Our Ongoing Grows

You know it's funny Pop and Pop's you talking about clean. I was just out in the office looking around thinking of all the damn places mites can live around my house. With this damn perpetual grow there always is some plants somewhere to target. And it's next to imposable to spray everything in the same day. I found acouple mites in my veg tent when I started looking around. Here we are trimimng buds in the office, cloning in the office and running a veg tent out there. There never is more than a day I don't have leaf scraps laying around on the floor for mites to feast on. Then I've got a garbage can full of leaves for food. Ongoing grows are next to impossible to keep them critters away. Well thanks everyone for taking a look I hope everyone's ready for the Holidays. I'll do a update soon, till then,
Keepem Green

Good Luck with the never ending battle with mites, Sprout. You know I don't remember you having this trouble a few years ago. Something has changed on you Buddy. :smokin::helpsmilie::hmmmm:
Good Luck with the never ending battle with mites, Sprout. You know I don't remember you having this trouble a few years ago. Something has changed on you Buddy. :smokin::helpsmilie::hmmmm:

Well hey hey hey! The long lost granny has stopped in to check some plant info and caught this thread! Hey Norcali! Hey OMM! Norcali, your girls look incredible like always! Gorgeous!

Don't know if you have ever used mite-rid for mites, but I find it to be an excellent product. I buy mine thru amazon.com, but it is available elsewhere too. Works with one application, but I always repeat once. Have only had mites twice, but kicked em out quick with this stuff. You have probably already used it in the past, but catching up on reading your journals is about as impossible as catching up on OMMs!

Lovies to you both tho and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!
Oh Pop's they come and go. I get 4 or 5 good rotations mite free, then them little buggers show their ugly faces again. Right now they are far and few around here now, but man they can multiply fast. That's another thing of beauty about outdoor grows, you generally don't see mites. Mother nature does a dusting and cleaning every day. But indoors you have to remember, they are true members of the tick family and they live in soil and grasses. Don't take much for them to hitchhike in on your clothes while working around the yard. I bet ten to one, mites are the biggest problem indoor growers have to deal with. Least everywhere I've lived cross country.
But it never hurts to do alittle safers washing before they get flowering to make sure I'm not toting in some to the flower room. I always treat every plant as if it's got mites before I throw them in there. Alittle pressure washing never hurt a sole, and it washes alot of the dusts that are clogging up the works. I use that safers soap at like 66% what they call for and I pour it on thick. Unless I really have a problem developing, then I use it full strength with a rise after once a week till they are gone. And these little girls are just done taking their shower.
Hey Granny long time. Long long time. Hope all's good in your world and your still cranking out the buddage. I'll take a look at that 'mite-rid'. I seen another spray that is suppose to even 'encapsulate' and kill the eggs. I forgot the name it's in the new sunlight catalogue.
Hope you guys over there on the 'Islands' are growing great. Pop's and Hawg
Ok I'm going to throw out acouple new pictures before I spin it another day;
This one is the Marion Berry. I'm thinking about letting her go. I do have like 7 or 8 new strains out there to try. I will be growing this one outdoors again next year. She sure gets some nice colors to her when the temps drop.

Talk about leaves. I didn't top this one. For two reasons, one she's going to get dolled up for X-mas, and second, she looks like she's quite capable of producing a really nice main cola. Maybe I let her get acouple inches to tall for the room, but she'll work.

Ok now a report after my second grow of this one. Giga Bud. I got her down to a 50 day cycle. Herb is like 6.5 outta 10 in my book for quality. But I like couch lock myself. Easy plant with a decent yield. I've finished her twice but there are stronger strains to try out so I threw my last plant, uncloned, in flower. So we'll see her once more in the future. Giga Bud;


Ok here's the little Train Wreck seedling. I think she'll make it now. Alittle super thrive does wonders, Train Wreck;

Ok here's a new one. This one here I used a #1 Skunk mother with some Pre 98' Bubba Kush and came up with my Bubba Skunk'. I was just playing around and started two plants in the same pot and one turned male so she's now a huge plant. But I do have quite afew seeds from my experiment. Bubba Skunk;

Ok these babies are all REAL close to coming out. I started the flush on my Cripit two days ago and now it's between the two others which is first up on the table to be flushed. Oydeuss or Pittbull. Not sure How long it's been like 42 days on the Pittbull. It's fast that's for sure. She's got solid spear cola's under the leafage. Pittbull;


Here's Cripit, she's a week further along like day 50;

And the Odyeuss at about the same 50 days;

Well that's it for a minute everyone, thanks for stopping in and I hope all's gardens are doing great. And
Keepem Green
Thanks peoples and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas........ And Keepem Green
Praises and Kudos go to Mr. Norcaliwood once again. I was ready to harvest my plants at 45 days according to what they looked like for Ed Rosenthal. He said harvest when the swollen crystals just turn milky white. By shear coincidence, Mr. Wood decided to come by the day before and set me straight. Since that time, I didn't harvest, but did a few things he told me to do, and already I think many of them have doubled in size. I have had crap yields on my first two tries, great product, but not enough of it. I can't wait for the next 7 days to go by! Thank You Mr. Wood, you are no doubt a journeyman.
Thanks for stopping in all. I've started to post 3-4 times in the last week. I'll give it another shot. Hope Santa brang everyone least something for the gardens. Well Shemp all it is is growing out afew crops and them you'll have it figured out. Plants put on a lot of their weight in the last 10-12 days of growth. Harvest becomes a time of personal preferences. I like to have just like 5% of the trichomes turn amber. Some people like it to be alittle higher percentage of ambers for more of the couch lock affects. Myself I've always grown plants till the buds look ready. I've never really paid a lot of mind to dates when it comes to harvests. The amount of light and styles of growing, soil/hydro, change the harvest dates. And a lot of breeders tend to stretch the harvest times. Like the dates Stoney Girls says are not correct, but still even having to flower for acouple extra weeks it's good quality smoke. I glad to see your still growing. Least your getting a feel in the garden and I've got faith you'll have no problem keeping your jars full. A lot of different things you'll get to play with. SOG's are lot of fun. Sea of Green has you flowering like 16 smaller plants growing only one main cola per plant. That's a fun method. And the 'right' strains yield 1-1.5 ozer buds per plant. Nice little yield.
Well I hope everyone had a great holidays. I took alittle time out for bad behavior. Me and Jack had a night of it. Took me 3 days to get it back in shape. I must be getting to old for this crap. But life.
I do have afew pic's I'd like to throw out there. A lot of new strains up and coming. So I'm going to get these up. The Kids;




Also snapped a shot of the Sugar Plum. I just took her and she's hanging up to dry, my first go with Sugar Plum;

Here's the BlueBerry;

And this girl called P-91. She needs lotion. The leaves are real brittle feeling. But she likes the 'morning sun'. P-91;

Well I did a harvest on my Oydesuss. Nice producer. I really forget how long I flowered her, thinking like 52 days. 9+ oz's of good workable buddage. Hasn't cured much but I plan on rat holing a small jar to acouple months down the road.

Well hopefully everyone doing great out there. I feel for everyone whose over north the Mason Dixie Line. Well even some places south, Ya'll are getting hammered with them snow storms and temp's. Like 16 inches of snow and still snowing. 40 below with the wind chill early morning or right about now I'd bet. I know Billsdeskjet is dead in the middle of the worse right now. And hopefully things will clear up for him by the 9th cus he's got a plane to catch. I'm going to put him to work alittle when he gets here with alittle routine maintenance, blow out the big inline and resituate the wire layout so I don't have as many loose ends around. Never know CO2 tanks in the garage with CO2 lines dropping in the flower room from the attic? Least I could keep my tanks outside which wood make it a lot easier to switichem on out every now and then. just back the truck up and unload. of course I'd have a long distance to run the wiring from the controller unit to the tanks.
Well that's it from here. Nothing new here oh cept my first taste of that Sugar Plum is this week. COOL smells just like her name sweet. Keepem Green
Thanks everyone for taking a peek. I do have a fast update with acouple new pictures. first time for me with this strain, Canatonic. If was gifted to me so I don't really know where it's from but it seem like a nice plant. Tends to stretch out abit but still manageable. Friend who gifted it to me said the guy he got it from had it tested but his was no where near that 1 to 1 ratio they talk about. I'm pretty sure he said it was 18% thc with only like 2% cbd's. But then I heard he was harvesting at just over 7 weeks. I don't think the thc has matured enough to degrade into the cbd's this plant is suppose to produce. But I'm going to give her a wirl once. I did take a clone just incase. Canatonic;

I also have this one. It's a strain me and my Lady bred out with a pre98' Bubba crossed with a #1 Skunk, hence,,,, BubbaXSkunk;

and one more, she looks like a winner. I know her mother the skunk was great weeds, and from what I've heard about the Bubba it's suppose to rock itself;

Ok I also to a sample bud off the Blueberry. Shes at about 6+ weeks and starting to show some amber trichomes already. Blueberry;

And a closer up shot of the Odyesuss;

Well thanks once more for taking a peek Sorry I haven't been keeping up with everyone threads. I'll try to do alittle better soon till then Keepem Green
Just stopping thru to say whats up. Reps on some lovely looking ladies bro.

I feel the same way on here about keeping caught up with all the great journals here, but it is honestly a lot of work and I personally don't have the time right now to visit and post all over. I get one day a week to myself and that is usually spent outdoors unless the weathers bad which might not even happen at all this year. We have seen one or maybe two days of light rain here in the so cal

Peace norcali hope everything is flowing smooth like butter for ya.
Looking good here Norcali
Happy Freeweed day and a Chronic Weekend to you man :thumb:
Hey there Mr. Wood, went ahead and harvested my Canna Tonic yesterday, 60 days in. It is a beautiful plant. Huge, rock solid buds, strong fruity aroma, a purplish tint in the buds and long red stipules. When I unhooked my wires and stakes, the plant nearly fell over with the bud weight. Excited to see my final yield out of my 4x4. The buds are very weighty, I am hoping for an excellent yield (for me) after cure. I want to get this tested, hoping you'll go halves with me on it. We'll talk soon. Take care my friend, and thanks again for your help. sHEMP
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