New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Spilled milk under the bridge Rosebud; We're good! Where have you been?
Re: New City Grower

Spilled milk under the bridge Rosebud; We're good! Where have you been?

haha thank you you are good beans Reg!

I been ok but in trouble lots and is why I been sorta implementing fallouts most useful strategy of "Duck , AND Cover!" haha but I been trolling the site today as much I can trying to respond to all these awesome threads :D
Re: New City Grower


Well Rosebud you know the routine; Tuck & Roll... Keep johnny law two steps behind & not knowing which way your stepping next.
Re: New City Grower

Don't even go there LA, it's not your fault. We're not even sure that the soil is the problem yet, It maybe the beans, the temps or even the grower. At this point it's still a toss up. Your donation is greatly appreciated regardless.
And again, sorry about Gert.
Re: New City Grower

I'm just going to veg until everything's nice & fluffy & then flip to 12/12. I've come to the conclusion there's no downfall in longer veg-time if your not on any time schedule.
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

LAVERNE Sept. 30 2013 Day 101 / Flower Day 76

Ladies and gentleman of the 420, if it pleases the cannabinerds I pseudo-humbly present this picture as evidence in the Godfather V. Godfather ovule fertilization discourse.

Re: New City Grower


Ladies and gentleman of the 420, if it pleases the cannabinerds I pseudo-humbly present this picture as evidence in the Godfather V. Godfather ovule fertilization discourse.


This "discourse"?

What ever happened to Laverne's seeds?

There was never any seeds; we don't even know what strain she is.


Maybe they are "False seeds"? :scratchinghead:

It happens sometimes, even though no pollen was present.

Is this normal? False seed? Is my girl trying to be a hermaphrodite?

I think it happens when the 2 haploid polar nuclei that normally form the endosperm fuse together

and produce an aleurone layer, which looks like a little immature seed.


Normally, when pollen is present, One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg cell to produce the "baby".

The other sperm nucleus fuses with the polar nuclei in the central cell to produce the endosperm or "rest of the seed".

The endosperm then has 3 chromosomes (triploid).

When no fertilization takes place, the polar nucei in the central cell may fuse and form a sterile, diploid endosperm.

Just my 2 cents in the non-seed-non-discourse.
Re: New City Grower

BAR I am thinking good thoughts for you, I hope all is well... you are missed my friend.

This "discourse"?

Maybe they are "False seeds"? :scratchinghead:

It happens sometimes, even though no pollen was present.

Is this normal? False seed? Is my girl trying to be a hermaphrodite?

I think it happens when the 2 haploid polar nuclei that normally form the endosperm fuse together

and produce an aleurone layer, which looks like a little immature seed.


Normally, when pollen is present, One sperm nucleus fuses with the egg cell to produce the "baby".

The other sperm nucleus fuses with the polar nuclei in the central cell to produce the endosperm or "rest of the seed".

The endosperm then has 3 chromosomes (triploid).

When no fertilization takes place, the polar nucei in the central cell may fuse and form a sterile, diploid endosperm.

Just my 2 cents in the non-seed-non-discourse.

Amazing! Rico thanks so much for such a thorough explanation! Fascinating stuff :thumb:
You are one of a kind.

What did you mean by "This "discourse"?". I am assuming you are making the implication that a true discourse is a back forth discussion which includes articulate and poignant discussion/evidence/etc. And this was 'dialog' rather than true discourse is why you asked? Did I use poor diction? I am confused :/ I was just being my silly self.


@ Rico. Blimey !

@ Rain Stacks. "pseudo-humbly". Loving that :adore:

You got and actually liked my joke! That does not happen to often. Even I roll my eyes at my own humor most of the time ;)
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