New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Nah, I always PH... at 6.5 For future reference every time I water or feed it'll be PHed balanced at 6.5 & always tap-water hence my name; B. A. R..
Re: New City Grower

You should know that NY tapwater is probably one of the cleanest in the country. My PPM and pH when I lwas there came to 80 and 7.2. At least that was more upstate, Westchester County
Yeah, bugged me out. They actually sell it as bottled water in Florida. I couldn't believe my eyes! Here I am refusing to fall for this bottled water scam & they're selling the free stuff down there.
Re: New City Grower

You can't beat that. AG was right on point with mines; about 7.2 - 7.5. I believe from Westchester on down is the same water supply.
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg

I read through the whole of your journals, must say what an amazing story. Kinda got me gripped from the off with it's unusual start, almost like two lovers destined to meet. Then telling the tales of the love story that blossomed from there. The Canna Gods must surely have had this planned. Touching moments as the story unfolds along with some off the best humor I've read on 420mag. PeeJays news mock up was a classic:rofl: as was your reaction, sweet. Salad, pizza and funerals,:rofl: Also loved the 'location' shots so many others commented on. What a great place this has become and well done to you my friend for all your achievements, you're quite an inspiration :goodjob: Also, a big shout out to all contributors on this thread, you're an amazing bunch :thanks:


Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg

I read through the whole of your journals, must say what an amazing story. Kinda got me gripped from the off with it's unusual start, almost like two lovers destined to meet. Then telling the tales of the love story that blossomed from there. The Canna Gods must surely have had this planned. Touching moments as the story unfolds along with some off the best humor I've read on 420mag. PeeJays news mock up was a classic:rofl: as was your reaction, sweet. Salad, pizza and funerals,:rofl: Also loved the 'location' shots so many others commented on. What a great place this has become and well done to you my friend for all your achievements, you're quite an inspiration :goodjob: Also, a big shout out to all contributors on this thread, you're an amazing bunch :thanks:


Thanxx for the compliments. There's nothing wrong with having a little fun while we learn. I'm glad you enjoyed the read but let's leave the MOTM award for members that help other members such as myself get over our growing hurtles. And welcome to the circle of love Brassic.

Very cool to watch BAR's journey from love at first sight up until now. A whole wealth of knowledge learned in such a short period of time.
You are da man BAR!
No, you Da Man Shotta!

Thanxx Dres, Your God-daughter RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) has made a complete 360. Maybe she can hang out with her god-sister soon.
Re: New City Grower

Tell her I said Thanxx & I'm not Da Man; You Da Man.
Re: New City Grower

15 minutes till post time!
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