New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

>>>The TIME MACHINE worked! Don't worry AG, It's not stolen. I have it parked on my block.

Haha I'm glad you found it, now go back into the past....bring back Kumiko 1...and transplant here in some fine SNS :) (damn I'm stoned:joint:)
Re: New City Grower

Give me a minute on that one, I'm still tinkering with the settings to make the rest of the week off..
Re: New City Grower

The three Mini-LED's have just been delivered. I don't know what I was thinking; Once KUMIKO II (Honey Hazed feminized) sprouts there will be 4 plants in the tent.


Let me figure out exactly how I'll work them into the set-up & then hit the 99 cent store. Any suggestions?
Re: New City Grower

Racecar... I just wanted everyone to see how small they really are. Good morning Mr. Rico Suavay...
Re: New City Grower

that's a cool little light lol comes with a lighter too lol
Happy Munchday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

That's why I :green_heart: you Canna! You stay in DIY mode...

Back atcha Cronic...
Re: New City Grower

My thread is an open forum, just don't disrespect anyone.
Re: New City Grower

Is it 2 watts per diode, or the whole cluster consumes 2 watts? Same question, just about the lumens, is that diode or cluster? and finally, what is the color spectrum of each?
Re: New City Grower

Yeah, but I'm on a budget that consists of nothing just now, so I gotta plan, then take baby steps. I had to use my last 5 in quarters to top off the res and make tea. I guess I am BAS
Re: New City Grower

Is it 2 watts per diode, or the whole cluster consumes 2 watts? Same question, just about the lumens, is that diode or cluster? and finally, what is the color spectrum of each?
I'm not sure Broke Ass Sky, I haven't looked anything up.

That's a lot of questions :thedoubletake:

You KNOW! But that's my main man; He can ask all the questions he wants.
Re: New City Grower

All you guys dreaming of LED lights. I got bunch parts coming from china and plan to do a real lay mans build your own LED guide. Not one of those guides where some guy way smarter than us shows how he can build something cool but you know you are not at that level guides. No I plan to do a you have a hard time plugging a light in guide so the common man can build one. This is of course pending my LED build goes as I have laid it out. Now to sit and wait till a bunch parts come from China
Re: New City Grower

All you guys dreaming of LED lights. I got bunch parts coming from china and plan to do a real lay mans build your own LED guide. Not one of those guides where some guy way smarter than us shows how he can build something cool but you know you are not at that level guides. No I plan to do a you have a hard time plugging a light in guide so the common man can build one. This is of course pending my LED build goes as I have laid it out. Now to sit and wait till a bunch parts come from China

Found a good deal on diodes? Details pah leeezz!!!
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