Our Ongoing Grows

Hey Captain Wood, just stopping by to admire the beauty. Damn I'd imagine that Bubble-gum must smell and taste amazing, real nice looking flowers on her. Very chunky.

40 Gallons of Tap water, that is a helluva flush. I remember you mentioned you used Clearex, do you flush your flushing solution as well? I never tried "flushing the flushing solution", not really sure if it would make a difference.. Although 40 gallons is a lot! Should make for some tasty puff for ya. :grinjoint:
Just my 2 cents Lester. When I flush I use Clear-x at @ 25 mills a gallon. After my soil hits carrying capacity with a 10-20% start run off, I leave it for a 1/2 hours then 30+ gallons of tap water. And anytime I water after that I run alot of water. If I have a 5 gallon pot, after the first initial flush with the clear-x, I like to put at least 5 gallon more thru every-time she needs watering. It 'REALLY' helps when you are using salt based fertilizers. They tend to be real harsh on the lungs. And flushing will bring out the true flavor. This holds true if you waste your soil afterwards. Alot of people are trying to build a microbial active soil with the organics, these soils I know they reuse and they don't want to effect the mycrob's with the flush.
I want to thank all for stopping by and taking a peek. Been awhile Slim. Nothing new here, except the date and the strains. Speaking of new strains, I have 3 peeking above ground right now. A strain I haven't seen anyone grow out, called Doctor, also a White Berry, and then I have a Burmese Kush last. I also have 2 BubbaXSkunks in the veg tent.
Well just a fast update. I took the Blueberry-Gum so here's the last pictures I'm going to post off her. She had some huge totem pole buds. The largest weighted out at just under 70 grams wet. Wasn't the most aromatic or sticky herbs I've grown out, but still looks promising. Blueberry-Gum;


and acouple upclose and personal;


And here's my Blue Dream. Just now cutting her mother I'll get afe pictures as they come up. My Blue Dream variant,

That;s it for today. Once more thanks for stopping in. Hope things are good in the 'Old Hood' there Smoke2. Keepem Green
Thanks everyone for taking a peek. You know that Blueberry-Gum sure looks good, but, she is lacking in the smell department. I'm pretty sure she'll mellow into something with alittle cure time.
Well this girl I'm kind of impressed with. The Blue Dream. Great plant. Supports herself well without any ties. Clones easy and has a decent yield to boot. I've only sampled this without the cure but she will rock your socks. I do plan on growing her again, as a matter a fact I just threw another into flower the other night. And I'm going to gift a plant to Shemp to grow out also. Blue Dream;

Looks like 7+ oz's with this one.



and alittle closer'

I also took down a Crippled Rino and another Cripit. I've been growing this Cripit 3-4 years. I'm thinking of getting a new mother plant going. She seems alittle lazy in her growth patterns. It's not really good to keep cloning the clone. A person should take clones for a mother plant and never put her in flower. I've revegged this one before. revegging puts alot of stress on a plant.
Well that's it for now. Once more thanks all for stopping in and looking. I'll update as they come. Till then Keepem Green
Real fast update. First I want to say thanks to all who come by and took a look. Ok I had one seed damp off. I lost the Burmese Kush. I did replace her with a Wappa seed. And I threw 10 seeds of my strain called Wood's White. It's a cross of KC 36 and a White Widow. I haven't grown out this plant much, but I gifted a friend in Montana some seed and he really liked it.
Well just acouple new pictures to post. First off is a Mango. She's a short bushy plant. I grew one of these outdoors that got huge. But not this one. Mango;

And here's a OG Kush variant. OGK;


I'll update as soon as I got some new stuff to throw up till then Keepem Green
Nice and Green here NorCali :high-five:
your plants always look so good Happy Munchday Man :thumb:
Beep Beep, looking good as usual Woods! Nice Mango, Mon:ganjamon:
Always a pleasure to peep in on what you got going on. Say, when do the temperatures normally warm up enough to put plants outside for you? Spring Equinox this month, so hopefully if this polar vortex subsides for ya! :thumb:

Happy Munchday NW, hope life is treating you well and pain-free. :Namaste:
Had to go looking for this thread so I could subscribe. I have been lurking here forever and it was this thread and Fish Cake's that kept me coming back to :420:

Your plants are simply amazing and make me wish for outdoor fun. I was considering doing some of the Blueberry Gum as well and your pics are mouth watering. Thanks for keeping up such a great thread for so long.
Lester, you know the hard thing here is putting your plants out at the right time of year so they won't start flowering right off the bat. And then they go thru that reveg thing which really puts ALOT of leafage on the plants which in turn make plants subject-able to the molds that lurk here in the PNW.. You know the temps aren't the problem here but the humidity and rain fall kill ya. I threw out a strain I was growing last year called Berkley Blues. Great plant. But she was going thru all that so I opted to just get rid of her and get a new cutting come this spring. I do have a good connection on the clones from Stony Girl.
Yea Slim it's been awhile since I threw them seeds in. I was wondering if they were still good. You know out of 10 seeds 9 cracked. I kept 4 going to check out the herbs again. Been along time since I grew them, but we'll see what comes out of them.
Welcome Dr. Bob. No sense in lurking jump in the waters fine. Drop in anytime.
Anyone I miss sorry but I'll catch up soon.
Well after the cure I decided to cull the Blueberry from DJ. It wasn't all that to me atleast. After all I went thru to get it, it didn't impress me. The Marion Berry had it beat on every part. The smell lacked, and potency lacked. I have about 6 OZ's still curing in hopes it will mellow with age like good whisky, but she's gone for now from mine.
I do have acouple new pictures to throw up real fast. First is my Veg Tent. I have afew more new ones in my nursery. I even started a new SLH and a ChemDog both from Greenhouse. As they grow I'll get a pictures.
The nonlabled plants are all the Passion Flower.

And acouple new pictures from the flower room.



Oh BTW I did upgrade for abit in the guard department. I went from my toe biting squirrels, to a ankle bitter. Least she makes more noise.......... Naw she's just here for a minute but she does her job. Maybe alittle too well;

They'll probably move this picture to the off topic Dog Pictures thread, but wth, I'm not going lose sleep. But in reality is these little pup's, are the BEST snagger alarm systems around for your plants. Man she can get loud.
Thanks all for stopping in Keepem Green
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