Niwashi's First Grow

Hey all, sorry for the delay. Down to one plant, the second one to sprout. I shut off the top feed when I was building the RDwC and the first seedling died, but had been going that way for a little while. The one that is still alive is really thriving.

When should I top the plant?

I still have some leaks in my Uniseals but am comfortable enough with the setup to try running it.

Now for some pics.
You just have to decide how many main branches you want. My self I like 6 to 8. It seems some are just not as big and strong as others so they can be removed without feeling like you are doing damage. For me its after the 4th node.
I agree with JM, 4th node although I have topped above the 3rd in the past with no issues. Looks to me like you have 3 good sets of leaves, get one more set then top above that. That will give you 2 main branches. If you'd like more then top each of the two that grow from the first topping.
I'd also suggest lowering your light to about 12 inches. That will keep the nodes growing tighter together. Just keep an eye out for light burn and get it as close as you can.

That plant looks to be very healthy right now, your doing a good job.:)
Thanks for the feedback guys!

She has gotten real droopy since I've moved her to the new setup, I think it could be an issue with the airstones. I broke the two that I had been using when switching out the air tubing so I threw in the two that came with the cheap airpump I bought. I am going to pick up some replacements at the aquarium shop to hold me over, but I ordered a much larger pump off amazon as well as 4'" round airstones.

Other things that could be giving me trouble:
  • I filled the system with 130ppm tap water (aprox 35 gal) I then let the water sit out for 24hrs before adding 80ppm GH MIcro, 40ppm GH flora, 20ppm GH bloom, 1tsb Z7 part and 1tsb Z7 part 2.
  • I placed a sheet of aluminum foil over the roots, maybe this is reflecting light in a strange way?
  • Water temp is back in the mid 70's, I have started running the pump 5mins on 25 mins off to try to cut down heat
  • I adjusted the lamp a bit closer to try to prevent stretch.
As always, any and all feedback is appreciated.

pics in the next post...
OK, I may have found the problem. PH has somehow risen to almost 8.0 :eek: after being at 6.0 this AM. I PH'd back down to 5.8 confirming the PH in each of the 4 buckets and the res. I also checked my PH meter against my calibration blanks and everything is in order.

Hopefully she will be lookin better in the morning.
Shes' looking a tad better this AM, I also purchased two 6" airstones to use temporarily.

Here is the pump and stones I have en route:

VIVOSUN Air Pump 950 GPH 32W 60L/min


4-Inch Air Stone Disc Bubble Diffuser (4 total)


I'll post some pics of the plant's recovery when I'm home from work.
@JM, that's a DHT11 hooked directly to a raspi 3. Haven't gotten around to remote sensors yet. I have some h2o temp sensors as well. Trying to figure out the right sensors for PH, TdS and dissolved oxygen. Once I get my sensors figured out I will move them to an adurino that ships the data back to the raspi running home assistant via MQTT.
3/1 Update 2

So I managed to track down some more seeds. I have a total 12, according to my guy there should be be at least 2 of each strain in the pack he gave me. I believe I'm workin with Plat OG, another OG hybrid and the rest are unknown but super dank.

So now the big question. SHould I start these guys in rockwool or a rapid rooter plug?

3/1 Update 2

So I managed to track down some more seeds. I have a total 12, according to my guy there should be be at least 2 of each strain in the pack he gave me. I believe I'm workin with Plat OG, another OG hybrid and the rest are unknown but super dank.

So now the big question. SHould I start these guys in rockwool or a rapid rooter plug?

I suggest plugging it but only through personal experience with rockwool. Retains alot of moisture and have to be gentle with it.
I suggest plugging it but only through personal experience with rockwool. Retains alot of moisture and have to be gentle with it.

Rockwool or plugs retain lots of moisture? I've read that the plugs are harder to dry out than rockwool

Start them in soil, mother nature over a few years has figured out how to get seeds to sprout.

If I start them in soil, how long should I let them go before transplanting to hydro?

When I went to the hydro store to buy plugs, I wanted to pick up a new "greenhouse." The one I bought already came prefilled with rockwool plugs, but I also have rapid rooter plugs.

Has anyone used GH RapidStart rooting enhancer? They guy at the hydro store gave me a 30ml bottle and said to put one drop per gallon. Any experience or recommended dosages?

3/2 update 1

She is almost back to normal! Pics in the next post!
@PhobosAnomaly this is my first time hearing of Thirp Larva! I think I'm leaning towards soil to start this new batch of seeds. What am I looking for when I dunk the plugs in water? Is there anything I can do to get rid of the Larvae if I have them in my plugs?

@Scrogdawg what soil do you use? Do you mix it with anything? What sort of watering schedule?
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