New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Mr. Suavay, I can't believe someone as witty as you didn't see the humor in that.

I'm not "witty" Reg, I'm "sarcastic". There's a difference ;)

I don't mind humor, but I draw the line at car insurance videos.

That is not humor, its mind control and it boils my blood.

I hate insurance salesmen and sneer at their so-called "humor".
Re: New City Grower

Unfortunately, I am not able to remove the post or the link so I will plainly ask your forgiveness to the matter.

Ps. I have a great bundle package deal that provides the best cannabis coverage this side of my front door! Hope you see the sarcasm in that. If not, please forgive me again.
Re: New City Grower

Welcome back Mack.
Re: New City Grower

Unfortunately, I am not able to remove the post or the link so I will plainly ask your forgiveness to the matter.

That's as honest as an insurance salesman, Sky ;)
Everyone has 420 minutes to edit any post, even you :circle-of-love:

You have 310 minutes left :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

That's as honest as an insurance salesman, Sky ;)

Now you're straight up confusing the heck out of me, and if I had to guess, I'd say it's on purpose. I almost feel like you compared me to an honest lawyer. On days like these when I gots nothing to smoke, it's good to have you Rico.
Re: New City Grower

An honest lawyer :laughtwo:

Enough of the oxymorons already.

You can still edit out your "video" and avoid a handslap.

It's easy :thumb:
You still have 290 minutes :circle-of-love:

Canna, I have to do this or it will ruin Rico's 2nd read of BAR's journal whenever it wraps up. Rico, unless I am missing something, I notice that when I post anything, there is an edit button near the "reply with quote", but as soon as someone posts after, this button disappears. Was it moved?
Re: New City Grower

You've been missed mcloadie, where ya been, under a rock?

N/m, it was still there. The link is gone. Now about this coverage package I was telling you about, are you interested? I completely insure your entire stash this side of my front door.
Re: New City Grower

How is she doing? Did you give her a big fat hug from the 420 gang?
Re: New City Grower

Clinton's lying a$$ said he didn't inhale. Please tell me missus Q was taking some bong rips?
Re: New City Grower

She has a hollowed out haggis that she fills with hash,

a treasure chest, in which to store her stash.

A hoard of butlers to roll up her spliffs

and a golden ashtray to dispose of the tips.
Re: New City Grower

Hi BAR, The girls are looking lovely. Have you considered getting a small sonar imaging machine to see if Spimp's Goddaughter is building some kind of fortress under ground. I think she is. Maybe you have a friend that one of ultra sound thingamagigglers?

@rico, your poem was very good. It painted a rich tapestry of absurdity with very few words, well done.
Re: New City Grower

racecar... This morning I dropped one of my last two HONEY HAZE beans in the seed dish with tap water to tap-root after gently digging & seeing no signs of KUMIKO II (Honey Haze). Is it possible I received a bad batch of HONEY HAZE beans?
Let's see what happens.


Something's got to give... Also my Humidity Monitor arrived. I believe I need to lower the temp. & raise the humidity.

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