Our Ongoing Grows

You know Dank you can't get a more vibrant and vigorous plant than a F1. I have one that grows so fast it's scary myself. This stuff called Oydesuss. It grows twice as fast as any other I have growing out there. I have my veg tent set up in my garage. And it's getting cold out there so the growth slow as the temps drop. Also plant seem to require different feedings when cold. First off they hardly drink anything, which makes it easy to over water. And lower temps make it hard for plants to retrieve certain nutrients. I do have afew new ones also myself going. And this Mango looks like it's going to make it.
All is well here and I hope everyone is having a Great Thanksgiving. And Keepem Green
Man I'm still stuffed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, So I'll do a update later. I did get a gift for Turkey Day,,,,,,, one of the last attempts produced Blueberry Clones. Whew,,,,,,,,,, I hope everyone out there had a GGGGGREAT HOLIDAY,,, Keepem Green
man im jealous of you and buck with your real deal bluberry plants lol im coveting over here, im glad you got it to work, i have a bluberry head band that ive tried many times and failed, but this last attempt at getting a flowering clone looks to be taking, (sigh of relief) sometimes thats the only way i can get a plant to clone it with a flowering cut, im just glad it took cuz im loving the plant
hope your turkey day was as good as mine im still stuffed:thumb:
Hey Norcal! havent talked to you in a week! Been busy with traveling, thanksgiving and a lovely way to top off that day with a clog in my laundry room. Funny, it happened to be the same drain that the dishwasher and garbage disposal exit their waste. Hmmm, lots of crap going down the drain when preparing for the big feast. lol, It was a mess, but all is well. All is well in my tent too. Vortex, Purple Arrow and Cannatonic all looking healthy, colorful and vibrant. Lots of flowers, I love it. Still fine tuning my ventilation for max flow and to get my CO2 in the mix. Too much time on my hands at times, now I'm messing around with making a negative ion converter and oxygenating my water. At least its not anything that will affect the outcome of my grow. Really excited, next go around hope to have some in my veg cabinet. By the time you read this, I may have already talked to you, will be calling today. Keep it real!
I hear ya BID. Hey got lucky and looks like I might have a second clone going from the BlueBerry. I was doing alittle reading, very little you have to remember I'm from Arkansas and they don't teach ya to read a lot, JK, but I was reading about cloning abit. From what I gather they get two different styles roots. The water roots which are straight thick white hairs, and the real roots which are like feathers with a lot of structure. The water roots are real hard to get transplanted in soils. I always try to make sure the temp's are real close to prevent shock and that there are no dry patches in the soil. You can try them as soon as they show water roots with a dome. ALOT of these soilless substrates are very hard to get wetted completely. Coco like to repel water till it get wet. I use to take my bags of soil and punch afew holes in it and shove the hose in there for along time, prewetting. I can see why you wood get more results when taking some clones during the start of flowering, as plants need a lot of phosphorus for root development. I read somewhere the only real aid is B-1 as in superthrive. Even over the I asked a friend what he was PH-ing his water and he said tap. Works for me. My tap runs around 6.
Pophamseasmok haven't seen you post in along time. Interesting ID,,,,,,that earth juice is one slimy mess that's for sure. Looks like tea straight out the bottle. I can see where it wood make one hell a feed for soil microbial action. I did abit of reading on it. I have had acouple plants that seemed to require alittle more than what it has. I can't say that for sure but I had to juice the Blueberry Gum I'm growing.
Thanks Hog also unto you,,,,
I'm glad to see you trying some new things Shemp. I take it the ion your talking about is for odor control? OH peoples Shemp is trying out one of the CO2 fungus bags in his 4X4. ExHale CO2
I've been wanting a CO2 system myself. I'd probably opt for the gas line in my room with a water cooled generator. I'm tooo lazy to lug them tanks back and forth. I guess I could run a line from the tanks thru the attic to the flower room and put up my tube around the ceiling. I'd have to have a long sensor cord. Shemp, It takes afew grows before you start to realize when you need to start with your veg girls in order to keep a full flower room. That timing can be a bitch. It easy to easy to get 'too many' plants if that's possible, which is always true. Oh BTW I have acouple new clones going for you next time you come by, Sugar Plum and hopefully a Blueberry if she lives.
Well I hope everyone had a great Holidays. I know I ate more this year than I have in the last 3 or 4. And tonight I got the ham bone in a pot of good old pinto beans and onions. Well I'm outta here for abit hope all's doing good and gardens are grenn and Keepem Green
Hey Wood got family in Arkansas, Texarkana, Hot Springs, and a couple others I can't name offhand, but no legal pot there for sure, I see why you moved out west. Oregon is an awesome state as well, as is most of the West Coast.
if it got through the initial upload then on the second page after you click the tab and it doesn't go through check the gallery
Happy Thurweed day Norcali :thumb:
I hear you on the earth juice line norcaliwood. I am not really using any of there stuff now except for micro blast or catalyst. I will add some of the grow or bloom to finished teas sometimes to make a soup feed.

I am still learning timing and everything to keep up a perpetual cycle. Writing the schedule down on a calendar helps me a lot to manage everything. and i take clones if i need them or not.

Norcaliwood thanks for stopping by my journal and sharing that link. I was gonna go check it out in a few.

cheers everyone.
Something isn't flying right as far as my pictures downloading. I click upload photos and the next page comes up, I click upload/submit, and it does give me the option to pick out the photos. It just go on like I submitted some pictures and jumps to the Your pictures were successfully downloaded. And isn't anything to download. Well I have noticed 420 runs into glitches every once in awhile. tomorrows a new day. Hopefully everyone out there is doing great and Keepem Green
that marion berry sure is purty :dreamy:
Still can't post any pictures guess I'm going to have to yell out for some help here. Keepem Green
Thanks everyone. I still don't have this problem figured out. I wrote to 420 and I'm waiting for a reply. Damn site woodn't let me queue up any pictures. Oh well everything is growing great. That Marion Berry that hermied on me I threw it outdoors for afew days at first, man she turned purple. I just cut her and she had a lot of small thumb sized buddage on her, but man these buds are sweet smelling and totally purple in color. I was going to use her for cooking, but now I'm wondering if she'll make some purple hash???? We'll see. Sorry I don't have any new shot up till I get this fixed. Hope everyone is doing great and Keepem Green
Hey old friend ....I do have your number out in the hunting cabin.....just been crazy busy here.....stilll need to go back and read what i have missed here.....hope you 2 are well :peace:
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