New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Do you have a link Stacks?
The best Hempy grow I have seen was from a banned member. Actaully it is one of the best grows I have ever seen period. I will try and dig up the link and PM you. I don't think it will let me post it here.

The plant named Runt in my journal(BlueHawaiian X Duck'sfoot) nearly caught up to the plant that was healthiest and largest throughout the grow. I didn't even put pics of Runt in at first because I was going to toss her! That's her all the way on the right. Pics of Broke B. are up btw :)

( •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_)
Re: New City Grower

" Carl Wave "

Sorry to hear about your friend BAR will send vibes his way :)

As for the watering I watered through on my smart pots and flooded my box but never went crazy. I would just water till I seen water coming out and stop let plants and lights burn the extra off.

Now on another topic. not to derail your tread BAR

Anyone ever heard of case where something in someone grow made most the plants have same taste? My smoke in nowhere near cured but I have noticed what I have smoked off all plants has a little perfumey after taste is the best I can describe. Only thing I can think is something in my garage caused this. Other than that it is good smoke so much so I don't want to smoke my bought stash. I got nice branch of critical pluss last night and it is good. The after taste is not effecting anything it seems other than a little on the exhale. Just phishing to see if anyone ever run across something like this

Re: New City Grower

Reg, how close is Kumiko to the light? When my WW/Skunk sprouted, I had it about 12"-15" from the light and I noticed the tiny true leaves and the cotyledons had a grayish hue to them and it made me think light bleaching. So I took the plant off the 5gal bucket and put it down to the floor, and the grayness went away.
Re: New City Grower

Reg, how close is Kumiko to the light? When my WW/Skunk sprouted, I had it about 12"-15" from the light and I noticed the tiny true leaves and the cotyledons had a grayish hue to them and it made me think light bleaching. So I took the plant off the 5gal bucket and put it down to the floor, and the grayness went away.
That may have something to do with it Sky. STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) started out on the fire escape & eventually was brought into the tent sitting about 10 inches from a 100 watt CFL. Both RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) & KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) started in the tent each at approximately 4 inches from their perspective CFL bulbs but they're not hot to the hand.
My T-5's have arrived but between running back & forth to Yonkers the last couple days & the parent- teacher meeting this afternoon I haven't been able to make it to the post office.

I did notice when I walked in a while ago KUMIKO was reaching for the light a little more. That's always a good sign.

Re: New City Grower

As long shes green she should pull through. If that was my plant I would flush the soil with a super mild feeding and make sure shes not directly in front of a fan.

I hope its not a virus or something. my tomato plants looked awful when they were sick
Re: New City Grower

A cannabis virus wont spread through the tent will it?
Re: New City Grower

A cannabis virus wont spread through the tent will it?

I'm not really sure, sorry. I do know that it spread from tomato plant to tomato plant easily.

Nirvana seeds had a virus in their aurora indica stock not too long ago which made the effected seeds grow funny like that.

A virus doesn't mean the end of all. If you get the root zone and the plant healthy enough, it can shake it off.
Re: New City Grower

Mutant? Sounds like a bad word for a Boy or a Hermie. Nobody here would let a Mutant girl live, what if she makes Mutant pollen that brows around making all neighbors girls seeded Mutant biatches!!
I'm not afraid to eat my young if they pose a threat!
Re: New City Grower

Mutant? Sounds like a bad word for a Boy or a Hermie. Nobody here would let a Mutant girl live, what if she makes Mutant pollen that brows around making all neighbors girls seeded Mutant biatches!!

Then comes the mutant harvest to the mutant smoke that mutates my lung hairs causing me to mutate. Isn't the circle of life grand?
Re: New City Grower

You keep those snips away from my god daughter!

Remmber the girl with braces and acne in school?? Shes smoking hot now and Youd be pissed if you called her ugly back in the day... ;)

Good weed Reg. :)
Re: New City Grower

True ^^^ Dat!!!
Re: New City Grower

Hi Reg :ciao: You don't have a virus. She just looks weird :)

LOL ...I agree

Give it some time Reg...I popped a THC bomb seed about 2 months ago and right from the start it was deformed...I put it into flower before the other plants because I didn't expect much from it is very healthy and completely grew out of its deformities...had I known it was going to turn out so well I would of vegged it longer

Don't give up on the little girl she may surprise you :)
Re: New City Grower

I didn't know mutant beans were a common occurrence PJ.
Hey BAR, my "mutant" finally showed sex yesterday. It's a male. Dang!
But I found it interesting that B.real mentioned Nirvana seeds having a virus a while back...that's exactly where my seed came from. LOL
Have faith in it, you never know what it will become until you give it a chance. :)
Nothing negative on Nirvana seeds though, the rest are doing great!
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