OG Kush From Seed RSQ

Thanks !

I just noticed your on your third grow. You've got some experience under your belt, I'll shut up now !
Oh please, lol as evidenced by my nutrient screw up on this one I need all the help I can get, all advice is welcome! Besides, I started all three basically at the same time, so to me they kind of count as one, or at the most two since one set is autos and this one is photos. Plus my entire setup is new compared to my grows from like 16 years ago so I'm still figuring everything out.
Oh please, lol as evidenced by my nutrient screw up on this one I need all the help I can get, all advice is welcome! Besides, I started all three basically at the same time, so to me they kind of count as one, or at the most two since one set is autos and this one is photos.

So, someone from Fox Farm needs a good hard slap in the face with the poor choice of nutrient names. I have seen this confusion often ------ and its nobodies fault other than Fox Farm...

OP, I'm not saying that your confused, but I've seen many say things like "why are you feeding bloom nutrients in veg"?

1. Big Bloom is NOT bloom nutrients. Its a mild organic solution similar to a tea that can be used throughout the entire grow. Its hard to over do it with this as well, its very mild. (also great stuff). It should be called worm casting and bat guano tea. You can go crazy with this stuff, it wont hurt a thing.

2. Grow Big is the Veg nutrient...This is the one that you should take it easy with. My bet is your plant got a little too much of this. (not a big deal, in fact your plant should explode soon in a good way...who knows, that extra N might be a good thing.)

3. Tiger bloom equals bloom nutrients to be used in flower... Warning, tread very lightly with this, salts can build up and it can do more harm than good if used in excess...

I'd stay away from Beastie Bloomz, Open Sesame, Cha-Ching, but thats just me. Its insanely potent and easy to over do..(these "boosters" are listed on the bottom of your feed Chart in purple)

Did a mid week water and some "light" LST. I am realizing my top down shots make my leaves look way darker than they actually are. The plants are looking good since my little nute mix up at their last feeding.

the canopy is looking very even in height, once the Royal Haze that I'm growing is out of the tent I'll up pot these girls to their final 3 gallon pots and really train them out.
Thanks! They are garden stakes, I've seen people use them to great effect for LST in fabric pots. The fabric makes it difficult to find anchor points in the pot that don't have grommets. I was using binder clips and garden wire in my other grows, but I like this technique better, it seems to more evenly apply bending pressure.
Croquet is a lot of fun, I haven't played in a while but I always enjoyed it
Thanks! They are garden stakes, I've seen people use them to great effect for LST in fabric pots. The fabric makes it difficult to find anchor points in the pot that don't have grommets. I was using binder clips and garden wire in my other grows, but I like this technique better, it seems to more evenly apply bending pressure.
Croquet is a lot of fun, I haven't played in a while but I always enjoyed it
Yep, good old Croquet, I'm glad someone else remembers. It was always fun when you got to knock your opponents ball out into the bushes....

Tell me about it, I used a kabob skewer on my last grow--- had to improvise with the cloth pot not having anchor points like plastic pots. (the other clips came from a rotisserie chicken air fryer)

Your plants are looking great man, I may up my dosage of N next grow, its really working for you.

I had a bit of a family emergency this past week so I wasn't able to update/care for these plants very well. Everyone is ok, plants included but they had not been watered for almost a full week, they were looking pretty sad. I watered them on Saturday with full strength nutrients...the right mixture this time 😅 . I didn't take pictures because I planed to repot them. Well life got the better of me and I didn't get a chance to repot until today. I up-potted them into their final homes of 3 gallon fabric pots into more ocean forest and perlite about 75/25 mixture. I moved my LST stakes around and watered them in. I'll post pictures tomorrow after everything has readjusted and is facing the lights again. this tent is now fully dedicated to this photo period grow. I figure I'll let these girls get used to the new pots for about two weeks and then install a trellis net and flip them to 12/12. I've never successfully used a trellis, so I'm excited to see what I can produce using one. I am a touch worried that my light isn't strong enough to flower three plants at once but I guess we';; see what happens. The light is a vivosun VS1000 100 watt led, the tent is a 2.5' X 2.5' X 5'
All the plants have made their turn towards the light, and are looking good. this tent should be no problem to fill with these three plants, it would be perfect for four, but I'll have to do a bit more training to fill it in with the three I have. The plant that was the runt is now tallest of all having not been topped before the up-potting. I gave her a hair cut to bring it back down to size with the rest of the plants. They all shared about 3/4 of a gallon of tap water when I transplanted them so they should be ready for normally scheduled feeding on Friday.

sorry, didn't post the pic with my last comment.

I always found pot smokers to be people with the most ingenuity, always finding a way to solve a problem. That problem usually being the need of a smoking device but solving problems none the less 😆
Tomorrow is week four of veg for this grow, but the plants looked dry so I watered and took pictures early. Pretty standard veg photos incoming. The plants are moving along well and are growing alternating nodes at this point. I figure I'll go at least another week before 12/12 flip though. I need to find the trellis net that came with my tent, I seem to have misplaced it 😅 It's hot here and my tent temps are high 85-86F and I don't know how to fix that since I'm in a non-airconditioned basement. Hopefully temps come down a bit in a few weeks, but I'll have to see. maybe the flip will help cool the tent down too. Anyway enough rambling here are some pictures.

Found my trellis net and got it installed. The girls looked thirsty so they shared 2 gallons between the three of them with two tsp of calmag. I'll let them dry out until Friday and then flip them to 12/12 on what would be week five of veg. I've always been confused do you count weeks of flower from when you change the light cycle, or from when the first pistils show?
Here are the girls.

Found my trellis net and got it installed. The girls looked thirsty so they shared 2 gallons between the three of them with two tsp of calmag. I'll let them dry out until Friday and then flip them to 12/12 on what would be week five of veg. I've always been confused do you count weeks of flower from when you change the light cycle, or from when the first pistils show?
Here are the girls.

If you count from when you switch your timer it adds 2 weeks to your finish time.
But that’s how I log mine.
I turn the lights off for 24 hrs and lights on is day 1 of flower.
Just makes it easier for me to track each grow.
Everyone has the same start as apposed to waiting for pistils which will always vary by strain by a day or two.
Girls look great buddy looking forward to flower. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
If you count from when you switch your timer it adds 2 weeks to your finish time.
But that’s how I log mine.
I turn the lights off for 24 hrs and lights on is day 1 of flower.
Just makes it easier for me to track each grow.
Everyone has the same start as apposed to waiting for pistils which will always vary by strain by a day or two.
Girls look great buddy looking forward to flower. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
awesome, I guess I'll turn the lights off on Thursday and get everything ready.
Is my light strong enough to take these three plants through flower? At 19" off the canopy my PPFD is 598, and my DLI is 51.7. I'm using the vivosun vs1000 100watt light that came with my tent
Is my light strong enough to take these three plants through flower? At 19" off the canopy my PPFD is 598, and my DLI is 51.7. I'm using the vivosun vs1000 100watt light that came with my tent
That is more of a veg light :Namaste:
I believe they recommend 30/40 watts per sq/ft.
So a 4x4 would be 16 sq/ft at 30 watts needs 480 watts.
I have a VS6450 in my 5x5 flower room.
Freeken excellent light. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
That is more of a veg light :Namaste:
I believe they recommend 30/40 watts per sq/ft.
So a 4x4 would be 16 sq/ft at 30 watts needs 480 watts.
I have a VS6450 in my 5x5 flower room.
Freeken excellent light. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hmm, my tents are both 7 square feet so I need about double the light I have now then. Since both are vivosun lights I think I'll try to pick up a 200-250 watt light for the tent running this grow and then move the 100 watt light from this tent into the new tent and run both of those in the same tent. I'd rather not have to get two new lights if I can avoid it. Initial setup costs are getting a bit out of hand for me at the moment, but I dont want to short myself. Both of my harvested grows under this light have been really airy, and from what I'm reading that might be due to royal queen seeds autoflower genetics, but I'm sure my light isn't helping 😢
Hmm, my tents are both 7 square feet so I need about double the light I have now then. Since both are vivosun lights I think I'll try to pick up a 200-250 watt light for the tent running this grow and then move the 100 watt light from this tent into the new tent and run both of those in the same tent. I'd rather not have to get two new lights if I can avoid it. Initial setup costs are getting a bit out of hand for me at the moment, but I dont want to short myself. Both of my harvested grows under this light have been really airy, and from what I'm reading that might be due to royal queen seeds autoflower genetics, but I'm sure my light isn't helping 😢
Get the best/ biggest you can afford.
You will use it in the future guaranteed.
If you get something small it will be limited in its abilities.
What are the dimensions of your tent?
Also I only pop fems from a reputable breeder.
I find autos difficult to get anything decent from them.
Some members do well with them but photos will give you a better harvest in my opinion.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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