OG Kush From Seed RSQ

No problems at all, I love the discourse as I think it can help everybody learn! I'm open to hearing what works for people and what doesn't, that's what makes this such a great community! So far the fox farms chart has served me well, aside from my "fuck up" with switching the grow big dosage with the bug bloom dosage for a couple of weeks I've been following it and the plants seem to be doing well. That being said I probably won't repeat that mistake as I think I'm going to focus solely on auto flowers for my next few crops and they require different nutrient strengths, at least I think? Opinions welcome on that topic as well. Back to this topic though, those numbers do look really high, and with my battles against temperature I'm not sure I want to add another variable to my grow, I've never used the boosters and have done ok, but I guess theres always room for change and improvements. If I'm being honest I'll probably look out for other grow journals that are using them and see how those turn out before trying it on my own

Good stuff, its sounds like your learning just like me and taking it all in. I would say if you choose to use boosters, an EC/PPM meter is a must have. You really need to monitor salts to make sure they aren't accumulating...

Who knows, those boosters might be great if timed properly during explosive growth periods. (the stretch, mid flower etc..) But they are very risky. (in my experience)

Looking forward to watching your beautiful plants flower, dam they look healthy. I don't see a single red stem anywhere and the main trunk looks as healthy as they get. Your doing better than me, I'll have to watch to learn.
Sorry to get carried away OP, your plants are looking great. !!! Whatever your doing seems to be working very well...

So one vote for bloom boosters and one against, there are so many different directions to go in with this hobby! No right or wrongs, just different approaches.

I've been doing a lot of reading and many say that bloom nutrients (high in P and K) are hype and bro science. If you listen to the president of Dynagrow, Uncle Ben, and advanced gardeners, many say that bloom nutrients are not needed at all and can cause more problems than good... I'm on the fence, because I see a lot of successful grows using bloom nutrients. My last grow, I used Foliage Pro (Veg 3-1-2) the entire grow and had great results...

So switching to bloom nutrients (Tiger Bloom in this case) already increases P and K ratios greatly during flower. How much P and K does a plant really need? Many say not nearly as much as people think..

Now, lets talk about Beastie Bloomz, Open Sesame and Cha-Ching. (bloom boosters)

Cha-Ching 9-50-10
Beastie Bloomz- 0-50-30
Open Sesame-5-45-19

Those numbers are CRAZY high in P and K
! Add the fact that your adding these on top of Tiger Bloom which is already high in P and K.... So, just a thought. I burned the hell out of my flowers using this stuff. Maybe advanced growers are able to get good results using them, but I highly recommend against unless you really know what your doing. Following the Fox Farm chart is way too aggressive in P and K if you ask me. Salts will also build up quickly in soil/coco which can be a nightmare.
You're right about that!
😇 it took some trial and error to get the jist of it. 💚
You could always do an experiment: grow 2 the same plants, treat them ideally and identical as usual, only plant A gets bloom nutes and plant b gets none. End results should give you a face full of visuals.
Good stuff, its sounds like your learning just like me and taking it all in. I would say if you choose to use boosters, an EC/PPM meter is a must have. You really need to monitor salts to make sure they aren't accumulating...

Who knows, those boosters might be great if timed properly during explosive growth periods. (the stretch, mid flower etc..) But they are very risky. (in my experience)

Looking forward to watching your beautiful plants flower, dam they look healthy. I don't see a single red stem anywhere and the main trunk looks as healthy as they get. Your doing better than me, I'll have to watch to learn.
Thanks! and yeah always learning and trying to do better next time. I do have a few red stems showing up, I've just been selective in my pictures 😅 the main stems do still look really healthy though
You're right about that!
😇 it took some trial and error to get the jist of it. 💚
You could always do an experiment: grow 2 the same plants, treat them ideally and identical as usual, only plant A gets bloom nutes and plant b gets none. End results should give you a face full of visuals.
I like that idea, I do have 5 more OG Kush seeds that came as freebies from my order for the purple experiment that I'm currently running, maybe in the winter I'll run another OG grow and give that a try
You're right about that!
😇 it took some trial and error to get the jist of it. 💚
You could always do an experiment: grow 2 the same plants, treat them ideally and identical as usual, only plant A gets bloom nutes and plant b gets none. End results should give you a face full of visuals.

Pics removed until approved by OP ! Maybe I'll start a second thread, I have picture of the same strain grown with and without bloom nutrients...
I'm learning grow journal etiquette, please excuse me if I'm over doing the pics on your thread. Is this considered a no-no?
It depends on whose journal it is. If they don't mind, it's okay.
It's good to ask first to make sure.
It depends on whose journal it is. If they don't mind, it's okay.
It's good to ask first to make sure.
Thanks, OP please let me know if I'm overdoing the pics on your thread. I still have time to edit or maybe I can just post links so that it doesn't confuse your grow diary..

Late edit: I removed the pics before my 420 time limit took effect..
Watered all the plants with a gallon of tap water each today, the tent was hot again, 92F and they were dry and starting to droop. I turned the dehumidifier off in the lung room and that seemed to drop the tent temps by about 4 degrees. After watering the plants bounced back and look good again. I'm starting to see some spots on fan leaves that might be signs of light stress, but I'm not sure
We have pistils! About four days after flipping to 12/12 I am seeing signs of flowering, which I'm hoping is a good sign for the rest of the grow. The canopy is filling in very nicely and even. It should be no problem to have bud sites in every square. Should I try and get some branches in the squares near my fan or would that be too close and cause issues with the buds?

As I said in my last post I am noticing some white spots on some of my fan leaves that look like light bleaching, but I'm interested to hear what other people think they are.

Dunno what that is, I get it here n there throughout my grows. I usually see signs of it when I been messing with the fertilizers, especially that period between veg to flower. I just figured it's an acute fluctuation of the nutes. Don't fact me on this tho.
Such an incredible top canopy on your lady 💚 I think she will fill that net up plenty for you!!!
We have pistils! About four days after flipping to 12/12 I am seeing signs of flowering, which I'm hoping is a good sign for the rest of the grow. The canopy is filling in very nicely and even. It should be no problem to have bud sites in every square. Should I try and get some branches in the squares near my fan or would that be too close and cause issues with the buds?

As I said in my last post I am noticing some white spots on some of my fan leaves that look like light bleaching, but I'm interested to hear what other people think they are.

Is the fan oscillating?
Are you using calmag in your feed water first?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Dunno what that is, I get it here n there throughout my grows. I usually see signs of it when I been messing with the fertilizers, especially that period between veg to flower. I just figured it's an acute fluctuation of the nutes. Don't fact me on this tho.
Such an incredible top canopy on your lady 💚 I think she will fill that net up plenty for you!!!
Thank you! they are doing extremely well and I'm excited to see how they turn out!

Is the fan oscillating?
Are you using calmag in your feed water first?
Yes to both of these
Thank you! they are doing extremely well and I'm excited to see how they turn out!

Yes to both of these
If the fan oscillates you will be ok.
Spots look like a nutrient issue
What exactly are you feeding and how often?
What's your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If the fan oscillates you will be ok.
Spots look like a nutrient issue
What exactly are you feeding and how often?
What's your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Feeding once a week, this week was 1 tsp calmag, 3tsp big bloom, 2 tsp grow big, 1 tsp tiger bloom per gallon, each plant got right around a gallon
Feeding once a week, this week was 1 tsp calmag, 3tsp big bloom, 2 tsp grow big, 1 tsp tiger bloom per gallon, each plant got right around a gallon
Is that what the schedule calls for?
Are you giving plain water in between feeding?
Do you let the soil dry a bit in between before giving more water/nutrients?
Do you know your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Is that what the schedule calls for?
Are you giving plain water in between feeding?
Do you let the soil dry a bit in between before giving more water/nutrients?
Do you know your ph?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
yes that's exactly the measurements from the schedule, I do give plain water in between, again about a gallon for each plant not ph adjusted. I keep my ph for feed watering between 6.5 and 7, the last feeding ph was probably a bit high around 6.8, I do not check the ph of my runoff though. The soil this past time probably dried out a little too much as I had a bit of leaf droop.
A lot of guys who ph feeds in soil shoot for 6.2 or 6.3.
New growth is yellowish aswell.
Could be ph. :Namaste:
Soil isn't my area of expertise.
But I agree with Mel:ciao:
If your setting it? 6.3 is your goal.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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