New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that everything turns out okay for him and his family. Life can be very cruel at times.

It looks like a couple of the little ones might have just been a bit suffocated, as they were not able to take in 02 osmotic pressure probably just dropped, once the roots dry out they should be fine.

You should check out some Hempy grows if you are into this mehtod. I have seen some amazing results with this method and it seems impossible to overwater.
\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ
Re: New City Grower

Do you have a link Stacks?
Re: New City Grower

He's not doing to good; he's having kidney problems now. They're going to start him on dialysis.
Re: New City Grower

This wick method seems overly-complicated and dodgy to get right at this stage of cannabis growth. I am in no way undermining this technique, only suggesting that there are other simpler methods of ensuring your seedling survive those 1st two weeks. In soil, I never completely soak the medium but only soak the the area where I will be planting the seed. Once placed, I check daily for dryness of surrounding soil and usually about 2-3 days in the sprout comes out and the soil is dry enough for another water. At this point I only water with miniscule amounts, making sure to only soak the crown of roots. I do this because it allows for the soil to dry up faster between waterings when younger allowing for more waterings and more root intake, etc. I do this until it is big enough to get a full watering to soak the entire pot. In my opinion I think that having a seedling in a soaking wet environment is open for all sorts of disaster rather than a moist environment.

Condolescences to your friend in vibes are literally all over that area ;)

On better news I am glad someone is looking good out of the bunch. She didn't seem to affected by the flood...stay sharp!

My niecedaughter still looks good :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Oct. 25, 2013

There's no noticeable change in LAVERNE (re-veg)

STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 27

She's seems to be the only headache free seedling out of the bunch. Maybe Stacks told her something we don't know about.


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 20

She seems to be making a comeback.


KUMIKO (Honey Haze - feminized) Day 6

I Don't know what's going on here.


The yellow on the tip of the round leaf was like that from day one.
Re: New City Grower

Almost looks like Kumiko could be a mutant. That one pointy, what looks like could be start of new leaf segment, on the first fan leaf looks funny. If did not have that I would just say overwatered, but I am now thinking maybe a bit more then that.

time will tell.
Re: New City Grower

You might have a point Big Daddy; It took nearly two 1/2 weeks to tap-root & when it did the root didn't get to long. It stayed stagnant for about 3 days so I just decided to go ahead & place it in soil.
What usually goes on with mutant beans? Do they grow out of their weirdness or continue to be ugly ducklings.
Re: New City Grower

With the all the back crossing that goes on in aggressive breeding programs, it's no wonder mutants are as common as they are. Sometimes something wonderful happens, but there are lots of babies born missing a kidney, or with their intestines growing outside of the skin.
Re: New City Grower

I didn't know mutant beans were a common occurrence PJ.
Re: New City Grower

You might have a point Big Daddy; It took nearly two 1/2 weeks to tap-root & when it did the root didn't get to long. It stayed stagnant for about 3 days so I just decided to go ahead & place it in soil.
What usually goes on with mutant beans? Do they grow out of their weirdness or continue to be ugly ducklings.

All a toss up, some mutants end up bad, some good. If it truly is a mutant, probably will not grow out of it. But could be combination of both genes and overwater. If that the case, could get better, as with other aspects of growing, patience is key. I have a hard time with the patience part myself.
Re: New City Grower

By nature I'm not a patient person but since I've started growing I've gotten better. It even rolls over into my day to day life. Stuff that would've PISSED ME OFF before the summer kind of slides right by.

Growing is therapeutic indeed!:Namaste:
Re: New City Grower

March of Dimes poster children are pretty common. I've seen several. Canna has one, for example. Lots of back crossing increases the likelihood of mutation. For example, specialty dog breeds produce more freaks of nature than pound dogs.

It would be interesting to study the germination rates of F-1 hybrids with less stable strains. When you see a seed sprout and die even when conditions are prime, it is probably a mutant. Most mutants don't live long. Others will bump along for a while. Sometimes you get duck feet, and it's kind of cool.
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