New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I feel like a little snotty nosed boy with his first bike; I cant stop staring at it!

Nov. 10, 2013
STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 43


I'm amazed! Neither LAVERNE nor SHIRLEY aka STEVE started out this beautiful. And you know what; She's in that CITY COMPOST soil not the SCIENTIFIC SOILS.

(footnote) The Photo Shoot in post# 1645 was done on Nov. 7th not the 11th as that would've been impossible unless I had a time machine. If that was the case I'd go to the future & return with a Smoke Report for STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy).
Re: New City Grower

>>> (footnote) The Photo Shoot in post# 1645 was done on Nov. 7th not the 11th as that would've been impossible unless I had a time machine. If that was the case I'd go to the future & return with a Smoke Report for STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy).

Hey Reg, feel free to borrow my time machine anytime! I park it down by the E 42nd and Lexington...track #23 Harlem Line ;) Ofcourse you need the keys...any bong will suffice :bong:
Re: New City Grower

>>> (footnote) The Photo Shoot in post# 1645 was done on Nov. 7th not the 11th as that would've been impossible unless I had a time machine. If that was the case I'd go to the future & return with a Smoke Report for STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy).

Hey Reg, feel free to borrow my time machine anytime! I park it down by the E 42nd and Lexington...track #23 Harlem Line ;) Ofcourse you need the keys...any bong will suffice :bong:
I'll have to figure out a way to pick it up on my way to work when I transfer because I do at Grand Central but in the evening I ride the the local all the way home if I have a seat. Wait; I have to pick it up in the morning, that way I could just go to the future & skip work all together. Shoot, why B/S around; tomorrow could be Friday & you know how we do on Fridays! (Track 23 you said...)

Picture perfect plant BAR.Not a flaw.She's gorgeous.Must be the
The only thing in that pot is STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy), Vermiculite & NYC Compost.

That 's funny as hell Soda Pop. racecar
Re: New City Grower

She looks amazing BAR! Isn't it funny how less is more, and then even less than less is more too?

When you take clones, will they their names reflect their lineage (like Stack's foot/leg/arm), or will they have original names?

I don't really get why a clone is called a clone, I mean I get it, but I don't agree with it. A clone is a copy, but it isn't a copy, it is a piece of the same plant. But I suppose it is just starting with more cells. If the DNA is the same it's a clone.

Also since I am deliriously tired, here is a random question: Which emoticon to you like least and most?
I like :surf: most, and :rocker: least. I am not sure why I don't like that one, it just bugs.
Re: New City Grower

She looks amazing BAR! Isn't it funny how less is more, and then even less than less is more too?

When you take clones, will they their names reflect their lineage (like Stack's foot/leg/arm), or will they have original names?

I don't really get why a clone is called a clone, I mean I get it, but I don't agree with it. A clone is a copy, but it isn't a copy, it is a piece of the same plant. But I suppose it is just starting with more cells. If the DNA is the same it's a clone.

Also since I am deliriously tired, here is a random question: Which emoticon to you like least and most?
I like :surf: most, and :rocker: least. I am not sure why I don't like that one, it just bugs.

I like (mooning) on Skype, but that was it. Cloning to me is a carbon copy or produced from a mold. What we have is an extension of life and the plant's potential. Just like in The 6th Day, Arnold Schwarzenegger, both clone and original each was a whole living being, one modeled after the other (but not exact copy), each being a unique character of their own. So IMO, we need a new ord b/c clone does not really fit the bill.
Re: New City Grower

I don't really get why a clone is called a clone, I mean I get it, but I don't agree with it. A clone is a copy, but it isn't a copy, it is a piece of the same plant. But I suppose it is just starting with more cells. If the DNA is the same it's a clone.

Also since I am deliriously tired, here is a random question: Which emoticon to you like least and most?
I like :surf: most, and :rocker: least. I am not sure why I don't like that one, it just bugs.
When scientist (wanna-be Gods) clone animals such as sheep they are basically test tube babies. I've even seen on TV cloned sheep califs come out with 5 legs or 2 trails.

They're all the same to me. It just depends on which one describes best the intentions of the post.

You already know it ;)

(got so nice this weekend I forgot today was veterans day; office is closed)
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