OMM's Social Network Grow

OMM - thanks for the support and the support of all here. Im just 52 and being down that long is going to have me stir crazy. Custody court is this Tuesday so that should be a done deal.

My middle son's legal problems have been reschedule until the 7th or 17th, or something like that. I wrote a complaint against the Judge, hoping he will be allowed to dismiss the case. Will see about it then.

Well med's are kicking in so this will have to wait until tomorrow.

Good night :passitleft:
Mighty fine tent you have there OMM :)

If you were thinking of starting a few more... Would you mind throwing in a ChemDawg for me?

Almost ready for that OG cutting... ;) That and the Tahoe OG will be trees I tell you :)
Like... 4 gallon to 10 gallon big.

Peace out OMM, ttyl.
Mighty fine tent you have there OMM :)

If you were thinking of starting a few more... Would you mind throwing in a ChemDawg for me?

Almost ready for that OG cutting... ;) That and the Tahoe OG will be trees I tell you :)
Like... 4 gallon to 10 gallon big.

Peace out OMM, ttyl.

Hey Man, you wont believe this...but...I just decided to start 2 ChemDawgs. No Joke. Great minds think alike! :circle-of-love:

Now I have to find some pots! All my 3.3s are already full!
ok tent is looking nice, girls are beautiful
btw how far away are those led's?
ok tent is looking nice, girls are beautiful
btw how far away are those led's?

Hey Cronic ! :high-five: Thanks.

Right now the LEDs are far away......Advanced recommended this and also at half power. These are some very powerful LEDs. Together they put out a 1000 watts. So I am following their advice. After a full week, they go full blast! Can't wait! :high-five:
Hey Man, you wont believe this...but...I just decided to start 2 ChemDawgs. No Joke. Great minds think alike!

Cool! I want to see if they finish like the super snowdawgs I have/had. I see you started 2 will you split them betwen light like the others? I will be interested in the results ... the finished buds. The S Girls and Blue Moonshine (hash bud plants) will put out tight hard nuggets from these plants with LED. The more sativa sided the strain "I think" the harder it is for LED to create the same type of bud. It is the first time I grew Super Snowdawg, I found the finished product to be no where near the dense hard nugs of the hash bud plants, maybe it is just the way it is, anyway if you split them I will be watching :cheesygrinsmiley:
you aint going to die on my! watch no way no how!
way to many seeds to sow.:circle-of-love:
Hey there OMM! Can't wait till you can turn up those lights to full blast! Those lights are very impressive. I could be wrong but it sounds like they are so powerful you could just use them for the whole tent and ditch the HPS! Was wondering if you could? I have my 1000w hps in my little closet. I have the plants about a foot away from the light. I just find it amazing the light those put out and having to have the light so far away from the plants.
Cool! I want to see if they finish like the super snowdawgs I have/had. I see you started 2 will you split them betwen light like the others? I will be interested in the results ... the finished buds. The S Girls and Blue Moonshine (hash bud plants) will put out tight hard nuggets from these plants with LED. The more sativa sided the strain "I think" the harder it is for LED to create the same type of bud. It is the first time I grew Super Snowdawg, I found the finished product to be no where near the dense hard nugs of the hash bud plants, maybe it is just the way it is, anyway if you split them I will be watching :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hey Buckshot. I probably will split them up, one each side. Not sure the 400w can cover another plant. I'll give it a shot and see. That's pretty interesting about sativa s not doing well under LEDS. Hummm. I'm also thinking of sprouting 2 Columbian Golds. After vegging I was thinking of hiding them outside. I grew a beautiful Columbian Gold outside once before. :yummy:
you aint going to die on my! watch no way no how!
way to many seeds to sow.:circle-of-love:

Not planning on going anywhere, but I do have to change my habits. Damn It! :lot-o-toke:
you and me both:)
Hey there OMM! Can't wait till you can turn up those lights to full blast! Those lights are very impressive. I could be wrong but it sounds like they are so powerful you could just use them for the whole tent and ditch the HPS! Was wondering if you could? I have my 1000w hps in my little closet. I have the plants about a foot away from the light. I just find it amazing the light those put out and having to have the light so far away from the plants.

CF you've been reading my mind again! :cheesygrinsmiley:

THsea and I both thought the same thing. We almost put two LEDs on each end of the tent, then I remember telling a few people that I would do a comparison grow. 2 or 3 months from now, I'll know for sure. So far this has been some real fun. :surf: Watered the MPS girls tonight and added bit of cal-mag...a bit of yellowing.
As far as how long I will be on liquid diet, I was able to break it yesterday when my regular doctor told me to keep it to soft foods.Last surgery took few (3) months to feel better, I am hurting more this time. they really did a fine job. I will be checking in the evenings, as it is pretty calm around here then and Im hoping I can retain more.Glad to be back. Thank you all for making me feel like family.

I am glad you are off that liquid diet and I am sure you are too. You and my bf are just alike, neither of you can sit still. It really pissed me off with him but that is just the way he is. I can tell now that he is a terrible patient. His stomach is just now trying to go back to normal after being black and blue. They put some type of glue on him to close it with, I never saw that before. But then I haven't had surgery other than 3 c sections over 20 years ago.

Anyhoo, of course we care and worry about you. I have to thank OMM for pulling me into his journal or I prolly would've never met you. Glad you're back and sending healing vibes your way.
Hey Cronic ! :high-five: Thanks.

Right now the LEDs are far away......Advanced recommended this and also at half power. These are some very powerful LEDs. Together they put out a 1000 watts. So I am following their advice. After a full week, they go full blast! Can't wait! :high-five:

CF you've been reading my mind again! :cheesygrinsmiley:

THsea and I both thought the same thing. We almost put two LEDs on each end of the tent, then I remember telling a few people that I would do a comparison grow. 2 or 3 months from now, I'll know for sure. So far this has been some real fun. :surf: Watered the MPS girls tonight and added bit of cal-mag...a bit of yellowing.

400W vs 1000W? I bet the LED's produce more LOL!~

Nice Solid on the librarian. You changed her life for the better. +reps
The Story Continues...........................................................................How to Waste Tax Payer's Money

I'm not sure who's idea this was. Probably the Chief Of Staff. It's hard to say. The OE office was to be in charge of the whole thing and set it up. We were to go off post to another city to do it. We were going to hold a three day meeting for the entire Command staff and their wives to come up with a Mission and Goals statement for Fort Ord for the next 5 years.

Let me say I was against this from the beginning. We could have done the whole thing on post or at least in the Holiday Inn across the freeway from Fort Ord...Sure would have been cheaper. My voice was like a leaf in the wind. Everyone wanted this to be the meeting of all meetings.

The Hotel chosen was the Hyatt Place in downtown San Jose. My memory fails me a bit here, however it was A Hyatt in downtown San Jose. Everyone would check in on Sunday afternoon and the meeting was to start early Monday morning.

Our Captain and Major would be the facilitators. They also brought in a famous Artistic Facilitator at great expense. He would paint a gigantic picture on the walls of the meeting room, detailing everything that was talked about. He actually did this and it was quite amazing to see..

Lea and I were in charge of the wives. We had a few ideas about the wives, but we were shot down. We would make sure they all got on the buses on Monday and Tuesday, and we would go on a big shopping spree for the two days, both in San Francisco and San Jose. Wonderful!

To be continued.................................................................................................Things did not go as planed.

400W vs 1000W? I bet the LED's produce more LOL!~

Nice Solid on the librarian. You changed her life for the better. +reps

Hi got it no contest! :high-five:

Thanks for the plus reps. Sometimes, you have to see what's best and our office did just that. Sure gave us the warm fuzzes too. :Namaste:
The Story Continues…………………...................................……………….How to Waste Tax Payer's Money
………………..............................................……………Things did not go as planed.

LOL, sounds like something naughty is about to happen!

Hi got it no contest! :high-five:

Thanks for the plus reps. Sometimes, you have to see what's best and our office did just that. Sure gave us the warm fuzzes too. :Namaste:

Yessir, a man's moral compass is warm and fuzzy.
So I had to go back and read ... what you did for that woman was awesome.
:circle-of-love:cmon OMM goverment waste,I mean realy?
all your stories before were so believable but this:whoa:
So I had to go back and read ... what you did for that woman was awesome.

Thanks Buckshot. I was totally lost as to what to do, I knew I should do something, but how to do it without totally messing her up. Sure glad I worked where I did. It was a joint effort for sure.
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