New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

The NYC Amigo

It could even be a movie title. Maybe it has been a movie title. Starring BAR... maybe...Maybe I'm BLAZED and its time for bed....yes yes that is me....thank you and good night all...Damn.....
Re: New City Grower

Hi Brassic :ciao:

I've read that the plant stops working after like 96 makes sense on paper, but when I see the trees with ten to twenty days in a row over a hundred........and going as high as 110..........?

110 F is 43 C 96F is 35 C,


Hi Reg :ciao:
Re: New City Grower

So let me do this the lazy way. 25F is __C. Fill in the blank Mr. Suavay.
Re: New City Grower

So let me do this the lazy way. is __C. Fill in the blank Mr. Suavay.

25F would be about 3 degrees Celcius below freezing point, Reg.

It shouldn't get so cold in your growtent.

Maybe turn the A/C up a bit? :laughtwo:

25C is 77F :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Wow Rico, you let me walk out the door with that one. I would have been all over myself if I caught myself wide open like that. LOL... Thanxx for knowing what I meant & answering it.
25C is 77F
Mack, being that this is considered optimum & you being the master Grower that you are I'll try to keep it around 77ish F. but wont really stress myself behind it. Probably start keeping the tent 1/2 open during lights on.
Re: New City Grower

My space is at 74F and 35%RH this fine cold morning Reg. Its around 34F outside. The Acme vibe-o-meter is sensing that all is well in most peoples grow spaces.


A good day to All, and remember

Less is More
Re: New City Grower

I wish my grow was as well as yours BB!
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, my issue is that there are not 1' long sticky buds all over the top!
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, my issue is that there are not 1' long sticky buds all over the top!

Aw you flatter me Sky, they're only 6 to 7 inch. Doing a photo update at mo. Will be up on mine in about 10mins.
Re: New City Grower

I plan on leaving out the nutes and just feed PHed tap-water as RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) is planted in "PROFESSIONAL GROWERS MIX" which states it's complete with no need to add anything but water. On the other hand LAVERNE (Re-Veg) and STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) or both in NYC compost. LAVERNE appears healthier in re-veg than she did the whole time on her original go round and STACKS just keeps growing, maybe an inch or 2 a day. I'm going to have to drop the shelf in the tent soon. If it aint broke don't fix it.

I also received my 2nd T5. That's 2 T5's (24w each/2280 lumens each) and 6 100w CFL's in the tent. I still haven't found the clamps I want for the mini LED's yet.


Nov. 19, 2013



LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 41

Bursting at the seams.


(Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 52

The pride and joy of my short growing career.


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 45

Everyone says White Widow grows like crazy. Make me a believer!


KUMIKO III still has not tap-rooted.
Re: New City Grower

Blimey Reg great update. A plethora of health and beauty in that tent. Well done you.

Watch that Laverne though, those reveg girls have a habit of explosive growth from around that size. Have you planned how ya gonna play this when you have to split them up because of light cycles. It suddenly gave me a problem at the time.

I'll try to get my cloning method posted so we can maybe do some together.
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