New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

If there's no meter, you're definitely good. Still though, not you or I b/c we run with low wattage currently, but other growers subbed to this thread growing in less than legal circumstances and using many large HIDs, did you gradually escalate power consumption, or did you ease your way up a light at a time? I have this paranoia about being recognized from jacking the elec bill up too much too quickly. I was wondering if there is any intel as to what percentage above normal power consumption is justifiable vs. having notations being made by the power company?
Re: New City Grower

Wow Bar, things are moving along faster than every. Took me a while to catch up, and I had a great time doing it. I wish I had your super speed reading abilities. I would get a lot more done, that is for sure. I am excited to see the setup with the LED's. Plants are looking much improved. The SS soil looks like it is doing its magic already! Stacka is looking great, look at her about to but out 5 finger fans, I am so proud :) laverne too, is putting out 3 blades very fast, that is very impressive! Keep up the great work!
Re: New City Grower

My living situation is corporately ran but if you or anyone else deals with a landlord or a snoopy super then I'd recommend precaution. If you live in a city or town where the # of utility accts aren't that many I'd also be weary of the power company itself. You have to use your judgement. If you live somewhere that authorities dwell on such things that invade your privacy just because they believe a law may be broken then I'd be very, very careful.
Re: New City Grower

Wow Bar, things are moving along faster than every. Took me a while to catch up, and I had a great time doing it. I wish I had your super speed reading abilities. I would get a lot more done, that is for sure. I am excited to see the setup with the LED's. Plants are looking much improved. The SS soil looks like it is doing its magic already! Stacka is looking great, look at her about to but out 5 finger fans, I am so proud :) laverne too, is putting out 3 blades very fast, that is very impressive! Keep up the great work!
The reading comes with a price. It's my fault from childhood. We were suppose to read out loud on a regular bases but with my laziness, once I pretty much got the hang of the "mind over words" method of reading I didn't keep up with reading with my mouth. So now when I read as I would speak I barely grasp anything without concentrating.

Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about this grow now myself. This New Beginnings attitude has me feeling as if I just passed Growing 101 & ready to apply the basics to a more efficient Grow.

The donation from LA didn't hurt either...
Re: New City Grower

I lost this journal for so long broken ass..... What happened to the claimed girl from beside the tree outside ur house?

I think this explains everything, Alex :)

Re: New City Grower

Fine momentous morning to you my resident mentor of miraculous marvels, Your rejuvenatory skills are a thing to inspire, May all your good green work get you oh so most high!

On the lecky front in the UK at least, its fine really as long as you ain't going real stupid. For example a while back in my old place I had a pay as you go meter. I found the heating system we had (Old Storage heaters). Used far more juice to run in winter than my 600hps and all my CFLs etc. Just imagine your missus as one of them orange girls who used a sun bed constantly lol.
Besides getting caught stealing the lecky is what really lands you in it over here!
Re: New City Grower

So that's how one genetic is grafted onto another.
Re: New City Grower

Sure is a lot of interpretations of "circles" on the site. I think I like dyolds' interpretation best. Empty circle.... Called it the pie chart of procrastination. LOL

I was going to check that out, Canna, but then I couldn't be bothered and decided to check it out tomorrow, but I forgot...

Did you know that taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat? :scratchinghead:
Re: New City Grower

Side topic,

For those that are residing in areas that are in the process of legalizing (some areas take decades), at what percentage over your monthly electric bill would you believe to raise a flag at the power company? Rather than opening the never ending debate of who pays what or how many kilowatts per month one uses, I figure the best approach from a global perspective would be to analyze the percentage over the average use would cause eyebrows to raise.

Any feedback? I'd post this as it's own topic, but Reg would lock me in LA's torture chamber for a weekend, and I really don't think I'd survive, so I just took the liberty.
Hey Skybound,
our utility companies (electric) have new programs in place where they average out what your electric use is per household size based on what your neighbors are using. I actually get an email and a letter in my mailbox periodically showing a chart of what I am using as opposed to like households in the area. Mine is always higher, but the utility company doesn't take into account what things I"m using the wattage for that the neighbors don't have...barn, underground sprinkling etc. If your electric company provides this analyzing service, it might be good for you to take a look at that and you will see what the averages are. If you are high above like neighbors....well that can be a flag. Technology is moving up, with the new smart meters they have even easier ways to look at your usage and "keep an eye". I did a total walkthrough of my house/barn and electric usage on a daily basis and got rid of a lot of usage by unplugging and resetting things for lower temps. etc. In the end, running my lights/fans in my grow now is doing nothing more than keeping me at what I was before. So, I shouldn't get flagged. ;-)
Hope that helps. :)

EDIT: thought I would add a link to post #81 to show the steps I took in reducing my elec. bill. Hope that's okay BAR :)
Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS
Re: New City Grower

I too have the same type of feature with my electric bill, however my area is a mixture of old code houses and newer so the energy consumption varies from house to house. I'm glad you pointed out smart meters and how computers can analyze account usage and make predictions based upon many factors. I was just wondering how people use several thousand watt hoods and not worry about raising flags.

Hey Rico, spell "race car" backwards
Re: New City Grower

My little girl is a seedling and I want her to stay that way too. first trick or treat last night was adorable.

I have a seedling girl that I hope to veg until she's 25!! :high-five: :rofl:
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