OMM's Social Network Grow

C F, If nothing else you are one honest Man. :thumb:

Once and for all...forgive yourself.....It took me a while, but I did it. We've all passed up some good things, sometimes over and over, But dwelling on them is a waste of time. We can't change history, so why bother?

Just appreciate what you have and carry on. Just think of all you have done for yourself and others. It's feel good time brother. Just look what 420 has given us. Love ya Buddy! You are a man that cares. :love:

What if the here and now totally sucks?! Can I please live in the anywhere else/any other time for a bit, haha? ;)
What if the here and now totally sucks?! Can I please live in the anywhere else/any other time for a bit, haha? ;)

Hi X. I do believe you are talking about physical pain. That one I have no answers to unfortunately. When I was passing kidneys stones for a few years. They gave me the best they had and it didn't even touch the pain. I just drank more water and went though hell.

The pain in my butt....they said they could remove the nerves from there, then I couldn't feel any new pains that would indicated I was getting better or worse. So I just live with it. You on the other hand, have terrible back pains and if they cut your nerves endings you would be in the same position of not knowing if you were getting worse or better. Another catch 22. All we can hope for is some new way of treating us. :smokin::smokin:
Hey sorry, I was responding to the cal/mag conversation. I guess I should really learn to use the "quotes". haha

Thanks SYN. Next leaf I see like that I'll throw it under microscope and take a look. I have all sorts of stuff to treat them. In all my out door grows I had leaf miners. By the time you see the damage they gone, the little buggers.
So there is a party at OMM's? ! ...
Party at Old Med Man's!!! We are all going to get Laid!!

Hi X. I do believe you are talking about physical pain. That one I have no answers to unfortunately. When I was passing kidneys stones for a few years. They gave me the best they had and it didn't even touch the pain. I just drank more water and went though hell.

The pain in my butt....they said they could remove the nerves from there, then I couldn't feel any new pains that would indicated I was getting better or worse. So I just live with it. You on the other hand, have terrible back pains and if they cut your nerves endings you would be in the same position of not knowing if you were getting worse or better. Another catch 22. All we can hope for is some new way of treating us. :smokin::smokin:
so jo is still there:)
Hope you find her. Hope you find her.
ok so shes like a daisy and not a vampire:) sorry if I'am out of place talking about Jo:circle-of-love:I just thought that was the pain in your ass
ok so shes like a daisy and not a vampire:) sorry if I'am out of place talking about Jo:circle-of-love:I just thought that was the pain in your ass

The pain comes and goes as she goes. I think I said that right.
thats why OMM's journal is called the social network:)
Alright, guys and gals, at the risk of sounding like a mother wagging her finger, please try to keep the discussion on topic and appropriate. It started to get a bit out of hand there and I had to do some clean up.

Sorry I had to hijack your thread for a sec, OMM! I felt a public service announcement would be better than just a pm this time. ;)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program....

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