New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Lookin hell'a'good there buddy!
Re: New City Grower

I like the Lazarus reference (brought back from the dead)!
Re: New City Grower

Congrats on the successful reveg. Your plants look great. Maybe you should save the honey haze for the next round?

I know it doesn't seem like it now, but both skunk and white widow grow like monsters
Re: New City Grower

Congrats on the successful reveg. Your plants look great. Maybe you should save the honey haze for the next round?

I know it doesn't seem like it now, but both skunk and white widow grow like monsters
You just might have a point there. If she doesn't show her face in the next week or so I'll just flip the whole tent over to 12/12 & if she decides to sprout after that she'll just be my first experiment: [HONEY HAZE feminized "12/12 from seed to weed"]

Thanxx Soda Pop & you too Jimmy...
Re: New City Grower

My Goddaughter is looking great

I agree with Rico! She is looking greener than usual today ;)

You just might have a point there. If she doesn't show her face in the next week or so I'll just flip the whole tent over to 12/12

Is there a reason why you are not going to veg any longer? Space restrictions, or what?
Re: New City Grower

Is there a reason why you are not going to veg any longer? Space restrictions, or what?
No, not really. If I bring the tent shelf all the way to the bottom it's a 5" foot clearance.
Re: New City Grower

Bro. Only out of good intention, and if you want the highest possible yield....I would DEFINITELY think about extending your veg time given 5 feet of clearance you have to work with. Let's say you grow them all out to at least another 2 feet...with a little help of an old friend called LST you can see yourself knocking on the door of 2-4 oz per plant :)

Based on how they look now, if you put them into flower in 1 week, you will be looking at another small harvest, and I know in order to do YOU on a FRIDAY, a good stash of bud is in your best interest;)

All I'm saying is think about it bro....But do let me know on what you decide!

And if you have not already, you should check out THIS article on how veg time exponentially affects yield :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Read Caps article & I'm a big boy now. I just been following everyone else's lead at jumping into flowering after 3 to 8 wks. Deep down I've always believed that the longer I vegged the better the yield but when you continuesly see everyone rushing into flowering like something negative will happen if it's late you get conditioned into ignoring your gut instinct. Thanxx for the awakening AG...
Re: New City Grower

:nomo: Not a problem Reg...I got more advice like that...when the time comes!

BUT I am glad you have seen the light in a longer veg time. I'm not going to lie, but when I first started in my PC box, I was so concerned with killing my plant, that I just put that baby straight into flowering after 2 weeks. And if you think that was the only flaw to plan...nope, I then also harvested my FIRST plant a full 3 weeks TOO early for the same fear.

I look back at this and laugh at myself now :laughtwo:
Re: New City Grower

Even the smartest man in the room soon becomes the dumbest if he doesn't learn from his own mistakes... And you can quote me on that one AG.
Re: New City Grower

Keep in mind if you don't have enough light too long a veg is a waste of time
Re: New City Grower

Even the smartest man in the room soon becomes the dumbest if he doesn't learn from his own mistakes...

Duly Quoted ;)

>>>Keep in mind if you don't have enough light too long a veg is a waste of time

B.Real brings up a very good point in that matter. My suggestion is that when peurchasing a grow tent/building a grow room, you should always have calculated your watts/sqft (or lumens/sqft) for the size you will be growing in. It is pointless to have a big grow space and only minimal lighting.

I'm sure you have already researched this Reg...but if you need a refresher, I follow this guide for my watt/sqft ;)

Lumens per square foot:

Minimum amount of lighting needed is around 2000 lumens per square foot.
Mid range is around 5000 lumens per square foot.
Optimal is 7000-7500, or higher, lumens per square foot.

Watts per square foot (wattage per sq ft WILL vary by light source):

Minimum wattage per sq ft.: 30w
Mid Range wattage per sq ft.: 50w
Optimal Range wattage per sq ft.: 50-80w
Re: New City Grower

I agree with everything I've read so far. b.real, would you say that if Reg were to veg longer and grow out more branches that his yield would be the same or less then if he went into flower now? I personally don't believe this to be true, but I am still learning. Even if Reg were to add another week or 2 to allow for better development and healing, or transplants etc, even if grown solely under CFL, I think he'd gain in harvested dry weight. Maybe not exponentially, but gain none the less. Just my 2 pennies.
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