New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Not so happy a Wednesday. First things first; One of my best friends growing up & I mean growing up from like playing in the hallway before we were old enough to go outside by ourselves to sharing the same limo on Prom night (with 1 other good friend). I mean we grew up right across the hall from each other until the 7th grade & when they moved they only moved like 3 blocks away. Now my friend went into the Air Force directly after High School & we keep in touch for about 3yrs but then you know how it goes. Anyway he just came back to NY about 5 months ago double retired from the Air Force & some other job or something & bought a house in Yonkers. He wanted to be close enough to the city but not live in it. For those of you that don't know Yonkers is one of the suburbs of NYC. We had just recently got back in touch & hung out a couple of times & today I get a call from his old lady that he's in the hospital from a very bad stroke that happened Sunday. So I'll be back & forth to the hospital in Yonkers everyday for awhile.

On a lighter note I'm having issues with 2 of the new girls. I'm almost 100% sure it's my fault. I should have known better. I over watered by using those little drainage pans & filling them with PH'ed water. If you concur let me know & also if you think it might be a different issue give me a heads up. I hope they're not to young to bounce back.

Oct. 23, 2013

KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) Day 4


RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) Day 18


STACK A. DOLLAR (Delicious Cotton Candy) Day 25

Fine & Healthy

Re: New City Grower

You mean the drainage pan under the grow pot filled with water? If yes, then I'm inclined to believe that the lower region of soil wicked up the water and is (was) a place for stagnant water to collect. If runoff fills the drain plate, put some kind of riser under the grow pot to elevate it up above where the runoff water might climb to.
Re: New City Grower

I don't think you understand. I'm talking about the cups.


I wasn't using them as drainage, I was actually filling the clear container on the bottom with water instead of watering the soil. The method to my madness was that you want the roots to reach down for the water but after two days the water was gone from the clear container on the bottom & the top soil was even wet.
Re: New City Grower

A lot probably evaporated.


My last grow, I had a similar situation. I was told that I should keep the pot out of the drain basin and allow the roots to be air pruned so as not to cause root rot from roots laying in the stagnant water.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx LA.
Re: New City Grower

I'm sorry to hear about your buddy, Reg :straightface: I hope he will be ok.

Your method is not wrong, as LA said, maybe use less water next time.

They have just overwatered themselves.

My niecedaughter still looks good :thumb:

Let them dry out and they should be fine :)

When I water, It always runs out the bottom and gets sucked back up within a day or so.
Re: New City Grower

I'm sorry to hear about your buddy, Reg :straightface: I hope he will be ok.

Your method is not wrong, as LA said, maybe use less water next time.

They have just overwatered themselves.

My niecedaughter still looks good :thumb:

Let them dry out and they should be fine :)

When I water, It always runs out the bottom and gets sucked back up within a day or so.

When growers do this, doesn't that make for uneven drying of the soil? Is that bad?
Re: New City Grower

Bad is relative. why would it make for uneven drying of the soil?

The plants transpire upwards, so there is a pull effect from the bottom.

When I water, the soil is quite dry at the top,

so a lot of water just runs through without wetting the soil.

This gets sucked up again as the soil becomes uniformly moist.

In the bunker I have 4 plants in the same tray as the cannatonic,

I only water the cannatonic and the others get wick watered by her run off.
Re: New City Grower

Wow, I guess then "bad" is a relative term. Thanks for the lesson Sir Suave'
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx Ringmaster Rico, we're most likely right. I took a peek through my Suavay Rico's before I left this morning & spotted new growth from the top of both RACHEL SUAVAY (White Widow X Skunk) & KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized). They're still pretty damp so I'll just change their pampers (let the soil dry out).

So my method wasn't so mad, that IS one way of watering; The Wick Water Method... Could it be used exclusively?
Re: New City Grower

There is a post in my journal yesterday where I watered from the bottom like that - but more as a way to flush the crap out of the root zone.
Re: New City Grower

It is VERY VERY easy to overwater seedlings. When I make my pots for seeds, I give the soil a decent soaking, but not too much. Poke a 1/4-1/2" hole, put seed in, cover with soil and wait, so far had 90% plus success rate. Then probably wont water for at least a couple weeks.

I would not recommend doing the water by wick method. When they need water, which will be a while, just water the top, let it drain(if it does come out bottom), give it 30-60 mins to wick up then dump out any excess water in catch tray. I do not even use catch trays, the bottom liner on my tent will collect excess water, if any. IMO the best way to judge if need water is by weight of container.

Do not get complicated, use the KISS approach.
Re: New City Grower

Thannx Big Daddy, I basically used the exact method as you for my seedlings but my downfall was not waiting a couple weeks before watering. If those two survive (Two out of my only three seedling attempts) I'll have a 100% success rate.

They better because I don't have room in my wallet right now for another membership card. :laughtwo::laughtwo:...EDIT... That's not counting the one in the egg container my daughter threw away.
Re: New City Grower

It is VERY VERY easy to overwater seedlings. When I make my pots for seeds, I give the soil a decent soaking, but not too much. Poke a 1/4-1/2" hole, put seed in, cover with soil and wait, so far had 90% plus success rate. Then probably wont water for at least a couple weeks.

I would not recommend doing the water by wick method. When they need water, which will be a while, just water the top, let it drain(if it does come out bottom), give it 30-60 mins to wick up then dump out any excess water in catch tray. I do not even use catch trays, the bottom liner on my tent will collect excess water, if any. IMO the best way to judge if need water is by weight of container.

Do not get complicated, use the KISS approach.

That's the same thing I do. I thought as babies they would like 1-2 oz of water daily, and I used to do that when I first started growing, but now that I soak the soil and let it dry out for a couple days and they grow much better.

The only difference is that seedlings are NOT drought resistant, so don't let them dry out as much as you let grown plants dry out.
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx B
Re: New City Grower

Hehe just found out about letting them go too dry when babies. My WW Molly Mcfly (another distant neice of spimps) looks like crap, she is havin her life allong with little Gitt the fluxed lady. Caught her in time but damn she did not like being cooked and left dry, her leaves are almost brittle. She'll come good. Best of green to all!

I think you just like to torture your plants :) with all the training you do. Make them beg for that water! Make them your bitches!
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