OG Kush From Seed RSQ

What are the dimensions of your tent?
I'm running the 32"X32"X5' vivosun tents
Also I only pop fems from a reputable breeder.
I'm thinking about going with fast buds for my next seed order, kind of sucks though as I recently got 9 seeds from RQS, I'll still grow them but it makes me a little sad. I should have done more research before buying so many seeds
well, I just placed an order for a spider farmers SE3000 300watt light, should be here Thursday. I'll use that light to flower this grow, and move the light that's currently in this tent to the new tent to daisy chain onto the other 100watt light in that tent
I'm running the 32"X32"X5' vivosun tents

I'm thinking about going with fast buds for my next seed order, kind of sucks though as I recently got 9 seeds from RQS, I'll still grow them but it makes me a little sad. I should have done more research before buying so many seeds
:Namaste: sorry I meant photo fems.
You mentioned your disappointment with autoflowers.
It's a lot of time and money for the outcome I've found with autos.
Just 2 cents.
Excellent choice on the light, I've read good things about them.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You mentioned your disappointment with autoflowers.
It's a lot of time and money for the outcome I've found with autos.
I like the speed I can turn around a garden on autos, and my yield wasn't bad, I got three ounces off my hulkberry, it just wasn't dense pretty looking nuggets. My last royal haze was just a runt from the start so I didn't expect much off that one. Photos are nice, but I want to grow more variety of plants, and the problems length of grow times and possible light leaks make me want to stay towards autos. I'm just going to try and find some "better" genetics, but if I still keep getting airy buds with the new light maybe I'll just make the switch to photos after all.
Excellent choice on the light, I've read good things about them.
Thanks! I hope it works well.
new light gets here some time today, and the girls will get flipped to 12/12 tomorrow. Question about lollypoping, these plants are pretty dense as it is, do I lollypop them before flipping or do I wait until after the stretch is finished? I've also never used a trellis so I'm not entirely sure how to fill it, do I just try and put one stem through each square? I'll post pictures after the new light is installed later today
Rearranged the tent, installed the new light and did a lollypop. I set the lights to 12/12 and they are off until tomorrow. The new light is a spider farmer se3000 300 watt light. I have it set to 80%, but it is running WAY hotter than my 100watt light was. Tent temps are around 90F with the exhaust fan running full speed, two oscillating fans running, and a box fan outside the tent pushing air into it. Temps come down with the lights off but they are around 82F right now after the lights have been off about an hour. I think it will come down a couple more degrees but not much. Temps were around 85F with the old light. My basement is warm, but there's nothing I can do about that and its supposed to get warmer here again this week.

I added some ducting into the lower intake after the pictures were taken that gets air blown in from the box fan outside the tent, but that still doesn't seem to do much with the lights on.
I'll take any suggestions I can get about the heat, would it be worth it to look into CO2?
would it be worth it to look into CO2?
As I understand it you would want to seal your tent for CO2 to be effective.
The only suggestions I can give are to use the dimmer on the light and move it closer to the plants, or find a way to take the driver off the light and move it outside the tent.
As I understand it you would want to seal your tent for CO2 to be effective.
The only suggestions I can give are to use the dimmer on the light and move it closer to the plants, or find a way to take the driver off the light and move it outside the tent.
the driver is removeable and it has a pretty long cable so I think that will be my next move. I'm seeing some conflicting things on the internet about temperatures, is 90 that bad? My humidity is in the mid 50s and there is a ton of air movement, the four inch exhaust fan has the tent extremely sucked in on itself pulling air out. I am worried about light leaks with the box fan blowing air into the intake vent even though its through ducting, and I have the ducting curved downwards when it enters the tent
the driver is removeable and it has a pretty long cable so I think that will be my next move. I'm seeing some conflicting things on the internet about temperatures, is 90 that bad? My humidity is in the mid 50s and there is a ton of air movement, the four inch exhaust fan has the tent extremely sucked in on itself pulling air out. I am worried about light leaks with the box fan blowing air into the intake vent even though its through ducting, and I have the ducting curved downwards when it enters the tent
32⁰C isn't terrible, but it isn't ideal either.
I'd move the driver first, and if that doesn't help try the dimmer.
I'll be doing that in a bit, the lights have been on for about an hour and I wanted to leave everything to see where the temps land. I have the light set to 80% and hung at about 8 inches off the canopy as that's what the instruction book said was ideal, but I may have to adjust
Watered the girls with their first bloom mixture. I still need to get my watering levels right I'm giving them each a gallon of water so that the nutrient math is easy, but I'm ending up with about half a gallon of runoff between the three plants. They are already starting to produce a smell which I'm taking as a good sign for things to come. On to my heat issues, I checked the min/max readings from my hygrometer for last night the tent hit a high of 90.5F with a 62% humidity, and then a low of 85.5F and 55% humidity. I removed the ballast and placed it on top of the tent, but when I closed the tent after my work was done I watched temps start jumping back up. It was reading 88F as I left the room. I'll let it sit for another hour and go back to check but I'm assuming that heat will be a constant problem for me even with the ballast outside of the tent. I think the next move might have to be lowering the intensity, its currently at 80%.
So, someone from Fox Farm needs a good hard slap in the face with the poor choice of nutrient names. I have seen this confusion often ------ and its nobodies fault other than Fox Farm...

OP, I'm not saying that your confused, but I've seen many say things like "why are you feeding bloom nutrients in veg"?

1. Big Bloom is NOT bloom nutrients. Its a mild organic solution similar to a tea that can be used throughout the entire grow. Its hard to over do it with this as well, its very mild. (also great stuff). It should be called worm casting and bat guano tea. You can go crazy with this stuff, it wont hurt a thing.

2. Grow Big is the Veg nutrient...This is the one that you should take it easy with. My bet is your plant got a little too much of this. (not a big deal, in fact your plant should explode soon in a good way...who knows, that extra N might be a good thing.)

3. Tiger bloom equals bloom nutrients to be used in flower... Warning, tread very lightly with this, salts can build up and it can do more harm than good if used in excess...

I'd stay away from Beastie Bloomz, Open Sesame, Cha-Ching, but thats just me. Its insanely potent and easy to over do..(these "boosters" are listed on the bottom of your feed Chart in purple)

I'd say do the trio, (Cha ching/beastie blooms/open sesame) however agreed that you don't want to overdo them, follow the instructions.
I'd say do the trio, (Cha ching/beastie blooms/open sesame) however agreed that you don't want to overdo them, follow the instructions.
I'll check them out for my next grow!

Congrats on the new light.

It looks like moving the ballast out of the tent did nothing for my temperatures, went to check again after an hour and the temp is sitting at 90.7F and 62% humidity, the humidity I understand as I just watered and there is some run off in the catch plates. I've lowered the light intensity to 70% we'll see what happens. It would kind of suck to have gotten a new light and not be able to use it to its full power, but maybe things will change in the fall.
Dropped the light intensity to 70% and the temp is now 89. At least I'm out of the 90s. 70% on a 300watt light is still going to be better than 100%on my 100watt light though so hopefully I can get through flower with this setting, by then it'll be October and hopefully cooler here.
I think the temperatures are stabilizing, I went to check the tent today at around noon and it was sitting at about 87F and 62% humidity, I'd like to get that humidity down in a couple of weeks but its sitting at a vpd of 1.7 so we're still on the outer edge of acceptable. The canopy is responding well to the new light, lots of new green growth, and the trellis is starting to fill in nicely.

In this next shot you can see the ducting I brought in through the lower intake, on the other side of it I have a box fan blowing air into the tent. Will this set up cause a light leak? Should I bend the ducting back onto itself more so it faces the tent wall?

They look really healthy!
Will this set up cause a light leak?
I doubt there'd be any significant amount of light coming in there. Unless the other end of that ducting is directly facing a really bright light.
I wouldn't worry about it.
They look really healthy!

I doubt there'd be any significant amount of light coming in there. Unless the other end of that ducting is directly facing a really bright light.
I wouldn't worry about it.
awesome, its facing a corner and I have a black mesh cover over that end so hopefully we are good to go
I'd say do the trio, (Cha ching/beastie blooms/open sesame) however agreed that you don't want to overdo them, follow the instructions.
Sorry to get carried away OP, your plants are looking great. !!! Whatever your doing seems to be working very well...

So one vote for bloom boosters and one against, there are so many different directions to go in with this hobby! No right or wrongs, just different approaches.

I've been doing a lot of reading and many say that bloom nutrients (high in P and K) are hype and bro science. If you listen to the president of Dynagrow, Uncle Ben, and advanced gardeners, many say that bloom nutrients are not needed at all and can cause more problems than good... I'm on the fence, because I see a lot of successful grows using bloom nutrients. My last grow, I used Foliage Pro (Veg 3-1-2) the entire grow and had great results...

So switching to bloom nutrients (Tiger Bloom in this case) already increases P and K ratios greatly during flower. How much P and K does a plant really need? Many say not nearly as much as people think..

Now, lets talk about Beastie Bloomz, Open Sesame and Cha-Ching. (bloom boosters)

Cha-Ching 9-50-10
Beastie Bloomz- 0-50-30
Open Sesame-5-45-19

Those numbers are CRAZY high in P and K
! Add the fact that your adding these on top of Tiger Bloom which is already high in P and K.... So, just a thought. I burned the hell out of my flowers using this stuff. Maybe advanced growers are able to get good results using them, but I highly recommend against unless you really know what your doing. Following the Fox Farm chart is way too aggressive in P and K if you ask me. Salts will also build up quickly in soil/coco which can be a nightmare.
Sorry to get carried away OP, your plants are looking great. !!! Whatever your doing seems to be working very well...

So one vote for bloom boosters and one against, there are so many different directions to go in with this hobby! No right or wrongs, just different approaches.

I've been doing a lot of reading and many say that bloom nutrients (high in P and K) are hype and bro science. If you listen to the president of Dynagrow, Uncle Ben, and advanced gardeners, many say that bloom nutrients are not needed at all and can cause more problems than good... I'm on the fence, because I see a lot of successful grows using bloom nutrients. My last grow, I used Foliage Pro (Veg 3-1-2) the entire grow and had great results...

So switching to bloom nutrients (Tiger Bloom in this case) already increases P and K ratios greatly during flower. How much P and K does a plant really need? Many say not nearly as much as people think..

Now, lets talk about Beastie Bloomz, Open Sesame and Cha-Ching. (bloom boosters)

Cha-Ching 9-50-10
Beastie Bloomz- 0-50-30
Open Sesame-5-45-19

Those numbers are CRAZY high in P and K
! Add the fact that your adding these on top of Tiger Bloom which is already high in P and K.... So, just a thought. I burned the hell out of my flowers using this stuff. Maybe advanced growers are able to get good results using them, but I highly recommend against unless you really know what your doing. Following the Fox Farm chart is way too aggressive in P and K if you ask me. Salts will also build up quickly in soil/coco which can be a nightmare.
No problems at all, I love the discourse as I think it can help everybody learn! I'm open to hearing what works for people and what doesn't, that's what makes this such a great community! So far the fox farms chart has served me well, aside from my "fuck up" with switching the grow big dosage with the bug bloom dosage for a couple of weeks I've been following it and the plants seem to be doing well. That being said I probably won't repeat that mistake as I think I'm going to focus solely on auto flowers for my next few crops and they require different nutrient strengths, at least I think? Opinions welcome on that topic as well. Back to this topic though, those numbers do look really high, and with my battles against temperature I'm not sure I want to add another variable to my grow, I've never used the boosters and have done ok, but I guess theres always room for change and improvements. If I'm being honest I'll probably look out for other grow journals that are using them and see how those turn out before trying it on my own
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