OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1LB!?

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Be careful with dry Koolbloom. By it's nature, it's supposed to "shock" the plants into more bud production. This isn't like most additives - it's a doozy that is literally meant to freak them out. I've used it, and I'd recommend that if you use it, dial back your primary base nutrients to about 1/2 strength, 3/4 strength, etc. at the same time. I've seen people kill their plants quickly with the stuff, too. It does work if done right, but it's not something I'd recommend to a newer or inexperienced grower necessarily. More isn't necessarily better with the stuff given that your essentially OD'ing the plant with bloom ferts when you use it.

On the bulbs... The company you guys are talking about (Light EnerG) makes a unique hybrid bulb with MH and HPS. I'd expect that to be an interesting bulb and great for all stages. The Super HPS version though that you guys are talking about... I'm not sure it's got anything going for it differently than an EYE Horti Super HPS does (which also claims to have advanced blue spectrum, btw) other than price (maybe I'm missing something?)

There are some really workable cheap HPS bulbs out there, but the quality, more expensive ones will hold their brightness for much longer and are built with much stricter engineering tolerances. After much research, I stuck to the Hortilux because they hold their brightness for a much longer period of time, and the quality is second to none. The only other bulb I'd consider, personally, as far as an HPS bulb would be an Ushio. I really wanted to find a cheaper bulb, too as I hate how expensive the Hortilux stuff is. But, I've seen comparisons (wish I remember where) that showed a much quicker drop off in brightness with the cheaper HPS bulbs, even if they were similar in the beginning.

This is hearsay, but I've heard that Digilux has a really bad rep with quality. I have a friend that handles returns for a hydro store near me. He claimed that Digilux bulbs were their most returned/defective item, period. I don't like hearsay normally, but he wasn't trying to sell me anything (I'd already bought some new Horti's) and he was in a unique position to provide this insight. Maybe they've worked the issues out (this was about 6 months ago).

Great info X, I just called my eletric shop in my area to see if they carry HPS bulbs. And they do. There also cheap $20. 2100k 45,000 lumens. Brightness might not be as good but its still would work very well. Also like you said it wouldnt last as long as paying big bucks. But hey I rather buy 3-4 of those bulbs that would equal the price of one. As long as the job gets done it should be good right? Besides that ill be flowering with my MH also. So ill be buying 2 separate mogul base sockets to make a 2 bulb hood.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

pURPLE STEMS WOULD BE YOUR PHOSPHORUS DEF. Sorry for all caps, lol. But yea Im not to use to base organics as I only use organic additives. But I would add more bloom to balance out the P. But adding Kool Bloom would take care of that any way since its high in P any way. So I wouldnt worry to much about it. Purpling of the stems happens very often. Nothing to really worry about.

Also if your temps are to cold are if your fan is blowing close to your plants it will be harder for them to uptake P. So that could be the issue o. And during flower plants need to take up more P then anything else. So check this and go from there

Thanks man ill have to check my temps and see what that looks like, usually runs about 65-70 off and 72-80 on, but were getting into the cold months where i live, so maybe its dropping in the middle of the night.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hi D!
If you think its going to get colder than that at lights off as winter approaches, I'd invest in a temperature controller, and a small cheap plug in oil heater. Set your controller to 75, and your babies will always be cosy..
They run about 65.00. and are a good thing to have on hand. Just switch the wire from red to green inside the unit and you can use it with AC in the summer. I have one and swear by it..

Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Be careful with dry Koolbloom. By it's nature, it's supposed to "shock" the plants into more bud production. This isn't like most additives - it's a doozy that is literally meant to freak them out. I've used it, and I'd recommend that if you use it, dial back your primary base nutrients to about 1/2 strength, 3/4 strength, etc. at the same time. I've seen people kill their plants quickly with the stuff, too. It does work if done right, but it's not something I'd recommend to a newer or inexperienced grower necessarily. More isn't necessarily better with the stuff given that your essentially OD'ing the plant with bloom ferts when you use it.

On the bulbs... The company you guys are talking about (Light EnerG) makes a unique hybrid bulb with MH and HPS. I'd expect that to be an interesting bulb and great for all stages. The Super HPS version though that you guys are talking about... I'm not sure it's got anything going for it differently than an EYE Horti Super HPS does (which also claims to have advanced blue spectrum, btw) other than price (maybe I'm missing something?)

There are some really workable cheap HPS bulbs out there, but the quality, more expensive ones will hold their brightness for much longer and are built with much stricter engineering tolerances. After much research, I stuck to the Hortilux because they hold their brightness for a much longer period of time, and the quality is second to none. The only other bulb I'd consider, personally, as far as an HPS bulb would be an Ushio. I really wanted to find a cheaper bulb, too as I hate how expensive the Hortilux stuff is. But, I've seen comparisons (wish I remember where) that showed a much quicker drop off in brightness with the cheaper HPS bulbs, even if they were similar in the beginning.

This is hearsay, but I've heard that Digilux has a really bad rep with quality. I have a friend that handles returns for a hydro store near me. He claimed that Digilux bulbs were their most returned/defective item, period. I don't like hearsay normally, but he wasn't trying to sell me anything (I'd already bought some new Horti's) and he was in a unique position to provide this insight. Maybe they've worked the issues out (this was about 6 months ago).

Great advice on the Koolbloom dry X! Thanks!
I have noticed that it does stress the plants out. Makes the calyics explode in hopes of getting pollinated.
Pulling back the base nutes is a great idea too because it's so high in bloom by itself.
I have found a few small premature seeds on a couple buds when harvesting yesterday, which says it right there! There wasn't a male anywhere near them, so obviously they become so stressed out they started to self pollinate in order to produce seeds to keep the cycle going.. Amazing how they can do this..
I will be re-thinking adding high doses of this again next time!
But it sure is good for hardening up the lower buds that would have been fluffy popcorn.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

My fans are pretty far up, i use 2 20" box fans mounted in the roof of my room to exhaust the heat, and i use 1 10" table fan about a foot off the floor for air intake, and i am picking up a new oscilating 16" fan tonight since my last one just died on me. I dont think that my temps will end up too out of whack tho even into the winter, i run my lights on at night and off during the day to save on my heating bill :)
so i guess it must just be the P def. thats causing the purpling here and there, ill just up the HP2(0-4-0) from 5ml to 10ml and see how that effects it. And I'm thinking this round ill just used a little extra HPK HP2 and BigSwell toward the end instead of KoolBloom dry and use it next grow on half my plants so i have something to compare it against for density and potency.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

I have to get that temp gauge Vick thanks for sharing that.

And it's hard to burn your plants with organize so yea I would just up the dosage. I use organic additives 2x as much as recommended. Though this is on much larger plants. Ill follow the directions during the first 2-3 weeks of veg after that I always go 2x as much. I will go all organize on my next grow. I'm stuck between BPN, AN, FF. I have most of AN additives and I want to try out BPN 2 base nutes along with there seaweed.
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

On the bulbs... Those Light EnerG might be great - I may have also misunderstood which bulb you were referring to. Also, just wanted to make the general point that you do often get what you pay for with bulbs somewhat. I've tried some cheaper HPS that dimmed quicker or burned out fast, but have had great luck with the hortis. No doubt though that the price makes it tempting to try some less expensive alternatives. Would be really interested to hear/see your guys's firsthand impressions on them - money is tight and I'd love to find reliable cheaper bulbs. I do have a couple of 35$ Ultra Suns for emergency back-up. :)
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Im using RootsOrganics "5ml" program, which is basically 1/4 strength everything (according to the back of my bottles) and ive seen some purpling on stems and a little bit of P def. on them so i figured id up my nutes (as stated in my journal) and then reduce it back to the 5ml program 3 weeks before harvest, drop the HPK and introduce the 1/4tsp kool bloom, would you say that doing so i'd be in the clear or would u say i still take a risk of burning them up?

I think you'd be in the clear. Some strains seem a little more sensitive to the stuff, but that sounds pretty safe to me. It's just strong and designed to shock/stress... It works, but it's best to be thoughtful and error on the side of caution until you understand how your plants will react, imo. Since you are not overfeeding at all though, I suspect you'll be just fine. :)
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Hey Vic just doing a drive by and see whats up. Man them flowers sure look pretty. Love the colors. If she smokes half as good as she looks you'll be set with some one hit wonder. Happy Thanks Giving. Keepem Green
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

Here's a few more harvest pics!











Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

reps for the great harvest, not been on here much been to busy with work, so getting caught up is pretty tough when you get behind
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

what DP and strictly said:)
Re: OG Kush Round 2- In Soil - 1000Watt HPS - GH utes - CO2- Flipped Now- Going For 1

reps for the great harvest, not been on here much been to busy with work, so getting caught up is pretty tough when you get behind

Thanks for the rep Don!
Glad to have you around..
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