Niwashi's First Grow

Cal/Mg first, then Micro, Bloom and finally Grow. I also use the GH Flora Trio.

Heres a recipe I use at the stage of growth yours are at. Just ratio the nutrients for the size reservoir you have.
Ok cool! So 80/40/20. Thanks for sharing the chart again!

My attempt at RDWC this past weekend didn't work out because I couldn't find Uniseals. I have a package on order that arrives Friday. Going to try adding 80/40/20 of the trio to my current solution then make a fresh batch for the new RDWC.

Do you have a spreadsheet that does those nute calculations for you? Or did you manually input the numbers?
I've kind of developed these recipes on my own over the course of a few grows. Tried many and have narrowed it down to a pretty stable set that work good through all stages of growth.

I'm not sure I understand the 80/40/20? How many gallons of water is in your system?
80ppm micro
40ppm gro
20ppm bloom

Not sure what the new system is going to be for total capacity, depends if I put valves on the buckets. Currently I have 9.5 gallons of DI in my tote setup. For the new system I plan on doing a 4 or 6 bucket system but only have 2 plants going right now. If I put ball valves on the outlet of each bucket I can shut off the extra buckets.
Remember that recipe is for 24 gallons. Your current system is 40% the size.

This should give you roughly 240ppm in your 9.5 gallon system.
8ml of Cal/Mg
11ml of Micro
15ml of Grow
2ml of Bloom
I hand feed so I can’t help you on RDWC solution, but just to add to Scrog’s tips. I’ve found Bloom and Gro order to be interchangeable, but absolutely CalMag first, and Micro second. I use RapidStart and Floralicious+ for portions as well, added after the others have been mixed.

Also you could set up a spreadsheet pretty simply. I have a really simple one. NPK ratios of each component in a table, then just set up the calculations in another table. With some trial and error you could probably approximate the PPM impact per ml of solution and add that calculation to the NPK calculation, and then it’s just playing with the values week over week to get exactly what you want.

I feed to the hand watering schedule Asesino85 posted to his journal, and he specifies the target NPK and PPM and I just worked out the ratio to hit those values. Makes mixing solution a cinch. I bet if you had some equivalent RDWC recommended NPK and PPM by week you could do the same.
Thanks DobeWan, appreciate the info!


Not a ton of progress, but nothing has died yet :). The Z7 and a humidifier are supposed to arrive today, I hope that helps! The Uniseals are due in today as well so I should be able build the RDWC and keep those water temps down!

Pics in the next post!
Thanks JM!

So the RDWC is 90% complete. Unfortunately I have some leaky Uniseals. From the reading I've done, looks like the only solution short of buying new buckets and redrilling the holes is to drain, debur and seal with some petroleum jelly. I have drained the system and try this tonight.

Does anyone have experience with fixing leaky Uniseals? I used a 1 3/4" colbat hole saw for 1" Uniseals.
I had a couple that had small leaks. I used aquarium silicone on the inside of the buckets and they sealed up fine. As it was on the inside where nobody sees I applied it fairly liberally around the outsides of the seals. Its been over a year now and I've had no issues with them.
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