Piña's 2020 Diary 3rd Journal

Good evening all,
Time for a Tuesday, post 420 update. I'm sure it's Tuesday, so hard to tell with everything that's going on (or not) at the moment.

First thing yesterday this arrived. Happy 420 to me.


Super exited about this. @bluter has made some great posts in his journal demonstrating how to use an instant pot to make infused creams, and more recently infused vegetable glycerin. Infused VG really interests me, well Mrs P really.

We've been needing a new slow cooker (crockpot) for a while, so I suggested an upgrade. Can't wait to use it, just got time for a couple of stews before summer hits too.

We also took delivery of a new office chair. Mrs P is working from home, and not having a suitable chair is causing issues, so a new one was needed. It needed to be delivered, because of the shutdown, so we gave Ikea a try.

Luckily for me Ikea also sell plant pots so the young ones now have new homes.


Transplanted them both yesterday, and for now it looks like they've taken it in their stride. They're both on 1ml per L of bloom/grow/micro, and calmag now. I'll be looking to up the burnt girl's feed later in the week. I really don't want to burn her again

Really pleased with how the pots turned out. I was able to stack 2 pots to make one, they're lightproof, and have no taper. Each one is just shy of 5L, with a reservoir of about 1L. They cost 6 euros each to put together. They will do the job, and having no duct tape is a win for me.

The established girls are doing okay.


The DD was starting to show signs of hunger yesterday with slightly paling leaves, the unknown not so much. I upped them both to 3ml per L yesterday. No ill effect as yet.

The Kraken still isn't ready




Really loving having this scope. I wasn't going to take it when it was offered. Glad I did.

That's all for now folks.

Stay safe and well,

Good evening all,
Time for a Tuesday, post 420 update. I'm sure it's Tuesday, so hard to tell with everything that's going on (or not) at the moment.

First thing yesterday this arrived. Happy 420 to me.


Super exited about this. @bluter has made some great posts in his journal demonstrating how to use an instant pot to make infused creams, and more recently infused vegetable glycerin. Infused VG really interests me, well Mrs P really.

We've been needing a new slow cooker (crockpot) for a while, so I suggested an upgrade. Can't wait to use it, just got time for a couple of stews before summer hits too.

We also took delivery of a new office chair. Mrs P is working from home, and not having a suitable chair is causing issues, so a new one was needed. It needed to be delivered, because of the shutdown, so we gave Ikea a try.

Luckily for me Ikea also sell plant pots so the young ones now have new homes.


Transplanted them both yesterday, and for now it looks like they've taken it in their stride. They're both on 1ml per L of bloom/grow/micro, and calmag now. I'll be looking to up the burnt girl's feed later in the week. I really don't want to burn her again

Really pleased with how the pots turned out. I was able to stack 2 pots to make one, they're lightproof, and have no taper. Each one is just shy of 5L, with a reservoir of about 1L. They cost 6 euros each to put together. They will do the job, and having no duct tape is a win for me.

The established girls are doing okay.


The DD was starting to show signs of hunger yesterday with slightly paling leaves, the unknown not so much. I upped them both to 3ml per L yesterday. No ill effect as yet.

The Kraken still isn't ready




Really loving having this scope. I wasn't going to take it when it was offered. Glad I did.

That's all for now folks.

Stay safe and well,


Congrats on your new gear, Piña!
The slow cooking recipes is something I'm really interested in. I've got one but I'm getting sick of the infused coconut oil and need some better options.
The new hempys from Ikea look great! Perfect upgrade. If you need some other grow gear urgently, eurogrow delivers quickly during the lockdown.
That Kraken looks amazing and she's still growing - sweet! She's getting massive buds! :thumb:
And I love the colour of the Dark devil. Most of my purple or blue plants tend to stay green...
Happy Friday people,
Hope everyone is staying well, and found a way to make Friday feel like a Friday.
Kinda looks like you're working out the kinks pretty well during the lockdown. Might as well!

I'm hoping so, there's not a lot else going on. I might even be getting to the stage where I'm hoping for issues. :eek: Not really, it's not that bad.

"might as well" is the expression Mrs P used, for instigating the mammoth Spring clean I've just endured. I wasn't really too impressed with the idea of a co-op cleaning session, but there's not a lot else going on, so....

I admit it's had some positive effects 1)Happy wife, 2) got a clean house, 3)Friday feels a little like Friday 4) I'm looking forward to next week at work.

The garden hasn't been without issues, but generally it's doing great.


Can you see who's missing? The Kraken got the chop.

I found 2 patches of bud rot on Thursday morning. I didn't notice anything on Tuesday night. I'm amazed how quick it set in, 2 small patches. I managed to pick out all the grim stuff, washed them in water with some h2o2, and have hung to dry.


That bud had the smaller of the 2 patches. I'm not surprised it happened, she was well bunched up on herself and humidity's been on the high side.

I am surprised how fast it came on though. I didn't notice anything Tuesday and I had her out on my desk so I could use the scope on her. Maybe I'm a bad parent.....

Well we all know what burnt girl's been through, and I've been at it again.


At least this time I only spilt nute mix on her. Day 24.

More importantly I haven't miss-fed the Blueberry yet.


She's on Day 14, with next to no sign of damage from me.

They're still on 1ml per L, and not complaining.

The established girls are on Day 56


They're both on 3ml per L.

The unknown girl's showing no signs of discontent. Whatever she is, she's very happy and makes quite a contrast to the Dark Devil.

The Dark Devil is still showing signs of a calmag deficiency. Apart from that she's happy.

I've changed a small part of my setup. Up until now I've been mixing my nutes in 10l batches that take around 7 days to use. I'm now going to mix as needed.

I've noticed that come day 4 or 5 you can see small particles floating in the nute mix. This can't be right. I'm thinking 3 part nute mixes are 3 part for a reason, mixing too far in advance might not be so good.

I'd like to hear other people's thoughts?

For now I'm mixing as needed.
If you need some other grow gear urgently, eurogrow delivers quickly during the lockdown.

I know man. I ordered some stuff off of them a few weeks ago, got here fast. All their pots have holes, as far as I could tell.

Trying to find pots online, with a description stating if they have drainage holes or not is quite a mission. I'm happy with what I got.

Right I'm off to eat some Instant Pot chicken. :)

Stay safe and well all.



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That Dark Devil looks so good. Love that colour!

I've noticed that come day 4 or 5 you can see small particles floating in the nute mix. This can't be right. I'm thinking 3 part nute mixes are 3 part for a reason, mixing too far in advance might not be so good.

You need to shake well before each feed. In my auto feed system I have a circulation pump that just stirs things up all the time. My containers for hand feeding are well shaken before each feed. It works well for my mixes. It would be a real pain to have to make a new mix for each feeding.
And how is the fan action on the plants, Piňa? With our humidity we need a lot of air blowing on the buds. I recently had 2 plants that had bud rot as well. They got it in the exact same spot in the corner of the tent. It was a dead zone for air flow and I had to move the fans around a bit.
Super exited about this. @bluter has made some great posts in his journal demonstrating how to use an instant pot to make infused creams, and more recently infused vegetable glycerin. Infused VG really interests me, well Mrs P really.
I plan on doing something with infusions too. Probably just canna butter/coconut oil. If I could get some high strength alcohol then I'd love to make some tincture so taking just a drop or 3 will get me to where I want to go. I have an Ardent Decarboxylator which seems to work great, takes out the smell and guesswork. It'll be interesting what your opinions of the infused VG will be. I definitely like the idea of finding some sort of infusion that keeps well and does the job when smoking or vaping are not possible.

Really loving having this scope. I wasn't going to take it when it was offered. Glad I did.
You're getting some great pics with it, and with a sufficient field of view too rather than closeups on just 1 or 2 trichomes.

"might as well" is the expression Mrs P used, for instigating the mammoth Spring clean I've just endured. I wasn't really too impressed with the idea of a co-op cleaning session, but there's not a lot else going on, so....
I has similar yesterday. First had a good vape then gave the house a spring clean level of vacuuming which likewise made happy wife and happy house.

The unknown girl's showing no signs of discontent. Whatever she is, she's very happy and makes quite a contrast to the Dark Devil.
Interesting too about the Dark Devil, I have seen a lot of postings about that strain, very striking looks, I wonder how the high is.
Hey all,
Welcome to my journal blvck, cheers for stopping by. As for my light, it's a DIY cob setup I built for myself. It's construction was featured in my 2nd journal. There's a link in my sig if you're really interested :)

She is indeed, good to see you Shed, hope you're feeling better.

I managed to find my loupe....


Typical. Where the hell am I supposed to get watch batteries in the middle of a lock down. I must have scrounged them for something, no idea what. Weird thing is it would probably be easier for me to get a new one than the batteries at the moment. Strange times.

I was quite pissed off until I remembered I'd been given an old usb microscope by a friend. Even better.



What fun, I'm seeing a good amount of milky, some clear, and no amber. Maybe Saturday is a bit premature. Thoughts?

Stay safe and well all

Love the shots. What type usb scope did you use?
Good evening all,
Time for a Sunday update. First...

And how is the fan action on the plants, Piňa?

Nowhere near good enough. Plenty of extraction, and plenty of air movement, but for sure dead spots. Need an oscillating fan, spread that breeze about a bit. It's now on the list of things to get. I've been putting it off too long.

@Stunger alcohol tincture would be first choice, but getting suitable alcohol is impossible. Hope VG will do the job, although I think you'd need more than one or two drops. I'm still waiting on VG, but I'll be sure to mention how it goes.

You're getting some great pics with it, and with a sufficient field of view too rather than closeups on just 1 or 2 trichomes.
Love the shots. What type usb scope did you use?

Thank you, I'm not sure what it is, I was given it a couple of years ago, and never thought to use it until now. I am sure it wasn't overly expensive.


The red buttons, to zoom and take shot don't work (might be why I was given it). You have to focus by turning a wheel, and then use the mouse button to take the shot. All a bit awkward while trying to hold the scope up against a live plant, it'll be good for nug shots on a desk.

The scope works better than the camera that took it's photo. Aperture control's screwy . At least it let me take the daytime photo without a flash today.


All alive and doing well. Here they are at the end of their Sunnyday.

The Dark Devil and unknown are putting on weight, burnt girl is looking surprisingly unburnt, and the Blueberry is healthy and strong.

Stay safe and well all

Happy labour day all,
Hope everyone is safe and well out there, and managing to remember what day of the week it is. I'm led to believe it's a Tuesday, if your struggling.

According to my plan I'm due to be popping another bean this coming weekend, but today seems a good day to launch this one.


I'm going to be using the paper towel method, into a plug, then into perlite. I could feel the fear in this poor seed whilst I was holding the packet, it's shaking.

Images of the Blueberry didn't seem to help.


She's doing alright, no sign of damage at my hands, or complaint. Still not upped her feed.

The burnt girl's never happy. Now she's showing signs of deficiency.


Fussy bugger :D . I'm upping her feed to 1.5ml per L to see how she goes.

Now the established girls. The Dark Devil went outside looking good yesterday morning, but came back in last night looking like this.


I think we can agree she's looking very Autumnal. I feel like I've got a little bit of the Fall in my garden, she changed so quick. 8hrs.

Today is day 60 for her, which weirdly is exactly the 8.5 weeks (seed to harvest) advertised be Sweet Seeds. I don't think she's quite done though.

She was very light when I moved her out on Monday morning, but I didn't have time to feed her. Fed her Monday evening and she was more or less dry again this morning, so she's still drinking a lot. I've removed the worst fan leaves to expose the stuff underneath, to see how she goes. Hopefully she'll fatten up a bit, but don't think she's got long.

The unknown established girl is just starting to show signs of maturity. She's got few dark pistils up top, and a few light coloured leaves low down.


Think she's got a lot further to go than the DD though.

Well that's all for now folks. My camera is now struggling to upload images to my PC, so my updates are getting increasingly frustrating. Need to look for something else.

Hope everyone is staying safe, well and entertained.

good catch on the bud rot pina ... i dunno how to do the egrec over the n .. or is it omulate -- that might be the dots.. :p
a wash with h202 was the right move.

everything else looks fantastic. :)
Thanks Bluter I was amazed at the speed the rot set in, so glad I caught it.

I have a better fan on the way, oscillating, hopefully it'll get all the corners.

I asked the wife how to get an "ñ" called an enye. Apparently Alt + 164 = ñ. First time I used it I had a Spanish keyboard. I didn't know for an English one, I always copied and pasted :D .

Knowing's not going to help me anyway, only works on a number pad. My keyboard ain't got one of them.

According to my plan I'm due to be popping another bean this coming weekend, but today seems a good day to launch this one.


Hahaha, I love the name. That strain looks interesting.
If you put the paper towel in a zip bag, it'll keep the moisture at a constant level.
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