Our Ongoing Grows

Thanks for looking in ya'll.
Things we get taking for granted living in legal, or medical states. Acouple Good Friends of mine from here in the Portland area,,,, Well you have to realize these two were raised here and this has always been a pretty laid back state so afew grams of weed woodn't be a big thing but,, they took off to Nashville because one was going to do a try out on that music thing called 'The Voice', he didn't make the cut sad to say, but anyhow Shemp' took along his little bit of herbs and I guess he was was reaking alittle and guess who kind of jacked him up? Nashville's finest. I guess they just let him off with alittle ass chewing but he could've gotten in some real trouble in alot of these states. My little research said under a 1/2 is 'up to' a year and minimal 250$ fine. I've only heard alittle about what happened but makes me remember the days I had to sweat every time I seen a Sheriff car in town. Still a felony in some states.
Hey I also heard the other day something I really can agree with. I hear Colorado is going to even allow people to use "Food Stamp's" to purchase herbs?????? Anyone heard anything. Myself and my Old Lady both think that's pretty lame. I mean those things are food. You can't use them to fill a rx at a pharmacy. Why wood you use them even for med's? I know I don't have solid info but.
Well I just wanted to post up acouple new pic's off my last grow of the Marion Berry. Her trichomes are ready to pop, and she does have a real strong and sweet berry smell. I will throw another out but I need to get back to smaller plants for these inside grows. I have acouple pain in the ass sativa dominate strain going in the Catatonic and Odysseus. They can't handle their buds and need some help. Makes for a pain in the ya know and ugly plants.. Well I'm off babbling again. Back to the Marion, I myself don't like to defoliate, unless it's right ontop a nice cola and blocking out the light. I understand it could be helpful in alot of situations to do so but I've got the luxury of ceiling and space, and I'm running acouple rails so the light comes in from different angles and she can really use them big fan leafs. This one finished at just alittle over 4'. I'll get some proper lighting and we can see the change in colors she 'should' experience. Marion;

This is the starting of her change,


and one more

I'll get her under better lighting in acouple days to see the difference. Camera flash doesn't do her justice. Man she really does live up to her namesake Marion.
Well I need to hit the hay. I'll get another update soon. I hope everyones gardens are doing great. And Keepem Green
Hey how does everyone like the idea of Washington and Colorado in the Super Bowl? :cheer:

Love how that worked out old friend ....didn't watch it but also didn't realize those were the two teams of legal states ....Weird right?

Gooooooo Green !
Hey how does everyone like the idea of Washington and Colorado in the Super Bowl? :cheer:

Love how that worked out old friend ....didn't watch it but also didn't realize those were the two teams of legal states ....Weird right?

Gooooooo Green !

:rofl: true and Funny as hell :rofl:
Hey Wood just a quick cruise there, excellent looking flowers as usual buddy always a pleasure to see what you got going on.
Looks like you got a nice n nuggy cut of that bubba in there, definitely sought after! 'N those Marion Berries are quite mouth watering I'll have to say. I don't know about food stamps to buy weed, that doesn't make a ton of sense unless they're buying ... edibles? Kind of interesting to think about. Well, hope we don't get too much gloomy weather for our naturally flowering ladies this year, although this part of Cali could sure use some rain, and I know you got plenty of it!! :laugh:

Hope all is well in your world!
Cheers and Peace! :cheer::peace:

Oh ya and Happy Freeweed to ya NW!:thumb:
hey Norcali im liking the Chemdawg from Greenhouse a lot
nice and strong like the dinafem og kush I have
im gonna keep the soil clone for a mother lol
I don't know if its the phenol I have tho but its fluffy not dense
some of the top of the tops are airy too might be from too close to the light but this would be a first for me
ive had tops growing against the light and was solid and dense maybe I just got a bad phenol?
its good tho its not even cured yet just went into jars tonight
still tasty tho even without a cure lol
Chronic weekend to ya NorCali :high-five:
Hey Slim I think Colorado was smoking abit too much product?
SNOW here. Yes Lester we got our share plus a little;

I guess we finally got our share of winter. We got close to white out with all this powder snow and wind. I'll say this much I'm going to have to heat my cloner if I plan to do any cuttings. Plants sure grow slow when it get colder. I do have my cloner inside the house but still the water get cooler as temps drop outside. And my 'office' get downright cold sometimes. Even with my passive air intake my temps in the flower room go from 75 down to 60 at 'night' right now. In a perfect situation, I'd have veg tent inside. Plants get sluggish when the dirt temps drop and wet dirt draws the cold. And plant have a hard time uptaking alot of different micro nutrients which leads to problems.
Well we decided to take the Marion before to much color showed. This plant was showing afew male flowers during her final phase of flowering. That is pretty common in alot of strain. And this was his first run on seeds in this strain. So I didn't want to extend the change of lighting, and she pop out tons. The others I've grown have shown hermie tendencies but never a seed. Someone should bottle the smell from this one. I did see people marketing cannabis 'perfumes'. This could be a prime candidate One more time and then she's gone till spring
Marion Berry;



Well a change of stock is going on here. Been awhile since I had some good old OG Kush. I started two different vendors strains to see if I have a good one. But for ease, OG#1

she's got that typical OG look to me. Very vigorous plant,

And here's another. Totaly different look to the plant. She loved to be topped and could make a nice srog set up if someone wanted to. I still want to grow out a sog myself with some nice donkey dicks. Just got to find the right one. Well OG#2,

Here's another grow of the Pittbull. This was pretty good for me outdoors this year, even with the worse fall we've had in 50 years. Rained everyday for weeks. But lets see her do her thing one more time. I might work with this one again come spring we'll see. Inside she wasn't anything real spcieal the last go around. Fast hardy plant for sure. PittBull,

I also ordered alot of new seeds tonight. Well some are tried earlier like the SLH and Church. I plan on some new Church come spring. I've had great results with this strain if the weather permits. Hey Cronic, I also got the Chemdawg. I ended up getting like 15 strains. Well that's my Valentine Day present I guess. Now I got to take the "Old Lady" out for another ring or something. Been looking into a real pretty Smokey Topaz set in 18k. Gold is so costy it's kind of stupid to be buying it right now but what the hell can't take it with ya,,,,,, but you can be buried in it.
Thanks for looking in everyone and,,,,,,,
Keepem Green and a
Haha, great update though Captain Wood I really love your plants and photography style. Nice snow, our share of winter was 1/10th of an inch of cool rain. Hopefully I don't get killed by a random storm during my flower stages, but then I'd just be preaching to the choir here right?? LOL, anyway hope all is well buddy! :Namaste:
Well Lester I do have acouple more pictures to post. That last post I worked on last night and didn't realize I had posted it this morning from the restore on the posting window. Oh well. Well I have another new one I'm working with. Blue Dream. Great plant. Yield looks like it will be great, and the plant clones well and so far has been able to support itself real well with only minimal amounts of tying up. She's going to produce atleast 6 oz's from what I can see. I have 2 cuttings from her in the veg tent. That is if they haven't froze yet. Blue Dream'

I also have another Crippled Rino in flower. This plant is a great one for pain. Anyone who ever been on pain pills for along time knows that feeling that you want to take another pill, even if it's not time yet. That edgy feeling. Well this plant seemed to help with that. Crippled Rino,

I also have my standard Cripit. This when grown out right is a very strong strain. I smoke alittle of this stuff and I still giggle at Family Guy ever once in awhile. Cripit,


I also have a Blueberry Gum going in there. I grew one of these out before. But I had mites running amuck in the flower room at that time, and they loved her. So I took her real early and cooked her into budder, But this time, I'm on top of the mite situation and she's a lovely 'little' plant. This one wood be perfect for anyone having to deal with height issues. She has chunky buds. She's about 2' tall and I can see easy 5 oz's off her. Blueberry Gum,

Wewll I'm going to post this one before I mess up and double post again. Keepem Green
beauty in the snow :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well guess 420 didn't like the non topic picture of snow. But reallity is outdoor temps really effect my gardens, seeing I rely upon outdoor temps to keep my garden cool. I run acouple 1500 watt HPS lights in there and when temps are nice and cool outdoors my day temps stay at about 80. And with the temps dropping outdoors, I get good colors to alot of my weeds. Temps got down to the low 50's at night in my flower room, with the coming of that snow. It's kind of funny, I have a Crippled Rino plant that is purple on one third, and green on the other two thrids. Well the purple side was up against my intake air vent. And she's really purple. I've had the Crippled Rino in for 6 weeks and right now if you go by trichomes she's reallllllll close. The tric's look like they are going to pop. Probably 90% cloudy with a touch of amber showing up now. I started her a flushing acouple days back. She's got another week MAX. I do have another picture of her,

And I just started flushing my Cripit. Oh btw I use Clear-X myself. And if you, which I do, use a 5 gallon finish pot, I like to run 2 gallons of flush thru, followed by 15 gallons of straight tap water for my first pass at flushing. Then every couple days I hit her with another 5 gallons for a week. Cripit,

And here's a sweet looking small plant. This girl wood be fantastic in a cabinet type grow. Very little stretch and nice chunky buds. I grew this ones mother out before and she had to be taken early because she was a mite magnet. But this time I'm mite free so she'll get to finish completely. I always hate it when you grow a plant out and decide to cull her in hopes of replacing her with something better. Then you have it's clone which you end up growing out and it's really comes out like wow. Hopefully that's what will happen here. I can hope. Blueberry-Gum,

Well that's about it for now from here. I want to thank all for stoping in and I hope all's gardens are growing like weeds. Keepm Green
Looking Great Your plants show their happy and im sure you will be in return
Happy Munchday NorCali well almost anyway :thumb:
Awesome updates. Everything is so tantalizing. Great growing. I know your plants are growing like weeds in there and soon enough outside when it thaws out for ya :drool:

Happy Weednesday Wood! :thumb:
Thanks TG. Believe me I've had more than my share of flops. And will again I'd imagine. But Thanks for the kind words from everyone.
Well it's time to see if this B-Gum is any good. We decided to take her tonight. I've I did a heavy flush then run 35-40 gallons of tap thru her this last week. She's over 8 weeks in. Buds like totem poles. the center buds lack. So they are off to the cooking/hash jars for later. I need to get off my lazy ass and make up some hash soon, I've got a pretty good size stock pile of materials out there. Well I'll get some quality shots of the buddage in awhile but here's acouple I took last night. BlueBerry-Gum,




Ok well I do have acouple new things to post up. First off I'm impressed. I can't speak for all but them seed vendors are getting fast. I ended up getting 17 new strains, and I done got 2 peeking out already with a third on her way. This is a cheapie seed here. Now that don't mean much but we'll see. Strain called Doctor. I really bought this one to try outdoors this year. I've had great results, as long as I don't get another fall like last years, with The Church, and this strain is alittle faster when in flower mode. Just my two cents and wonder if anyone has any feedback also, about those 'colored seeds'. I bought acouple packs once when they first came out and I didn't get a very good return. I'm not sure if they even still sell them but oh well. I do like Greenhouse, I've gotten some great plants from them. Ok babbling again. Also started a White Berry strain. Sounds like a good one to me. And on the way, I started a Burmese Kush strain. I'm just going to throw a picture out to show how soon I like to top my seedlings. This is a BubbaXSkunk I started afew days back. I will say this, topping this soon can be pretty hard on a stem. Come fall time, with buds swelling, and nice rain with some wind, and you got major problems when the stalk splits. Many a time I had to go put a bandaid, I use pantyhose in those situations. Nice stretchy soft and strong, makes a great wrap. But anyways, I like to keep my girls short as possible. Besides this doubles the yield as a rule. Unless your looking for that 'big' main cola. Once you top you will get smaller buds but alot more of them. Most plants this hold true. Some plants don't like being topped. Well here's my little BxS plant,

I also have alittle update of the veg room. Here what I have out there now. I do have another variety of OG Kush in the cloner. I grow with Promix HP using Earth Juice under a 600 MH light.


and I have my Blueberry. I've got my Blueberry from last harvest in the curing shelf. the little I've let out people seem to like. But I can't judge it till the cure is done. Besides I'm the worlds worse judge. I've pretty much had unlimited herbs all my life which goes to the tolerance, and also I've done ALOT of hard narcotics since I broke my fool neck back in 86'. Here she is,

Tomarrow I plan on taking the Blue Dream and acouple others so I'll have acouple more pictures to post up. Till then, I hope alls gardens are doing great. And Keepem Green
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