New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Is it possible I received a bad batch of HONEY HAZE beans?
Let's see what happens.

:ciao: Reg. Secertly I hope they are bad so they send new ones, then two weeks later they sprout. :high-five: :)

Hey brokey, ...

Welcome back mcloadie. :ciao: This place is better with you back around. :)
Re: New City Grower

I like to get my girls in the low 50s during the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. It really brings out those natural hues and tones ;) No real stress this late since bud development is almost mature :thumb:

very true, but you can also cause this same "slow rooted drinking" phenomena with a proper flushing for 2-3 weeks (for those that can't cool their rooms off)

I have read that a drop in temp from day to night is only natural, so make sure you have at least a 5 degree difference for overall plant health
Re: New City Grower

Hi, Reg :ciao: Hope you're having a fun-filled Saturday :rollit:

My current temps and humidity are almost exactly like yours and my little ones seem happy enough.

I might try Mcloadie's towel method to raise my humidity a little during lights on. My humidity has gotten down to 31% during lights on and then shot up to ~66% with lights off. Not sure if the boost during lights on is worth raising it during lights off. Maybe less is more here too :hmmmm:

All your greenies look great. Beaming germ-luck and :love: to your little ladies :circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx, I am Dres. It was a family day with Sis & Lil miss Tyson. Home now with my sister's world famous or at least our family famous lasagna in the oven for the Knick's game. We're Die Hard fans.
I've been waiting for the proposal to become a God-father but since it hasn't happened I guess I have to ask. Which one of those adorable ladies do I have the honor of accepting as a God-daughter?
Re: New City Grower

Glad to make it to your place this fine morning, yep you was right
maybe best not to get so HIGH!!!
Still this morning was real nice we rose at the early morn of 4:30am
waited & watied & waited some more,,,,? What happened my Rickshaw walla
& brother from another mother slept in so we left our humble shack and followed
the thouands of Puri Basi,s(Basi means finnish) Puri Basi means last life then back to the great
Lord Jaganatha. Sorry got off the spot ,,,so we left and my Padmavati walked to the beach
for this morning is the most speacial it is Gaura Purnima the golden moon is full,
maybe you may see it in America tonight? We were recieved with Jai Jaganatha Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhavatu Me
meaning O Lord Be Visible unto me, we then in return shout back Jai Jaga Jai Jaganatha swami
Meaning All glories be to the Lord of Love who showers Blessing down on all Folks
We had Chai then sat for a while, coming back we took many more Blessings which I want to throw your way BAr
These blessing came now from Lord Siva some (call him the God Of Ganja) So live from Puri I want to send these
positive vibe with you I pray over and over again may the Lord bless you
Tonight we may do some Bang ( pronounced Bung) it is a ganj drink they make in a lot of holy places in
India, it works very well some folks dont manage to come down for days and the cost is maximum 10 Rp
in english about 11p not bad for about the nicest possible Ganja feel
OK I will stop hijacking your journal now but befor I go if you want a very strong seed, Phulbani
(you do not get this in the west) come to my Pbok on 420 an we will arrange for me to send some to
you when I return from India in about 13 days, NO COST TO YOU my good friend from the city
Jai Jaganatha :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::grinjoint::):grinjoint::loopy::loopy:
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx, I am Dres. It was a family day with Sis & Lil miss Tyson. Home now with my sister's world famous or at least our family famous lasagna in the oven for the Knick's game. We're Die Hard fans.
I've been waiting for the proposal to become a God-father but since it hasn't happened I guess I have to ask. Which one of those adorable ladies do I have the honor of accepting as a God-daughter?

Sounds like the best kind of night. Family, food, good weed and some fun entertainment. I can't think of anything better.

I didn't ever even think about god-parents for my little ones. :oops:

I hereby declare, on this 17th day of the 11th month of the 2013th year, Broke Ass Reg the God-father of Loretta Dresney.

Let's hope her whorled phyllotaxy and bushy figure do us proud. :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

OK I will stop hijacking your journal now but befor I go if you want a very strong seed, Phulbani
(you do not get this in the west) come to my Pbok on 420 an we will arrange for me to send some to
you when I return from India in about 13 days, NO COST TO YOU my good friend from the city
Jai Jaganatha :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::grinjoint::):grinjoint::loopy::loopy:
Jaga, your always welcome to discuss great times & send vibes here. We only live once; enjoy it to the fullest. On that other matter it sounds like a plan. When you return we'll talk via PM as usual.:smokin:

Sounds like the best kind of night. Family, food, good weed and some fun entertainment. I can't think of anything better.

I didn't ever even think about god-parents for my little ones. :oops:

I hereby declare, on this 17th day of the 11th month of the 2013th year, Broke Ass Reg the God-father of Loretta Dresney.

Let's hope her whorled phyllotaxy and bushy figure do us proud. :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

hey bar, did you top either of your girls? 1 top on each should help keep your plants considerably shorter and closer to the lights
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