OMM's Social Network Grow

:circle-of-love:cmon OMM goverment waste,I mean realy?
all your stories before were so believable but this:whoa:

fish cake Well it wasn't a million hammers for $100,00 each, but bad enough.

I hear ya Buddy, no one would actually waste the government's money. :thedoubletake:
fish cake Well it wasn't a million hammers for $100,00 each, but bad enough.

I hear ya Buddy, no one would actually waste the government's money. :thedoubletake:

LoL! Yes, and if that hammer is needed asap and on enemy lines it will get $250,000!! :high-five:
Thanks Buckshot. I was totally lost as to what to do, I knew I should do something, but how to do it without totally messing her up. Sure glad I worked where I did. It was a joint effort for sure.

You are humble for not wanting to take the credit for all that was done for her but were it not for your action her and children’s situation would have remained horrible. I know it is hard to except folks admiration for your actions but it is there none the less.

I wonder about her actions that night too … of course a force brought you two together What made her go out? I doubt it was for a good time and get laid … I think it was more a cry for help, that you answered.
Now plese don't take this personally Buckshot, but being a woman myself, and a young widower a while back, there is one thing I know, that woman was out looking for a good time to keep her mind off of her painful situation, it helps black out grief, then the next morning you realize that well that didn't work, and feel like shit/just my own opinion/grace

You are humble for not wanting to take the credit for all that was done for her but were it not for your action her and children's situation would have remained horrible. I know it is hard to except folks admiration for your actions but it is there none the less.

I wonder about her actions that night too ... of course a force brought you two together What made her go out? I doubt it was for a good time and get laid ... I think it was more a cry for help, that you answered.

Well, Buckshot I'm not sure. I talked to other PWP men and they had seen her before at PWP functions. I just happen to be the person that did something.

See Grace's post below. I think she is right. She was looking to cheer herself up. Like you said though I was the one that did something.
Now plese don't take this personally Buckshot, but being a woman myself, and a young widower a while back, there is one thing I know, that woman was out looking for a good time to keep her mind off of her painful situation, it helps black out grief, then the next morning you realize that well that didn't work, and feel like shit/just my own opinion/grace

Thank You Grace. I think you hit the nail on the head. She just wanted to try to ignore things. It was that bad for her.
Thanks Heirloom, I just broke a large stem on a clone, it had lots of buds, need to try to tape it. Thanks for all your help today. My husband said that he's noticed that I am alot less depressed then I have been since not seeing my nephews, you guys have been a great source of healing and therapy as has the grow itself. I think i may bunk in Fishcakes crib for a few days till I get myself in check/thanks/grace:circle-of-love:

First of all, I thank you for all of your input on the air pot discussion! I am excited to be following your journals. If it wasn't for people like you, we'd all still be smoking the old brick mexi with seeds. I am truly grateful to you!

I ordered a big batch of 20 liter air pots to put in my indoor tents and the order got screwed up. I lost almost 2 weeks of time but it was a blessing in disguise since after reading the threads, it seems like those are too big. I am using LED as my only source of light and I have to keep it 3+ feet above the canopy. That doesn't allow for a whole lot of height in a 7' tall tent.

Here's my plan, tell me what you think... I'm going to start the clones in the 5 liter and veg for 2 months, constantly topping. Then about a week before starting to flower, I'm going to take cuttings for the next generation and transplant into the 12.5 liter. In a 5x9 tent, I'm going to put 18 plants (6 rows of 3) where they will finish. Should I use the 3 or 5 liter for a 2 month veg? Should I use the 12.5 or 14 liter for the flower? Does that sound like the correct plant to space ratio? I will wait to order my pots until I hear from you.

I do appreciate your expertise and time! If you'd like more specifics on my setup, please check out my blog on my page.

Thanks Again!

First of all, I thank you for all of your input on the air pot discussion! I am excited to be following your journals. If it wasn't for people like you, we'd all still be smoking the old brick mexi with seeds. I am truly grateful to you!

I ordered a big batch of 20 liter air pots to put in my indoor tents and the order got screwed up. I lost almost 2 weeks of time but it was a blessing in disguise since after reading the threads, it seems like those are too big. I am using LED as my only source of light and I have to keep it 3+ feet above the canopy. That doesn't allow for a whole lot of height in a 7' tall tent.

Here's my plan, tell me what you think... I'm going to start the clones in the 5 liter and veg for 2 months, constantly topping. Then about a week before starting to flower, I'm going to take cuttings for the next generation and transplant into the 12.5 liter. In a 5x9 tent, I'm going to put 18 plants (6 rows of 3) where they will finish. Should I use the 3 or 5 liter for a 2 month veg? Should I use the 12.5 or 14 liter for the flower? Does that sound like the correct plant to space ratio? I will wait to order my pots until I hear from you.

I do appreciate your expertise and time! If you'd like more specifics on my setup, please check out my blog on my page.

Thanks Again!

Hello SYN ! Welcome my new friend, :welcome:

I have to say you've done your homework. Good Work.

It sounds like we are doing a very similar grow. I have been using 1.32 Gallon AirPots for veg. Truth is that is what I first ordered. If I had to do it over, I would use the 1.9 Gallon ( 7.5 Liter) size for veg. For flower I have found the 3.3 gallon ( 12.5 Liter) Airpots best, in our space.

Since we both have limited upward space, your idea of TOPing and FIMing is prefect. I just Topped 2 today. We want to make bushes out of them in veg. You might even do a bit LST (low Stress Training) too.

Once in flower.....if they stretch too much, we can also super-crop them. If you are unfamiliar with any of these methods of training I will gladly show you how to do them.

As long as your LEDs cover your two rows of are in business. Sounds like a good plan my friend.

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you will journal your grow...I would like to see it. :Namaste:
I just did some measurements and the 7.5 liters pots wont all fit on my veg table. You did explain that bigger is better so I will go with the 5 liter instead of the 3. Thanks! Also I'm happy that the 12.5 are the right size. These aren't cheap, haha.

So I know what topping and LST are. What is FIMing and Supercropping? Also are you running an LED hood?
I just did some measurements and the 7.5 liters pots wont all fit on my veg table. You did explain that bigger is better so I will go with the 5 liter instead of the 3. Thanks! Also I'm happy that the 12.5 are the right size. These aren't cheap, haha.

So I know what topping and LST are. What is FIMing and Supercropping? Also are you running an LED hood?

5 liter sounds fine.

Here is FIMing and Topping compared. By the way FIMing is more forgiving. FIM = Fu*k I Missed it! :Rasta:


Look a post #569 in my OMMSOGa Journal listed below for a tutorial on super cropping. Tried to copy it here but couldn't. If you still can't find it, I'll try some other way to show you.

No, I don't have an LED Hood.
A Quick Picture Update of the Girls

I gave the HPS girls a small amount of Cal-Mag yesterday...I usually do when I'm using OC+.

Two of the girls didn't like it at all. The AK47 and the AK48. Here is a picture of the AK47 leaf.


I looked it up and it could be a couple of things causing I just flushed them both. They look fine now.

Here are the HPS girls as they look tonight.


Here's the LED girls tonight.


Will do another Big update on the 24th.........thats when I turn the LEDs up to full blast!:high-five:
Now plese don't take this personally Buckshot, but being a woman myself, and a young widower a while back, there is one thing I know, that woman was out looking for a good time to keep her mind off of her painful situation, it helps black out grief, then the next morning you realize that well that didn't work, and feel like shit/just my own opinion/grace

Hi Grace

No problem ... just speculating

What you wrote was similar to what I suspected. I am sorry you have been in this situation in the past. I hope you are in a place now that gives you peace of mind.
you are always welcome at my place gracie:)
Thanks Heirloom, I just broke a large stem on a clone, it had lots of buds, need to try to tape it. Thanks for all your help today. My husband said that he's noticed that I am alot less depressed then I have been since not seeing my nephews, you guys have been a great source of healing and therapy as has the grow itself. I think i may bunk in Fishcakes crib for a few days till I get myself in check/thanks/grace:circle-of-love:
hey whats that about I only have fresh fish at my place FRESH means no smell!
If it smells too much like fish at his place, you are more than welcome at mine.:rofl:

I don't mind a lively thread :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, sucks about your clone. Quit beating your children!
A Quick Picture Update of the Girls

I gave the HPS girls a small amount of Cal-Mag yesterday...I usually do when I'm using OC+.

Two of the girls didn't like it at all. The AK47 and the AK48. Here is a picture of the AK47 leaf.


I looked it up and it could be a couple of things causing I just flushed them both. They look fine now.

Here are the HPS girls as they look tonight.

Here's the LED girls tonight.

Will do another Big update on the 24th.........thats when I turn the LEDs up to full blast!:high-five:

Hey there Gro Bro!! I always seem to get leaves that look just like that on my plants too. Not that many but a few.
And the leaves I get that look like that are on plants that are healthy. Just like yours. I always thought this was normal. When I see that I usually make sure I have cal mag in the next feeding. I really seem to get those leaves all the time. Not many but a few. Some plants seem to have more than others. There must be an explanation. I think it must be genetics.

Hey there Gro Bro!! I always seem to get leaves that look just like that on my plants too. Not that many but a few.
And the leaves I get that look like that are on plants that are healthy. Just like yours. I always thought this was normal. When I see that I usually make sure I have cal mag in the next feeding. I really seem to get those leaves all the time. Not many but a few. Some plants seem to have more than others. There must be an explanation. I think it must be genetics.

Think your right CF! None of the others were effected. Haven't watered the LED girls at all. Got to get used to that. :Namaste:
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