looks like very little stress for the plant. I'll be using that method for sure.

Good to know transplanting hempy to soil works. Soil to hempy for sure doesn't, well not the way I did it :D .

The garden today


Your eyes do not deceive, I still have 2 plants. I couldn't bring myself to cull the most runty of the two runts. I left her in the tent for a day or so, when I brought her out to do the deed she showed signs of starting to flower. I caved :D. Even if I only get one vape off her she's staying until the bitter end, I'm sure she has more to teach me yet.

The bigger of the runts has something going on with the lower leaves


Damage from it's earlier struggles? pH? I am relying on pH perfect tech at the moment :oops:. My best guess from a chart is Mag ? I'll keep an eye on it.

Space in the kitchen has been located for the latest member of the clan.


Just chilling under my seedling light. I negotiated a couple of days to start with, but going to try for the weekend. Give her chance to get her first true set of leaves.

So far planting straight into perlite is working great.


One of the fastest starts I've had. That shot is taken after just shy of 48hrs by my reckoning. Hope I can keep on top of her. :D

At the moment I'm watering very little, very often, with a very weak mix of nutes. I'll be glad (and relieved) when she's more established, but so far so good.

Can't get into the tent yet, so no update on the Kraken. I might update later, not a lot else going on. :)

Cheers for stopping by, stay well

Awesome journal so far! All caught up and ready for the harvest. It's all about learning and getting better. Last year was the first time and I harvested nothing... months of love and attention ruined by a short amount of neglect and not paying attention. Big lessons learned and I'm going to be ding my best to keep my online and paper journals updated this year. I'm formally writing it down as a 2020 goal for myself. Cheers on this difficult Sunday morning. I'm getting ready to get started in the garden. Have a blessed day!
Welcome all,
I said I might update later, here they all are lined up for the nightshift.


The Kraken is approaching the end. I have the date of 19th April in my head as a generous harvest date. We were going to have visitors around then, so the date stuck in my head. I know that would give it longer than the advertised 63 days.

The 2 Runts are on day 30, and both are showing preflowers.

I'm glad to see your little one enjoying the perlite :thumb:

As am I. Feels weird having it in such a neutral medium. It's only surviving on what I put there. Not used to having such a feeling of responsibility in the garden :D

Probably past issues. The new leaves look great. I would keep an eye on it and see if damage progresses before taking any action.

That's what I was thinking, but cheers for the second pair of eyes.

Baked, I've never managed to wipe out that many. Well not in one sitting anyway ;)

It can for sure go South quick, but they're all lessons learnt.

Have a good start to the week all, stay well.

With all the white pistils on her, three more weeks seems reasonable, more or less, depending on your preferences. That’s a lot of fading with 3 weeks left, though. Pulling on her fans might not be giving her all she needs to finish putting everything into building monster buds.
I'm in for the watch :popcorn: but... This perlite soil has let you down from day one.... It's doesn't hold enough nutrients or moisture. A medium like that is more for hydro so the roots are supplied by water and nutes constantly. Just my observation. Autos don't have enough time to allow forgiveness like you've been trying to give the little gaffers. I think in the end you are going to be disappointed in your efforts.
Good evening and welcome all

Was hoping to update with my latest seed purchases tonight, but they haven't arrived.

I'm not surprised, and not worried, everything's so screwed up at the moment I'm not sweating something coming a day late.

It'll be nice to have un-muddled seeds when they do get here though. :D

That’s a lot of fading with 3 weeks left, though. Pulling on her fans might not be giving her all she needs to finish putting everything into building monster buds.

Glad you said that. I thought the same over the weekend and upped her feed a bit. Hopefully she'll respond to it.

I'm in for the watch :popcorn: but... This perlite soil has let you down from day one....

I'm hoping it's more like I've let the perlite down ;)

This Hempy bucket thing is classed as a passive hydro, if I recall correctly.

I decided to give it a go after checking out, this thread

The pictures in there speak for themselves, and the method's explained far better than I could.

Alas not well enough to stop me messing up, but that's on me, not the thread.

Hopefully number three will do better, no promises though. Cheers for the watch

Good luck keep at it! Love seeing the styles everyone has all very unique. :Namaste:

Cheers P, thanks for popping by, I've never been accused of having style before, but I could do with the luck, so thanks.

No photos tonight, you're just going to have believe me when I say the little one's doing well:D

Cheers for stopping by

tent looks good..
ph your mix pina -- you are playing dangerous with that ph perfect crap. it will bite you eventually.

transplanting from hempy is super easy ... i transplant similar to soil. transfer the plant on a dry day and water in.
have provided clones for loads of soil growers .. they simply transfer the plant as normal and treat any perlite the same as soil that would stick to the roots. the plants don't even pout .. :)
As Long as you've got a pH between 4 and 8 you don't have to worry about adjusting the pH, Piña. All the minerals in the pH perfect products are chelated and don't care about pH. I haven't used my pH pen in a couple of years other than to curiously check. My nute mix get a pH of 7.2 and the plants love it!
Hey all,
Hope everyone's safe and well.

Time for the update I was going to do last night, but first....

pH, have I ever mentioned how much I hate trying to check pH.

One of the reasons I went with AN is their pH perfect range. I had never tried them before because their marketing put me off, Bud Candy!!!. I'd never got far enough through the blurb to notice their pH claims. When I did, and started considering Hempy I thought the stars had aligned, somewhat :D

The question now is, will it work? The way I see it there's only one way to find out.

At the moment I have no way of checking pH, I can't find my stash of litmus paper, and don't think I'll be able to buy any.

So for now it looks like I'm "playing dangerous", you've got me intrigued though. I'll have an ask around and see if I can get something to do a quick test just to see.

Cheers for the input, the way I read it, I got a won't work, works great, and a might work but.... ;)

So let's find out.

Apart from faint murmurs about how much they hate cardboard the 2 runts are doing great.


standing at 7" and 4" high they're not going to produce a great deal of bud, but they're green, pretty, and feeding us oxygen, albeit not a lot.

The taller one has it's stretch on, the smaller one not so much.

If I thought she could handle more trauma I'd transfer the tiny one to an egg cup, just to make her look even more cute.

The seedling appears to be doing great.


She seems healthy to me so far. I'm feeding her 1ml per L of grow/bloom/micro. I'm watering her often, using a syringe, 20ml at a time. Just running it down her stem to the roots.

The Kraken continues to fatten up, difficult to tell if she's responded to the increase in feed.


Wish I'd paid more attention to her training early on, but there'll be a next time.


My package arrived today, and it made me laugh. I accidently bought a 10 pack of pre-muddled seeds. I thought it was a good deal 10 pack of assorted auto's from Buddha seeds for 24 euros.

For some reason I had it in my head it would work like a try pack, and have the different strains labelled, so I could order my favourite again. No such luck :D

Think there should be enough there to keep me busy for 2020 though.

Cheers for stopping by all

Hey all,
Hope you're all doing well, and coping with all the weirdness life is throwing us at the moment. I guess I decided to do a new journal at the right time. :)

So first the good news. I found something to check pH with.


I knew I had something somewhere. Not the most accurate method I know, but it gives a rough idea. I'd say that's not too far out. Hopefully it'll do until the craziness passes, and I can invest in something more suitable.

The runts are still doing well. I know they'll never make up for the lost time, but it's nice to see the Hempys working in person. The larger runt is even showing signs of purple.


Now they're over their initial problems, they're trotting along nicely, and looking really healthy.

So now the problem child.

My comment "appears to be great" from yesterday originally read "has me wondering", but I changed my mind and decided to give her another day. A day later and I wish I'd stuck to my guns, because now she really has me wondering.

She is indeed a bit on the lanky side. My seedling light is at the same height as I have always used it.


It's about 5"/12cm or so above the seedling. It's made out of 2 repurposed emergency light fittings, about 18w each at the wall. The diodes are very spread out, so it has a very large, weak footprint, but it's never been a problem for seedlings before.

I put her lankyness down to the the depth (or lack of) that I placed the seed. The poor thing wasn't really that deep under the perlite, so last night I carefully added a thin layer of fresh perlite. Now she looks less lanky, but that wasn't what had me wondering.

Her leaf development is what got me. I'd have expected a seedling in soil, that looked like she did on Sunday, to be well into developing her first true leaves by Tuesday.

It struck me yesterday that she wasn't, but when I examined the photo it didn't look as bad as real life. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and one more day to see what was going on.


There is something funky going on, and not in a star-shaped sunglasses good way.

I have acted on my best guess, which is nutes are too strong. She has been getting the same mix as the other girls, watered down 50/50 with plain water. This would mean 1ml per L of grow, veg, micro. As per the AN schedule.

My reaction has been to flush her, and then re-water with the other girls mix at a quarter strength, to see if she'll bounce back.

If she doesn't I have 3 more of my muddled seeds to pop.

I've got my fingers crossed, but she needs to understand I don't have the time for 3 Lilliputian weed plants :)

Cheers for stopping by, all suggestions gratefully received.

Hola PD! Glad to see you are doing well. :high-five:

Good move on adding more perlite. As far as top growth, it will lag slightly in hempy, as the root reaches for the reservoir. Then, step back! lol

Be very careful with nutes on seedlings. I don’t go over 0.5 EC (250ppm) for the first week.
Hola Felipe cheers for the reply.

I thought I'd read that Hempys lagged at the start, another reason I didn't call it yesterday. It makes sense. Until the roots get to the goodies at the bottom of the pot, the plant hasn't got a lot to work with. Unlike soil.

Just hope the new, lower nute level sorts out that leaf curl.

I'm looking forward to the stepping back part. :D

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