New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Wow, Laverne is unrecognizable! I love it!

They're all looking fantastic. Stack A. Dollar is really stacking it on. :;):

Rachel Suavay :love: is looking good and green. I bet she'll hit a growth spurt soon and impress us all.
Thanxx, let's hope so.

Blimey Reg great update. A plethora of health and beauty in that tent. Well done you.

Watch that Laverne though, those reveg girls have a habit of explosive growth from around that size. Have you planned how ya gonna play this when you have to split them up because of light cycles. It suddenly gave me a problem at the time.

I'll try to get my cloning method posted so we can maybe do some together.
I'm just going to veg until everything's nice & fluffy & then flip to 12/12. I've come to the conclusion there's no downfall in longer veg-time if your not on any time schedule. The cloning side by side sounds like a great idea. I have a heat tray, Rapid Rooter mat & some E-Z Clone rooting gel on the way. I've given up on the ghetto cloner for now.

You are hitting it out of the park REG. I am so proud of you and the girls. What ever happened to Laverne's seeds?
Thanxx Stacks. Remember now, LAVERNE was found outside, rescued, grown & harvested. There was never any seeds; we don't even know what strain she is.

Awesome going my friend. Your healthy girls are doing you proud. Really great green growing machines to you!

They are all showing their best "stuff" for you, Reg! Great update:thumb:
Thanxx you two...
Re: New City Grower

Very healthy, clones never get tap roots if that's what that plant is. If you keep a fan on em and keep em fightin the wind so to seak those plants will get huge stems......huge stems=huge fruit! reps for you, the health of those plants excited me!
The fan blows 24/7 Mack. I know you've been away for awhile so I'll give you a quick KUMIKO update. That's the name of the original Honey Haze beans. KUMIKO I sprouted but didn't survive; KUMIKO II was tap-rooted but never sprouted; & KUMIKO III is awaiting tap-root...


DAMN REG! If I never met you before today, I would think you've been growing for years:high-five:

It's smooth sailing from here buddy ;)

...and +Reps, my god-daughter WILL surprise soon enough :wood:
Thanxx AG. You know I have to perform for you. Your an original New Yorker. I wouldn't feel right letting you down. Go Knicks...
Re: New City Grower

wtf dude the haze still aint hatchin? put it in a wet paper towel, in a warm dark spot. I don't think anything anything but being wet and warm, but this is how I get anything to sprout. even those tiny basil seeds which take FOREVER to hit puberty lol. once they do they blow up, just like the skunk window will

I used to have good success in putting the seed just under the top of the soil, just pushing it in basically, and keeping it moist with a spayer twice a day. too much work, paper towel, zip lock bag, warmness

give the skunk window some bulbs if youre worried. I think shes gonna have the nicest buds of them all, althought that tank cotton candy looks good :) I always wanted to grow cotton candy, but I thought it was even more sativa looking then that. thanks for showing me how she looks

I also thought chocolate thai was sativa so I want that. and I thought haze was sativa but im seeing these boogie hazes everywhere lol

tell you the truth, the snow white "heavy indica" are the most sativa plants ive had yet and I cant wait to smoke her

skunk was also sativa like, made diesel looks more sativa than pure chemd
Re: New City Grower

I used to have good success in putting the seed just under the top of the soil, just pushing it in basically, and keeping it moist with a spayer twice a day. too much work, paper towel, zip lock bag, warmness

Well the extra work does increase your percentage rate of success ;)
Re: New City Grower

<<I used to have good success in putting the seed just under the top of the soil
That's how I do mine now, damn paper towel didn't work for me very well, almost 100% success for me. Everyone has a method, just gotta find what works for you.
Re: New City Grower

<<I used to have good success in putting the seed just under the top of the soil
That's how I do mine now, damn paper towel didn't work for me very well, almost 100% success for me. Everyone has a method, just gotta find what works for you.

you gotta do the paper towel right! you need to not squish them in there and just put em in and leave em be for 2 days. think about it. the earth doesn't get up and move which is why get better success with planting in soil, cause they're not getting touched! unless you're one of those guys that keeps digging it up to check! lol.
Re: New City Grower

you gotta do the paper towel right! you need to not squish them in there and just put em in and leave em be for 2 days. think about it. the earth doesn't get up and move which is why get better success with planting in soil, cause they're not getting touched! unless you're one of those guys that keeps digging it up to check! lol.
Funny but true, I knew a guy who couldn't ever germinate a seed, every day he'd dig it up to see what happened haha he happened. If he did get one to sprout real fast of course he had to water it everyday haha
Re: New City Grower

Funny but true, I knew a guy who couldn't ever germinate a seed, every day he'd dig it up to see what happened haha he happened. If he did get one to sprout real fast of course he had to water it everyday haha

we've all been there :high-five: (sarcastic high five)

it was probably someone from roll-it-up LOL
Re: New City Grower

Lol, yeah I'm not a digger, I just let nature take it's course, though I have done it as well, and the seed seedling still survived! Guess I just got lucky with that one, I've been thinking about trying rockwool cubes soon, picked some up for a planned DWC grow soon. It's all about preference I guess, trial and error, whatever works and all that.
Re: New City Grower

Just adding my two or three cents to B. Real's method. Never germed a seed before in my life until this grow, I put ten seeds in the paper towel method and had 100% germ rate in a very short time.....3 or 4 days if I remember correctly. Only one took waaaaay longer than the rest, but it still popped. Kept them in moist paper towel in a snap closed plastic container, in the dark on top of a freezer warm spot. :thumb:
Good morning all!:nomo:
Re: New City Grower

danklover79 said:
Guess I just got lucky with that one, I've been thinking about trying rockwool cubes soon, picked some up for a planned DWC grow soon. It's all about preference I guess, trial and error, whatever works and all that.

I hope you've got your hands on a chiller;)
Re: New City Grower

wtf dude the haze still aint hatchin? put it in a wet paper towel, in a warm dark spot. I don't think anything anything but being wet and warm, but this is how I get anything to sprout. even those tiny basil seeds which take FOREVER to hit puberty lol. once they do they blow up, just like the skunk window will

I used to have good success in putting the seed just under the top of the soil, just pushing it in basically, and keeping it moist with a spayer twice a day. too much work, paper towel, zip lock bag, warmness

give the skunk window some bulbs if youre worried. I think shes gonna have the nicest buds of them all, althought that tank cotton candy looks good :) I always wanted to grow cotton candy, but I thought it was even more sativa looking then that. thanks for showing me how she looks

I also thought chocolate thai was sativa so I want that. and I thought haze was sativa but im seeing these boogie hazes everywhere lol

tell you the truth, the snow white "heavy indica" are the most sativa plants ive had yet and I cant wait to smoke her

skunk was also sativa like, made diesel looks more sativa than pure chemd
Thanxx for the info with the paper towel method guys. Every bean that I've put in the seed dish has tap-rooted. I'm 100% with this method. I place the seed dish in darkness & check it maybe twice a day. The problem with this HONEY HAZE is sprouting after placing it into the soil. One sprouted & died & the other never sprouted. I'm starting to believe this SCIENTIFIC SOILS may be a little too hot. RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) had a rough start & both KUMIKO's (Honey Haze) didn't make it. LAVERNE (Re-Veg) & STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) were both planted in New York City Compost and they're both doing fabulous.

So what I've done is Flush a pot of the SCIENTIFIC SOILS. With some of whatever it is in that mix [Key Structural Ingredients: Coir, sphagnum peat, reed - sedge peat, perlite, composted plant material] rinsed out I might find a solution to all my troubles.

I'm also considering that it could just be a case of inferior beans as this is the only strain that hasn't grown. With some of the best Growers right here at my disposal combined with my passion for this I'm sure we'll resolve whatever the problem is. I still have one more Honey Haze bean in reserve.

Great update Reg...the plants look amazing and healthy

Please have some reps for a job well done :thumb:
Thanxx Jay & all...
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