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OMM, OMM, OMM. My wise friend. That quote is one of those that gave me the chills. It is SO true. You can't blame anyone in life but yourself. I love it. and will stick by that from this day forward. Hope alls well on your end! Sorry I'm not around more, you know the deal. School, school, school. One more week of physics and I'm done! pushing for the 95! woooohoooo. wish me luck!

Hope everyone is great!

Deege my friend, it had the same effect on me too. Life got a whole lot easier all of a sudden, Only one person to look at "me". Doing fine on this end. I know your busy Buddy. No problem on this end. Go get em!
Hold on a minute.....OMMMMMMMMMMMMM OMMMMMMMMMMMM....yep a 95! :circle-of-love:
So true. I was miserable until I realized that I was where I was supposed to be. When I realized that. I was able to work on the things in life that I was lacking. Money isn't everything. The hardest thing for me is living in the moment.

What a great seminar! All the big motivational speakers use EST principals. A seminar like that can change the course of many lives!


Yep! Relax and enjoy it. Your there.

Crazy as it sounds, when I was in the Greek prison, I was totally here and now. I have to remind myself now. My mind wonders off.....past or future. You know what I mean it sounds like!

Man, we are going to have some fun when you come out here!

Your so right about ideas change people if they listen.
that was a short nap OMM, you aint never gonna put on weight staying up all the time:circle-of-love:
Hi Grace

No problem ... just speculating

What you wrote was similar to what I suspected. I am sorry you have been in this situation in the past. I hope you are in a place now that gives you peace of mind.

I'm in a very good place in life right now, I count my blessings, and try not to look to the past, doing that will only hold you back. I learned that a long time ago, taking care of others helps you to forget your own woes/thanks for the kind words. Yes, us women will make some bad mistakes in bad times, but if you don't learn from them then you'll never grow, lots don't know how to get out of their situations. Being aware helps/grace
Cool CF ! I though you were the person to've been to many things like that.

I went through EST training in 1981. It confirmed to me allot of what I had already figured out. Number one was that no one but yourself was responsible for your life and how you live it. To the point of no matter where your are at, it is where you are suppose to be. You got you there. Don't know exactly why, but that made me very happy, it still does. I bitch allot about Jo, but we have our moments of good too, we are where we belong.

In EST there was hell of a feeling of friendship.......just like here on 420. :Namaste:

Hey, I think I know who you are, at first I thougth Sean connery, now I know, you're Wayne Dyer, i know he lives in hawaii, He just said those exact same words on Oprah last week/grace
Yep! Relax and enjoy it. Your there.

Crazy as it sounds, when I was in the Greek prison, I was totally here and now. I have to remind myself now. My mind wonders off.....past or future. You know what I mean it sounds like!

Man, we are going to have some fun when you come out here!

Your so right about ideas change people if they listen.

Boy, I just started realizing these same things about 5 years ago, I went through a spirtual transition, and realized that everything was good Right Now, my anxiety eased, and I found that I can't stress about things I have no control of, that everything is where it's suppose to be right now, and it could change, and most likely for the better. I still get stressed with illnesses of family members, strains in relationships, but after I realize I'm too stressed, i ease off myself, and try to control my breathing. It really works/grace
Originally Posted by OldMedMan

Yep! Relax and enjoy it. Your there.

Crazy as it sounds, when I was in the Greek prison, I was totally here and now. I have to remind myself now. My mind wonders off.....past or future. You know what I mean it sounds like!

Man, we are going to have some fun when you come out here!

Your so right about ideas change people if they listen.

Oh Yeah we are going to have some fun buddy! I can't wait either!!

Buddy, My mind always wanders off. Seems like I am always have a mental thing I have to work on. I have certainly made a lot of mistakes in life and passed up a lot of opportunities. When I dwell on this I get very depressed. So what I do is try and think of something else to keep my mind busy. Most of the time it works. Sometimes I have to fake it.

My mind can be my worst enemy!!
Oh Yeah we are going to have some fun buddy! I can't wait either!!

Buddy, My mind always wanders off. Seems like I am always have a mental thing I have to work on. I have certainly made a lot of mistakes in life and passed up a lot of opportunities. When I dwell on this I get very depressed. So what I do is try and think of something else to keep my mind busy. Most of the time it works. Sometimes I have to fake it.

My mind can be my worst enemy!!

My exact thoughts 100%
Top O the mornin to you too. Insert seven dwarfs song here. :peace:

Hi BCBudd ! Actually, I was saying good night! I stayed up all night. Still heard the Seven Dwarfs though. :Namaste:
that was a short nap OMM, you aint never gonna put on weight staying up all the time:circle-of-love:

Hey fish cake! I have a double edged sword at the moment.

I drink ensure allot gives me energy....and I burn it up and don't gain weight! Catch 22! :Rasta:
HI HO, HI HO, It's off to toke we go/grace

Hi Grace! :love:

I loved your answer to Buckshot. You got it, stay in the moment , don't look back and don't worry too much about the future. Here and now is where you actually live. :bravo:
Oh Yeah we are going to have some fun buddy! I can't wait either!!

Buddy, My mind always wanders off. Seems like I am always have a mental thing I have to work on. I have certainly made a lot of mistakes in life and passed up a lot of opportunities. When I dwell on this I get very depressed. So what I do is try and think of something else to keep my mind busy. Most of the time it works. Sometimes I have to fake it.

My mind can be my worst enemy!!

C F, If nothing else you are one honest Man. :thumb:

Once and for all...forgive yourself.....It took me a while, but I did it. We've all passed up some good things, sometimes over and over, But dwelling on them is a waste of time. We can't change history, so why bother?

Just appreciate what you have and carry on. Just think of all you have done for yourself and others. It's feel good time brother. Just look what 420 has given us. Love ya Buddy! You are a man that cares. :love:
That is exactly how my leaves started to look last year on my outdoor when I got thrips. It's like those little assholes eat the chlorophyll. Not saying that you have them, but keep good eye out... they are small and clear. I had to use a microscope to identify.
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