New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Thanxx for the info with the paper towel method guys. Every bean that I've put in the seed dish has tap-rooted. I'm 100% with this method. I place the seed dish in darkness & check it maybe twice a day. The problem with this HONEY HAZE is sprouting after placing it into the soil. One sprouted & died & the other never sprouted. I'm starting to believe this SCIENTIFIC SOILS may be a little too hot. RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) had a rough start & both KUMIKO's (Honey Haze) didn't make it. LAVERNE (Re-Veg) & STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) were both planted in New York City Compost and they're both doing fabulous.

So what I've done is Flush a pot of the SCIENTIFIC SOILS. With some of whatever it is in that mix [Key Structural Ingredients: Coir, sphagnum peat, reed - sedge peat, perlite, composted plant material] rinsed out I might find a solution to all my troubles.

I'm also considering that it could just be a case of inferior beans as this is the only strain that hasn't grown. With some of the best Growers right here at my disposal combined with my passion for this I'm sure we'll resolve whatever the problem is. I still have one more Honey Haze bean in reserve.

Thanxx Jay & all...

You know what you're doing.........I would blame it on the seeds and leave it at that, your confidence should be unscathed!:circle-of-love:BTW, I use happy frog for young plants or any starting application.
Re: New City Grower

Sounds like a good plan to me Reg. The only variable I can think of after that would be the depth the sprouted bean. If I recall they may have been a little too deep according to your previous posts. Around 1/2" deep is plenty tops, and some may say less.

Good luck
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Brit. I'll keep that in mind when KUMIKO III (Honey Haze) tap-roots.
Re: New City Grower

rinsing is a good idea, they suggest to rinse coco of salts before use anyways
Re: New City Grower

rinsing is a good idea, they suggest to rinse coco of salts before use anyways
Maybe that's the mixing key B. That's your favorite line: FLUSH LOL
Re: New City Grower

After leaving the tent open this morning the temp. has subsided. Right on point Mr. Suavay


I've also noticed a couple of concerns on RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) which may go hand in hand with B's point.
rinsing is a good idea, they suggest to rinse coco of salts before use anyways

Re: New City Grower

ok, there is something about coco and cal/mag. you need a coco grower to help you out since the first ingredient is coco. but then again it's a coco/peat mix.. so you should be able to treat it like soil. also looks like soil.

she may be hungry, or burnt. I hate these kinda cases lol

pass (for now ;))
Re: New City Grower

Reg, have you considered "cutting" the soil? I'm thinking to mix maybe 30% Scientific Soil with 70% NYC dirt just to get your girls rooted in a less hot soil, and slowly increase the heat when transplanting to larger pots as she gains in height and root mass.
Re: New City Grower

Sounds like the best kind of night. Family, food, good weed and some fun entertainment. I can't think of anything better.

I didn't ever even think about god-parents for my little ones. :oops:

I hereby declare, on this 17th day of the 11th month of the 2013th year, Broke Ass Reg the God-father of Loretta Dresney.

Let's hope her whorled phyllotaxy and bushy figure do us proud. :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

I dont like to say this but Bar
remember I used this kind of soil once man never again, I pray it will go good for you wash her through if she gets worse.
with mine I repotted her cause she had real bad lockout changing the pots for me was the only thing that saved her???
I knowthis aint good advice but it helped me crawl through to the finnish
Wish I could smoke one with you Take care of that pretty girl:love:
Re: New City Grower

I doubt I'll be transplanting but I just did a 2 gallon FLUSH on RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk). I'm really starting to believe the SCIENTIFIC SOILS is too hot. That would explain everything. And even if it's not the source of the problem & I washed out everything I still have my nutes.

I also PH'ed watered LAVERNE (Re-Veg) and STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) as they're pots were getting light.
Re: New City Grower

wow I almost tried that soil if I could get it shipped here
wanted to use it for my mothers
glad now I couldn't lol
ffof is hot for seedlings buts it should be ok for it once it gets past that stage
im using it on rooted clones atm and it seems to be doing fine
just using plain water on it for at least a couple more weeks tho
Good weed to you BAR :thumb:
yea I had to edit wee to weed lol
Re: New City Grower

Does anyone else have bad reviews or even good reviews if any on SCIENTIFIC SOILS Professional Grower's Mix?
Re: New City Grower

Scientific Soils? Anyone hear of or tried it?

He mislabeled his link. It goes to the pro gro mix

Edit - There aren't any replies, but perhaps adding your experience thus far might help the thread gain more exposure and hopefully more replies.
Re: New City Grower

@ jaga. Good point. I'm using Coco coir and Perlite for everything now, lovely stiff. Very safe for those precious beans and highly compatible for the transition to soil later on. $36.00 buys me 12 gal of each.
Re: New City Grower

Crikey Reg do you guys get some sleep ? It's 3:15 over there. I'm up to start a course this morning hopefully leading to a new life. Never too old to learn, and man I feel old !
Re: New City Grower

Seriously, I take that as a personal insult! I'm not personally fond of the country nor the suburbs but I would never dis-respect anywhere someone else is from because of it. I've traveled to Europe, Mexico & Japan. Though I've never been to the west coast I've been up & down the eastern seaboard. Just the same as I would never make any derogatory remarks about any place that you may have been born & breed I would expect the same courtesy. You can say what you want about us but we are proud people. And just so you know, we're not a bunch a b#@ches; I'm not mad at all but will always speak my mind! If your cool with it then we're cool, If not WHATEVER!

PS The state was named after the city "NEW AMSTERDAM"

...EDIT... Let me get back in character.
For some reason my notifications are failing to show replies to my posts :( I found this reply to my joking comment via another member who understood I was joking around (a New Yorker as well) but I realize something now one of my follies unfortunately...

I never meant to offend n you obviously are not the kind of person I was talking about when I was joking around. I do realize we are from different places and perhaps our humor is different or tough to catch on to and I am sorry for that. I gotta remember "Hate" is a powerful word and I should not use it unless I actually mean it. BAR I respect you and I promise to be more constructive with my posts to avoid any future misunderstandings. Cheers eh!
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