OMM's Social Network Grow

Haven't watered the LED girls at all. Got to get used to that.

:cheesygrinsmiley: another benefit to an LED grow. My plants wildly vary in water intake. This is because they are different strains and in various stages of life so I am constantly checking and watering anyway. The real benefit to me is I don’t have to carry/move as much water in total so it is less strain/pain.
:cheesygrinsmiley: another benefit to an LED grow. My plants wildly vary in water intake. This is because they are different strains and in various stages of life so I am constantly checking and watering anyway. The real benefit to me is I don't have to carry/move as much water in total so it is less strain/pain.

Buckshot that is music to my ears. The hardest thing about growing for me is watering. Not the watering it's self,
but going to Safeway to pick up RO water and then carrying it to the tent. I pickup 30 gallons at once sometimes. My house is very old and an RO system would be costly to put in. An outdoor one would flood the place, there is sea water 3 feet beneath me. I've got to get some rain water with a closed system, but then we have volcanic ash in the air and rain water so that's hard too. So I go to Safeway.
Catch 22.. :smokin:
The Story Continues…………………......……………………..Tax payer’s Money Part Two

Before we left Fort Ord, Lea and I asked what we were going to doing at the meeting. All we got was “You'll be playing a big part” and the Captain and Major chuckled. That was the only time we felt left out. Lea and I put our heads together and decided we better take some of our stuff with us. That was a stroke of accidental genius. on our part as it turned out.

When we arrived Sunday afternoon and we assigned to our rooms, the Major came by and told us we would be taking the wives to shop, we rolled our eyes at each other. This was not good, however we said “Yes Sir!”. Actually, we usually called him by his first name. He just smiled.

I may not have said this before; the meeting was going to be in civilian clothes. Everyone in OE school had been given a copy of “Dress for Success”. That meant that I could wear my Italian clothes that Tony had given me. I was going to be a Peacock.

The mess begins. Hyatt had not completed the set up of the main room the next morning.
The seats were not in place and the walls had not been covered with drawing paper for the expensive facilitator, to draw on, and to do his thing.

Lea and I only heard about this later….we had our own problems. The wives were pissed! They refused to get on the buses. They thought that they were going to be part of the main meeting; before it was over they were part of it, on the second day.

These were no ordinary women. This was the Officers Wives Club, chaired by the General's wife. These women did all sorts of things. They had made a special nursery so that working women, married to any rank of soldier, could continue working.. They also kept wives that were married to deployed soldiers from being alone with nothing to do.
They got them evolved in community projects and felt they were contributing too...

Since the meeting was not even started yet, Lea and I asked the ladies if they would like to be in a communication workshop. They said yes and we found a meeting room that was empty and started them in group processes. Turned out they loved it. Lea and I gave each other a Hi Five look. We did the right thing bringing our materials with us.

The ladies worked on different exercises as usual. They actually recognized the “Win-Win exercise immediately. These ladies were no fools. When the day was over, they wanted more. They got more…..back at Fort Ord. Lea and I held many more of these workshops with the Ladies. The General's wife took the course again and insisted that there be enlisted wives in attendance too. Talk about win-win!

Back to the business at hand. During one of the breaks I went into the big meeting room and found the Major. I explained what had happened and the fact that the Ladies thought that leaving them out of the main meeting was a serious mistake and that they were an important part of Fort Ord and the future too. Things were so messed up in the main meeting he immediately agreed. The next day the Ladies were part of the big meeting..

The Command staff learned a big lesson. Actually many big lessons. Forget going to another location. Do it at home. Don't depend on civilians to have everything ready for the meeting. Do not forget the women, they were a big part of Fort too and they knew some things their husbands didn't abut running a fort..

By the way, the second day didn't end until past midnight. They did create a mission statement and goals statement. Every one had to be at work on Fort Ord the next morning. In fact there was very sleepy staff meeting Monday morning. There was an air of embarrassment about the whole thing. A waste.

I was a good soldier and didn't say “I told you so !”

To be continued................................................................................More PWP.
I still keep wondering when I'm going to see you at safeway! LoL.

The less watering is a bonus, I think also in part to less heat...

I was there on Thursday and Saturday. :high-five:
Really sounds just like a Tony Robbins event. They go for for over 12 hours straight at a time. When the event is done you are tired but feel like conquering the world.

Funny how they had to have it off base. Just does not make any sense. Oh Well!!

bare with me OMM, est?
C F That was my take too! They had to have it though. They want to impress...who...I'm not sure of. Hell, it's only the tax payers money.

Have you ever heard of EST?

I had to Wiki it! Never heard of it before but I know it stands for Erhard Seminars Training. I think a lot of motivational speakers probably use some of the techniques in EST. Never heard of it before but it does sound like something I would be interested in.

Erhard Seminars Training - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously sounds like a good thing to go through!!

The promoters could have opened the event to the public and charge a fee to pay for the expenses. Good thing Uncle Sam picked up the tab. Too bad other people in town couldn't attend and help out.

Win Win.

now I understand :)
I had to Wiki it! Never heard of it before but I know it stands for Erhard Seminars Training. I think a lot of motivational speakers probably use some of the techniques in EST. Never heard of it before but it does sound like something I would be interested in.

Erhard Seminars Training - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seriously sounds like a good thing to go through!!

The promoters could have opened the event to the public and charge a fee to pay for the expenses. Good thing Uncle Sam picked up the tab. Too bad other people in town couldn't attend and help out.

Win Win.


Cool CF ! I though you were the person to've been to many things like that.

I went through EST training in 1981. It confirmed to me allot of what I had already figured out. Number one was that no one but yourself was responsible for your life and how you live it. To the point of no matter where your are at, it is where you are suppose to be. You got you there. Don't know exactly why, but that made me very happy, it still does. I bitch allot about Jo, but we have our moments of good too, we are where we belong.

In EST there was hell of a feeling of friendship.......just like here on 420. :Namaste:
Cool CF ! I though you were the person to've been to many things like that.

I went through EST training in 1981. It confirmed to me allot of what I had already figured out. Number one was that no one but yourself was responsible for your life and how you live it. To the point of no matter where your are at, it is where you are suppose to be. You got you there. Don't know exactly why, but that made me very happy, it still does. I bitch allot about Jo, but we have our moments of good too, we are where we belong.

In EST there was hell of a feeling of friendship.......just like here on 420. :Namaste:

OMM, OMM, OMM. My wise friend. That quote is one of those that gave me the chills. It is SO true. You can't blame anyone in life but yourself. I love it. and will stick by that from this day forward. Hope alls well on your end! Sorry I'm not around more, you know the deal. School, school, school. One more week of physics and I'm done! pushing for the 95! woooohoooo. wish me luck!

Hope everyone is great!
Cool CF ! I though you were the person to've been to many things like that.

I went through EST training in 1981. It confirmed to me allot of what I had already figured out. Number one was that no one but yourself was responsible for your life and how you live it. To the point of no matter where your are at, it is where you are suppose to be. You got you there. Don't know exactly why, but that made me very happy, it still does. I bitch allot about Jo, but we have our moments of good too, we are where we belong.

In EST there was hell of a feeling of friendship.......just like here on 420. :Namaste:

So true. I was miserable until I realized that I was where I was supposed to be. When I realized that. I was able to work on the things in life that I was lacking. Money isn't everything. The hardest thing for me is living in the moment.

What a great seminar! All the big motivational speakers use EST principals. A seminar like that can change the course of many lives!

Don't suppose you would mind showing us a pic of your pineapple express? Pretty please Mr. OMM sir. :)

Tell you what DephOne, Ive been up all night and I am tired. They are just a bit larger than a sprout. I promise I will post pictures of them on the 24th..
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