New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Good fine day to you BAR. I guess you got led's en route can't wait to see what you come up with now.

I am trying to decipher the meaning 1HC FTW KC 420. I have always noticed you guys saying it but never thought of asking what it meant.
Re: New City Grower

1hc means onehundredclub. (Don't tell anyone, it's a secret ;))

I'm not sure if surfers are allowed in the Kayak-club,

but I'll put in a good word with Alex for you, if you want.

The membership fee is 0$ per annum, payable in pounds £.

It's good value,

as you get nothing in return :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

(originally posted by Shotta)
Good fine day to you BAR. I guess you got led's en route can't wait to see what you come up with now.
Sure do. I'm going to try to take this NEW BEGINNINGS thing a tad bit serious. Since I believe the soil is now acceptable, let's work on lighting & other things such as temperature and humidity. That's right, I also ordered a digital humidity/temperature monitor.

New tent, New beans, New soil, New lights, New imaginary friends... Not bad for someone who just stumbled upon a plant & had no idea what to do with it 100 pages ago! I just jumped all in unprepared & as a matter of fact had never seen a cannabis plant in real life before that.

My very 1st post:
First timer

Looking for help! I found a tiny baby plant growing in front of my building by the tree about a week & 1/2 ago. In nyc thats amazing that it was outside, 2 inches tall & still there. I replanted it in a pot upstairs on my fire escape. Its about 8 inches tall now. I never grew weed b4 so i dont understand all that lingo u guys r using. I need it to be explained in dummy language why all the leafs from the bottom up keep dying but the top keeps getting more & more leafs. Ive been plucking them off. I just found this site today & i already see 1 mistake that i understand. I was watering everyday not every 3 days. Plus could someone explain to me how to post the picture of my plant. I tried to drag it but i didnt work.
Re: New City Grower

New tent, New beans, New soil, New lights, New imaginary friends... Not bad for someone who just stumbled upon a plant & had no idea what to do with it 100 pages ago! I just jumped all in unprepared & as a matter of fact had never seen a cannabis plant in real life before that.

My very 1st post:

I was there. :high-five:

+reps for the journey
Re: New City Grower

Sure do. I'm going to try to take this NEW BEGINNINGS thing a tad bit serious. Since I believe the soil is now acceptable, let's work on lighting & other things such as temperature and humidity. That's right, I also ordered a digital humidity/temperature monitor.

New tent, New beans, New soil, New lights, New imaginary friends... Not bad for someone who just stumbled upon a plant & had no idea what to do with it 100 pages ago! I just jumped all in unprepared & as a matter of fact had never seen a cannabis plant in real life before that.

My very 1st post:Looking for help! I found a tiny baby plant growing in front of my building by the tree about a week & 1/2 ago. In nyc thats amazing that it was outside, 2 inches tall & still there. I replanted it in a pot upstairs on my fire escape. Its about 8 inches tall now. I never grew weed b4 so i dont understand all that lingo u guys r using. I need it to be explained in dummy language why all the leafs from the bottom up keep dying but the top keeps getting more & more leafs. Ive been plucking them off. I just found this site today & i already see 1 mistake that i understand. I was watering everyday not every 3 days. Plus could someone explain to me how to post the picture of my plant. I tried to drag it but i didnt work.

This brings a slight tear to my eye Reg! I'm proud of how far you have come and you sure do make all New Yorkers proud!
Re: New City Grower

Sure do. I'm going to try to take this NEW BEGINNINGS thing a tad bit serious. Since I believe the soil is now acceptable, let's work on lighting & other things such as temperature and humidity. That's right, I also ordered a digital humidity/temperature monitor.

New tent, New beans, New soil, New lights, New imaginary friends... Not bad for someone who just stumbled upon a plant & had no idea what to do with it 100 pages ago! I just jumped all in unprepared & as a matter of fact had never seen a cannabis plant in real life before that.

My very 1st post:

Way to go Reg!!!! have done a bonus you gained a rewarding hobby and a bunch of "imaginary" friends:party:
Re: New City Grower

Not bad for someone who just stumbled upon a plant & had no idea what to do with it 100 pages ago! I just jumped all in unprepared & as a matter of fact had never seen a cannabis plant in real life before that.

It's amazing what you have accomplished so far Reg! Seems you did very well taking care of something that you had never taken care of before. Thankfully you found your way here like the rest of us. So glad we live in a time where like minds can communicate globally to enjoy one another's accomplishments. Congratulations Brother!!
Re: New City Grower

Miracle LED 605020 Grow bulbs 3ea
Red & Blue
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