Our Ongoing Grows

OK I have acouple new pictures to post up. I had to use Chrome as a browser. But works anyways. First off I want to explain how I'm using my microbe's. I use Extreme Gardening's wettable powder. I let my seeds get alittle start. Then I like to fill up alittle dirt in it. I push the soil around till I get a funnel sharp in the pot and then I sprinkle it with the microbe's so I can get as much contact as possible.

OK here's alittle jewel I have growing in there, she just a day or two over 30 days in flower. It's one of them outrageous flowering time Stoney Girl talks about. She has really nice tight buds on her. I can see why someone could harvest this plant at day 38. I mean she could be harvested right now on day 32 and you'd have descent product, These buds are solid. PittBull;


Ok I also have a P-91 from Stoney Girl growing. Shes just started to flower. I've grown this plant before, and it's great weed. She is a mite magnet, but I think knowing that, I'll be alittle more ontop of it as far as prevention. I so have cuttings going off all these plants. P-91;

Here's a quick pic of the teenagers hanging around in the veg tent;

Ok here's a new one to me, Catatonic. Suppose to be one of them 'High CBD's' plants. We'll just have to see if she makes the cut of not. Anyone played around with this one? Looking like she 'might' have a tendency to get alittle unruly. Got that sativa structure branching patterns, Catatonic;

And ofcourse I have a Marion Berry in there;

Also I just threw my F-5 Blue Berry clone into flower. Shes got some color in her. I'm really looking foreward to this one. This is the strain that put Oregon on the Map. Blue Berry;

I'll tell ya that Marion Berry is a fickle plant. It did hermie on me. I'm not sure if it was due to heat, one day my room got like 88 in there, or if maybe she don't cotton to green lights during her sleep. She acts kind of fragile, she bends and stays there real easy when I spray her down. But after buds form she can handle the weight. But I kind of quarantined her for acouple days in the green house. Then I didn't see her making any new bananas, so I put her in the corner on the flower room to finish. Just acouple cold evenings in the greenhouse and she put on some real pretty colors. I'm hoping to get some purple hash? I can see some purple in the trichomes, if it isn't just reflection. Marion Berry

and in this pic you can see the hermie trait,

Well that's about it for now. I hope everyone's gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
Very nice colors there I'm gonna have to try the cold temps, how low do you let the temp get? You drop it during lights off, then bring it back up to the 70s during lights on, or keep it colder then too?
Thanks everyone for stopping in. I've been having problems with damn pop ups here too Cronic. I guess I'm a old dawg and learn new things under protest, and there are changes just using chrome browser. What's with this stupid side bar? Oh well I'll figure out how to get rid of it soon enough.
Dank I actually threw that one outdoors and temps went down to maybe 45 at night and days were like 65. defiantly slows down the growing process. But if you want some great colors off a plant that has a kind of purple look find some cool temps. I'd try it for the last 4-5 days before you cut. Temps around 50 at night and as cool as you can in the daytime. Plant growth get real slow as temps drop, but if you plan on cutting in afew days I don't really think it wood hurt the quality or quantity. I'm not sure where you live but you can throw her outside if temp's are reasonable, I feel it's best to throw them out when they will hit a 24 hour dark cycle. Like if your lights come on at 9 at night, throw them out at 8:30. Any stresses the plants feel won't be expressed, like hermie from temp changes, or light regiment changes, won't be expressed till after harvest. Believe it or not pot can handle some pretty low temps, even some strains deal with frost.
I've heard tales of people using cold cold water during its night cycle, or even putting ice around the soil at nite to lower temps. Some claim it helps kick into flower faster, kick out more trichomes in the later stages of flower, and helps with colors. I can't make a call on all that but temps are huge when it comes to vibrate colors.
Well Heady I take it you grew it outdoors? You know I've never had any problems here with mites on my outdoor girls, now PM and Grey Mold that's a different story. I'm not sure if you seen I grew a perpetual grow, and between 3 rooms of plants growing them little buggers are going to find you eventually. And when they do you tend to notice which girls they start out on, and which are the last holdouts in the room. And P-91 was one of them first to get infested. I love the smoke. I've grown her afew times out but the last one I had mites bad enough to have to shut her down and start over. Happens. I just need to keep on the ball with this one. One day I 'might', naw,,,,, find one or two strains I really like and I'll be able to do clean flips and be able to clean out the flower room and veg tent between cycles. That almost sounds too easy. But till then I've just got to make sure she starts flower mite free, and keep her with other plants that are 'fresh and mitefree' in the flower room. One thing I'm blessed with is enough space I can keep my plants separated from each other.
Ok I have acouple fast pictures to throw up there. I love taking pictures with them damn lights on. First off, I got a shot of my Blueberry. Not that shes got anything to show yet, but from all I've heard she fill in fast, Blueberry;

Ok now one of my favorites, Cripit;

Now here's the Cripit's father strain. Talk about a girl that wood purple up also if I threw her out in the greenhouse, Crippled Rino;

This picture has a bud of Cripit with it's mother strain PittBull;

another one new to my indoor gardens Odyeuss. Really starting to like this one. At first I thought I'd have to rule with a iron fist to keep the height down, but she is doing great. Clones easy and looks like shes going to fill in nicely. This strain is one fast grower for sure. Less than two months and I had a 8' tall 12' wide plant. Remember I had to harvest early because of weather and I got close to two pounds of early popcorn sized buds, but I have people that really like it. I mean it's not bad considering, she needed 2 weeks more. Well these buds are going to hit their full glory, Oydeuss;

And making her first appearance in my garden Sugar Plum;

Well time to go get some food ready for the girls, transplant afew seedlings, oh my Trainwreck Seedlings is looking alittle uhappy and may not pull thru. I'll dose her with alittle super thrive tonight and cross my fingers. Well hope everyones gardens are doing great out there and Keepem Green
All good things Wood!!
Each visit to your journal is a delightful one..
Thanks peoples for taking a look in on my grows. Hey Bid, you know if you really want plants to turn nice colors, I was serious about using some ice at nights. You get the temps down into the 40's and colors blossom out. Alittle ice in the water bucket or throw afew chunks of ice in the hydro res. Yea Pop's we're still doing the same old same old. Hey glad to hear you broke a pound last flip you did. Cool. Hope you and your better half are doing good and hope everyone has a great hoildays.
I have afew updating pictures to throw up on here. First off I have alot of new strains going in the nursery. Looks like the Train Wreck is going to pull thru. I also have a Mango, a Dawg OG, another OG variant, a GDP, and a White Russian going in there. The Nursery;


And here's a shot of the Teenagers room. This veg tent is running a 600 watt MH on a 20 hours on/4 hours off cycle. I generaly try to have the lights off cycle during the warmest part of the day like noon till 4 pm. Veg Room;

and one more group shot of the flower room. These girls are on the standard 12/12 lighting cycle. I have one side of the room under a 1000 watter and the other side is under a 1500 watter. Both lights are on light rails. Temps hit 82 high and night temps depend on the outdoor temps, but 55 is pretty common at night doring the winter. I like to keep 6 plants on one side and 4 on the other;

Ok here's a plant called Blue Dream. I've heard wonders about this one. But then it's just a attempt at copying the strain that was all over the Bay Area. Humboldt Seed Organisation come up with this one. In my mind I remember seeing alot more sativa in the ones I 'knew' were cutting from the original, maybe a different pheno? Time will tell if she's worth it, Blue Dream;

OK here's my Odysseus LOL I still don't know the proper name, but I like her. She starts out with alot of space between the nodes and 'NO' leaves at all around the stem. Which is nice for air flow,This plant has been topped twice and ready to hit her again real fast. Grown in Pro Mix HP soil and that earth juice fertilizers;

And this is what she fills out like.

Crippled Rino shortly before harvest;

I know these are the same plants I've been posting but that's all I have going in there right now. This is the Sugar Plum. She shot up alittle taller than I was hoping so I had to do alittle Figure S'ing on the main tops to keep away from the hotspots. Sugar Plum;

And ofcourse my Cripit. Shes getting real close to finishing up;

And one more shot of the Blue Berry;

Well that's it for aminute or two. Once more thanks everyone for taking a peek. Keepem Green
You know it's funny Pop and Pop's you talking about clean. I was just out in the office looking around thinking of all the damn places mites can live around my house. With this damn perpetual grow there always is some plants somewhere to target. And it's next to imposable to spray everything in the same day. I found acouple mites in my veg tent when I started looking around. Here we are trimimng buds in the office, cloning in the office and running a veg tent out there. There never is more than a day I don't have leaf scraps laying around on the floor for mites to feast on. Then I've got a garbage can full of leaves for food. Ongoing grows are next to impossible to keep them critters away. Well thanks everyone for taking a look I hope everyone's ready for the Holidays. I'll do a update soon, till then,
Keepem Green
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