OG Kush From Seed RSQ

I always thought bright green new growth especially in flower was a good thing, but ok I'll get my ph lower on the next feeding ad see if that fixes things. I always thought that between 6 and 7 was fine for soil, learning new things every day!
I always thought bright green new growth especially in flower was a good thing, but ok I'll get my ph lower on the next feeding ad see if that fixes things. I always thought that between 6 and 7 was fine for soil, learning new things every day!
It usually is.
Some soils are lacking in enough minerals by flower it can make a difference.
If your doing everything else correctly then setting the ph would be the next logical step.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It usually is.
Some soils are lacking in enough minerals by flower it can make a difference.
If your doing everything else correctly then setting the ph would be the next logical step.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Cool, next feed is scheduled for Friday so I'll make sure the ph is down around 6.3 and see what happens next week
Cool, next feed is scheduled for Friday so I'll make sure the ph is down around 6.3 and see what happens next week
Try not to schedule when you are going to feed them.
Let them tell you when they are ready for another drink.
It may not always be the exact same amount of time in between :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Try not to schedule when you are going to feed them.
Let them tell you when they are ready for another drink.
It may not always be the exact same amount of time in between :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
They seem to be thirsty/dry every 3 days or so, I also like to feed on the first day of the new week which tends to line up. If they aren't dry enough by Friday I push the feeding, or if they are too dry to wait I'll move it up. I find it easier to try and stay close to a schedule while letting them tell me what they need, seems to be a bit of a give and take though
They seem to be thirsty/dry every 3 days or so, I also like to feed on the first day of the new week which tends to line up. If they aren't dry enough by Friday I push the feeding, or if they are too dry to wait I'll move it up. I find it easier to try and stay close to a schedule while letting them tell me what they need, seems to be a bit of a give and take though

Nice, I'm still learning how and when to feed, its not nearly as simple as just following a nutrient grow chart. As Bill284 says, learning to read the plants is important. I'm still new to growing though and my plant reading skills need a little work. (although Nitrogen is pretty easy to read if your leaves are lime green or slightly yellow)

Like you, I water every 2-4 days depending on the growth stage, but I try to keep it one feeding and one plain water per week. I've also tried watering half dosage of nutrients every watering, but I'm still second guessing myself.

Whatever your doing it seems to be working great, your plant look amazing !
Like you, I water every 2-4 days depending on the growth stage, but I try to keep it one feeding and one plain water per week. I've also tried watering half dosage of nutrients every watering, but I'm still second guessing myself.

This is pretty much how I've been watering as well. I'm always worried about over watering and would rather the plants dry out a bit in between waters. I also don't really trust feeding nutrients more than once a week, so I'm pretty much one feed and one plain water a week per plant, this is the first photo period I've flowered in a long time so we'll see if that changes later in flower but so far that cadence has worked for me
We're into week two of flower in this tent and the stretch is definitely on. I'm seeing more pistils showing up and they are starting to smell already. I let the plants dry out a bit so they were still a little droopy when I took these pictures but things are looking good. I ph'd my water down to 6.2-.3 and took off most of the leaves that were showing issues tis past week so hopefully that will help me tell if it was a ph problem. The canopy isn't as even as I want but I figure I'll let everything grow out this week and keep tucking the stalks as need be.

I'm most likely going to need to do a second pass at lollypoping in a couple of weeks as there is still some scruff under the net, but again I'll let it grow out through the stretch to give everything a chance to hit the screen.

New growth is still looking light, but I'm hoping its still healthy

I'm no expert by far and please don't let me lead you away from what others here are recommending, but all of my plants have light (er) green leaves when they are young, especially early flower. (new leaves at the top) I thought it was too much light but after a few grows I've learned that they green up quickly as they fill in....

Your plants are really green, a much deeper green than mine so I think your doing fine.

humidity levels are getting a little high again in the ten so I needed to come up with a solution. I give you the hanging dehumidifier.

It does bring the tent temps up again a bit though. I seem to be always fighting temperature 😢
Does anyone have a solid vpd chart that they trust? I've googled a few but either I'm reading them wrong or they are all different. I don't know what humidity level should start worrying me. The tent was around 90F with 60ish% humidity, its still early flower but I know that humidity will be too high in a couple of weeks. But then again ideal drying humidity is 60% so I get confused.

Other than that the plants are looking good and throwing up a bunch of bud sites, You guys seem to have been right about the ph situation as I haven't seen anymore of those whit spots on my leaves.
Plants were looking a bit droopy this morning so I did a ph'd water with calmag. The stretch has fully set in on the two plants in the back of the tent. The one in front seems to be staying short, hopefully it doesn't get blocked out.

Flowers look like they will be starting to form very soon. New growth is looking good and I think we got past the issues I was having, as I'm not seeing any leaf damage anymore.

Today starts week three of flower for this grow. Everything is looking green and healthy. All the plants got ph'd water with nutrients today as the leaves were starting to droop. The stretch seems to be slowing down and the canopy was looking dense.

There was also a lot of scruff under the net that didnt look like it was going to make it.

So I decided to do another lolly pop and defoliation. This should be the last canopy maintenance needed as I was prett aggressive.

Bud sites look like they are starting to form so this grow should start taking off next week :ganjamon:
Thanks for stopping by!
Well, a somewhat sad update. I was on vacation last week and had placed the plants onto AC infinity self watering bases to try and keep them alive. They trays did not work as advertised and it looks like the plants sucked all the water up in the first few days, because when I got home things were looking crispy. 😢 I gave the three plants about two and a half gallons of non ph'd water right away just to get them started again last night. Today I gave each plant another gallon of ph'd water to see if we can save the crop. Two of the plants look like they might come back, one looks pretty cooked but I'm crossing my fingers.
When I left they looked like this:

When I came back they looked like this:

I'm relatively hopeful because not all of the leaves were crispy yet, they have shriveled but not every plant had crispy leaves. I'm hoping that this will just set me back a week or so, and not be the end of this grow, but we'll just have to wait and find out.
Well, a somewhat sad update. I was on vacation last week and had placed the plants onto AC infinity self watering bases to try and keep them alive. They trays did not work as advertised and it looks like the plants sucked all the water up in the first few days, because when I got home things were looking crispy. 😢 I gave the three plants about two and a half gallons of non ph'd water right away just to get them started again last night. Today I gave each plant another gallon of ph'd water to see if we can save the crop. Two of the plants look like they might come back, one looks pretty cooked but I'm crossing my fingers.
When I left they looked like this:

When I came back they looked like this:

I'm relatively hopeful because not all of the leaves were crispy yet, they have shriveled but not every plant had crispy leaves. I'm hoping that this will just set me back a week or so, and not be the end of this grow, but we'll just have to wait and find out.
Oh dam I'm so sorry :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh dam I'm so sorry :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It's my fault for believing marketing, I figured they'd be good on those bases for a week and I'd come back to slightly dried out plants, but nothing like this. Next time I'll get a friend to come over and water them, its just hard to trust that people will do it right
It's my fault for believing marketing, I figured they'd be good on those bases for a week and I'd come back to slightly dried out plants, but nothing like this. Next time I'll get a friend to come over and water them, its just hard to trust that people will do it right
I understand. :Namaste:
It's hard to find someone you trust the knows what to do.
Hope your ok my friend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I understand. :Namaste:
It's hard to find someone you trust the knows what to do.
Hope your ok my friend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks, I'm ok. A bit sad as this grow was going really well, but its ok. We live and we learn right? Now I know that the self watering bases are a gimmick and that I need to find a friend that can handle the task if I have to go away again.
After two gallons of water through each plant I've made the decision to scrap one, it just was too far gone. The other two after cleaning all the dead and curling leaves off of them look like they might pull through so I will be continuing the grow with those two. I pulled the trellis out to make it easier for me to clean up and maintain the remaining two plants. I hope they just get delayed a week from this. I haven't fed them in about two weeks now but I worry that feeding them now will just be added stress, so I'm going to wait until they dry out a bit again to give them nutrients, they should be starting on week 6 of flower this friday so I think there is enough time to bring them back. Here is how the tent looks now.

I really do hope they come back because the kolas were really starting to stack up nicely.
Thanks, I'm ok. A bit sad as this grow was going really well, but its ok. We live and we learn right? Now I know that the self watering bases are a gimmick and that I need to find a friend that can handle the task if I have to go away again.
After two gallons of water through each plant I've made the decision to scrap one, it just was too far gone. The other two after cleaning all the dead and curling leaves off of them look like they might pull through so I will be continuing the grow with those two. I pulled the trellis out to make it easier for me to clean up and maintain the remaining two plants. I hope they just get delayed a week from this. I haven't fed them in about two weeks now but I worry that feeding them now will just be added stress, so I'm going to wait until they dry out a bit again to give them nutrients, they should be starting on week 6 of flower this friday so I think there is enough time to bring them back. Here is how the tent looks now.

I really do hope they come back because the kolas were really starting to stack up nicely.
Nice save my friend.
I think they are going to make it :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh man good save, that crispy picture made my stomach turn.
Glad they're coming back around.
Mine too, I had a feeling when I got home and went to check the tents, but opening it up to that sight was a real gut punch, I was banking on around a pound from this grow and theres no way I get that type of yield now, but at least I'll get something
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