New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Welcome aboard Mr. Nugs.
I'm home early today because of a fight my daughter had in school. I ended up cursing the principal out in his own office; He has the nerve to suspend my daughter for knocking some boys block off for touching her butt! The boy's mother was also there & she's agreeing with me while looking at her black & blue faced ...EDIT... (from the punches)... son like she's going to kill him when they get home. The principal's like "that's our policy, he's being suspended for inappropriate behavior & your daughter's being suspended for fighting". I know I should punish her for fighting but instead I had to give her her props. SHE WHOOPED HIS A$$!!!

Nov. 11, 2013

LAVERNE (Re-Veg) Day 29



STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 40

She's healthy without one flaw. As those of you who know me from "FIRST TIMER" know, LAVERNE was the first cannabis plant I seen in person in my life so you can imagine what I'm feeling now! I'm scared to do anything to her but let her grow...


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 33

She has totally recovered but taking her time since I snipped those first 2 sets of leafs.



She's about as shy as her predecessor KUMIKO I.

Re: New City Grower

Wow is right!
Reveg :high-five:
Shes exploding. I can already see the 'weird branching' and other non uniform explosive growth. I have a feeling you better decide quickly how you are gonna train this one sir Reg. ;) Shes gonna be a reveg beast.
Re: New City Grower

Awesome grow Reg!!! The Reveg is starting to work her way back to normal looking leaves I see. Question, do you know what the while specs are on the leaves? I don't want to assume it is Powdery Mildew (PM), but if you don't know hopefully one of your very qualified subscribers could share an opinion?
Re: New City Grower

I really like the ww x skunk. sativas like that are real sensitive to food, so be careful when you get to feeding. right now they're as green as can be. big up!
Re: New City Grower

Hey Broke, working on my first serious grow. I used Fox Farm Ocean and have been pretty happy with it. I don't think miracle grow is what you want or need.
Re: New City Grower

Nicely done Reg, I really have to agree with Light as you, my friend, ARE stepping up your game! Next thing you know, Reg's gonna have his own grow op in Colorado ;)

+Reps....not for you...but for your daughter :high-five:
I don't know how old she is, but I had a similar incident WAY BACK WHEN in kindergarten at a private school I went to in Queens. The kid pissed on my shoe at the urinals, and lets just say his face looked pretty similar to what I imagined THAT kids face to be :rofl: If I remember, my mother took the same actions as you and spoke good words about the indecent! Although my mother was never a chill stoner, who grew marijuana in sir she was not!

IS it bad that I scroll through your updates and all your pics until I find Rachel to make sure she's doing alright?
...ofcourse I go back and reread the rest!
Re: New City Grower

Awesome grow Reg!!! The Reveg is starting to work her way back to normal looking leaves I see. Question, do you know what the while specs are on the leaves? I don't want to assume it is Powdery Mildew (PM), but if you don't know hopefully one of your very qualified subscribers could share an opinion?
I was looking at the same white specks after viewing the pics. I believe it's just the dust from adding some Vermiculite to KUMIKO II's pot before planting her 4 days ago.

I really like the ww x skunk. sativas like that are real sensitive to food, so be careful when you get to feeding. right now they're as green as can be. big up!
Thanxx B. On the brochure for the Scientific Soils it states that no extra feeding is needed. If & when I do feed it won't be until I go 12/12.

Hey Broke, working on my first serious grow. I used Fox Farm Ocean and have been pretty happy with it. I don't think miracle grow is what you want or need.
I used the Miracle Gro sticks my first couple days of growing. When I found :420: I was immediately warned & pulled the sticks up throwing the whole pack in the trash. Where did that come from? This is my second run but the first one that I'm halfway prepared for so we're in this together Mz420.

Nice looking girls BAR.

I hope my daughter would do the same when she gets older. Good for you telling the principal to eff off as well.
You make me proud to be a subscriber.
Thanxx Shotta, I'm even prouder of my daughter than I am of the plants today. I just can't tell her that. She'll be Spring Cleaning in Nov. for the 3 days she's out. racecar
Re: New City Grower

Nicely done Reg, I really have to agree with Light as you, my friend, ARE stepping up your game! Next thing you know, Reg's gonna have his own grow op in Colorado
Thanxx so much AG.
+Reps....not for you...but for your daughter :high-five:
She's not having it!
IS it bad that I scroll through your updates and all your pics until I find Rachel to make sure she's doing alright?
...ofcourse I go back and reread the rest!
Don't worry, I do the same thing checking on Broke B. Clona.
Re: New City Grower

Damn BAR, you have really got things dialed in beautifully! You must be one proud Papa. :love:

I don't even know your daughter, and I felt proud when I read how she stood up for herself. I am sure that boy learned a thing or two about respecting women!

That is pretty funny that you scroll through checking on Brokey, I will keep that in mind and put pics up more often. Once the outdoor marathon wraps up, that will be the focus :) You get to be the first to see this one~

Re: New City Grower

Oh Yeah!!!
Re: New City Grower

REG---FRIDAY---REG---FRIDAY--- :lot-o-toke::party::lot-o-toke:

FREG--- RIDAY---FREG---RIDAY-- :lot-o-toke:


:) Sup Reg. Hope you got a pocket full of plans for tonight sir. ;)
Re: New City Grower

Actually I do for a change. Little Ms.Mike Tyson is spending the weekend with my sister.

I forgot to mention I tap-watered everything this morning including KUMIKO II who hasn't sprouted yet.
Re: New City Grower

Actually I do for a change. Little Ms.Mike Tyson is spending the weekend with my sister.

I forgot to mention I tap-watered everything this morning including KUMIKO II who hasn't sprouted yet.

You should know that NY tapwater is probably one of the cleanest in the country. My PPM and pH when I lwas there came to 80 and 7.2. At least that was more upstate, Westchester County
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