New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

The girls are looking beautiful. Well ummm ahhh most of them. Remember the ugly chic in school that came back after summer break and looked awesome though? Thats what Kumiko will do. Plus reps Reg and I sent you a pm.
Re: New City Grower

I think Rachel may be ready for a splash of nutes. :)

:ciao: Reg :)
I think I might not use any nutes until I go into the flowering stage. I was just reading the brochure for the new soil "Scientific Soils Professional Growers Mix" which LA donated to me. it's states that no additional nutes are needed. I'll be transplanting RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) & KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) using the new soil. I'm putting that free "NYC COMPOST" away for now.

Great photos Reg :thumb:

Plusreps :)
Thanxx Ringmaster & Jetboy.

One of my neighbors should be posting some pretty impressive pics in a sec. Now as I turn my journal over to Jetboy....
Re: New City Grower

Haha Reg has been asking me for months now to send him pics of my grow in a pm because I dont do the journal thing. Now he apparently wants me to share here. I was very happy with my NL girls and the harvest though so here ya go Reg.

And lastly the re-veg Im attempting for a sea of green indoor grow under a 400 watt MH/HPS.
Re: New City Grower

Go ahead, tell them your weight... I've been following his grow for a minute now!
Re: New City Grower

You live upstate but never been on a snowmobile nor been to the city; What kind of New Yorker are you? :clap: Just teasing you, it's always good to find another neighbor here. Let me get these broads ready for posing. :dreamy::dreamy::dreamy::dreamy: They're waiting.

A real one.

I been to the gorgeous state of New York , the only thing bout New York I can think of to look down on is the city names after the state.... I hate cities that are massive where the majority of the people never left the city ever. Scares the ever living f out of me to encounter naive people who never seen the world and think they know it all...... eeeek!

I love fort Ticonderoga btw! Ticonderoga vs. Chambly ;) lol I love you all!
Re: New City Grower

Im about 185. Oh, the girls they came in close to a pound. I gave a bunch away to friends and family and of course have been enjoying it myself. If this re-veg works though it will be my first indoor grow so I will be leaning on you Reg and others for help from time to time. Thanks for the props Reg, it does feel good to show off pics of my kids :)
Re: New City Grower

A real one.

I been to the gorgeous state of New York , the only thing bout New York I can think of to look down on is the city names after the state.... I hate cities that are massive where the majority of the people never left the city ever. Scares the ever living f out of me to encounter naive people who never seen the world and think they know it all...... eeeek!

I love fort Ticonderoga btw! Ticonderoga vs. Chambly ;) lol I love you all!
Seriously, I take that as a personal insult! I'm not personally fond of the country nor the suburbs but I would never dis-respect anywhere someone else is from because of it. I've traveled to Europe, Mexico & Japan. Though I've never been to the west coast I've been up & down the eastern seaboard. Just the same as I would never make any derogatory remarks about any place that you may have been born & breed I would expect the same courtesy. You can say what you want about us but we are proud people. And just so you know, we're not a bunch a b#@ches; I'm not mad at all but will always speak my mind! If your cool with it then we're cool, If not WHATEVER!

PS The state was named after the city "NEW AMSTERDAM"

...EDIT... Let me get back in character.
Re: New City Grower

Seriously, I take that as a personal insult! I'm not personally fond of the country nor the suburbs but I would never dis-respect anywhere someone else is from because of it. I've traveled to Europe, Mexico & Japan. Though I've never been to the west coast I've been up & down the eastern seaboard. Just the same as I would never make any derogatory remarks about any place that you may have been born & breed I would expect the same courtesy. You can say what you want about us but we are proud people. And just so you know, we're not a bunch a b#@ches; I'm not mad at all but will always speak my mind! If your cool with it then we're cool, If not WHATEVER!

PS The state was named after the city "NEW AMSTERDAM"

...EDIT... Let me get back in character.

Go Red Sox!!!!

Just kidding Reg....good weed to you buddy:high-five:
Re: New City Grower

I :green_heart: the rivalry but don't forget to count the pennants. LOL
Re: New City Grower

Damn look at those little seedlings. So much promise in those tender leaves. You did an awsome job with nursing the little ones. That shows a lot of skill in my book. I am curious to see how things go with the Scientific Soils, way cool of LA to donate that! Great for the sponsor too as we all love your journal. You probably know already but ScientificSoils has an account on here, and posts some very solid info, that would be awesome to see some comments from him/her in your journal. Have you looked at the trichs on Laverne just out of curiosity? That would be pretty cool if they were 99% amber or something. Or if they go back to clear ha ha.
Re: New City Grower

Stacks, it's already lights out in the tent but I'll check the trichs for you in the morning as I have tomorrow off. Let's see if Scientific Soils takes up your proposal. Once I transplant RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) & KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) we can make it an official test-run of their product. It's the perfect setting with those two struggling seedlings.
Re: New City Grower

what's the soils ingredients label looking like? before I do any planting I till the soil well with my hands. it really allows the roots to grow more easily. hope that stuff treats ya well!

you shouldn't ever really feed until you start to notice the plant "pulling some green" from its leaves. that's when you feed it once, and wait a couple days.

I must admit ive been cheating and giving my sprouts the tiniest amount of biobizz, about once a week or every other watering at this point. once they get bigger ill start my strong fish food up :)
Re: New City Grower

I don't have name for my girls I just tell the bitches to produce :rofl:
seriously tho I don't name em but I do talk nice to em when I do
Happy Tokerday BAR :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

HERE is a good link to an Organics Thread I'm subbed to. It might contain something useful for the soil growers in it. I think it's about time Reg got his ladies into some good quality earth.
Re: New City Grower

Hey my friend Im with what Rainstacks said, your journal is Ideal for the trial of this soil. So happy it got to you in time for your first run of top shelf beans. I hope your little beauties love it Sir! Really cant wait for any and all info on the soil and its makeup. No feed sounds great, especially when it aint no Miracle Grow lol. Anyway real happy its gone to a good home and one that is so well documented for the rest of us.
Best of green to you buddy! Oh almost forgot (does this make me a distant overseas uncle of your girls?) You know the mysterious adventuring type that only gets talked about occasionally at family dinners lol.
Re: New City Grower

what's the soils ingredients label looking like?
Key Structural Ingredients: Coir, sphagnum peat, reed - sedge peat, perlite, composted plant material

Hey my friend Im with what Rainstacks said, your journal is Ideal for the trial of this soil. So happy it got to you in time for your first run of top shelf beans. I hope your little beauties love it Sir! Really cant wait for any and all info on the soil and its makeup. No feed sounds great, especially when it aint no Miracle Grow lol. Anyway real happy its gone to a good home and one that is so well documented for the rest of us.
Best of green to you buddy! Oh almost forgot (does this make me a distant overseas uncle of your girls?) You know the mysterious adventuring type that only gets talked about occasionally at family dinners lol.
Yes LA, your that bruncle they can never go visit; the whole family knows what you do with little girls. :thedoubletake: Your always welcomed to dinner but you can never spend the night.
On a more serious note LA, let's make these the Poster Girls for "Scientific Soils".

A New Beginning
Oct. 29, 2013 Day 1 in Scientific Soil

The pots are somewhat transparent (a foggy gray) so I covered them with black plastic. They're 3 gallon containers with aluminum pie trays under them for drainage. After transplanting I watered both with PHed tap water.


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 24


KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) Day 10


Here's a look at how everything fits inside the tent.


(originally posted by Stacks) Have you looked at the trichs on Laverne just out of curiosity? That would be pretty cool if they were 99% amber or something. Or if they go back to clear ha ha.

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