New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR, with regards to reveg, be sure to thin out branches when it does start to reveg. You will know what I mean when see it, but after reveg really gets going you will have 4+ branches coming out from each bud. And trim off bud material AFTER it revegs for a while or could mold out. You will see when it goes into full reveg it is cool, plant grows different. Like with my outdoor grow if look at this...


See all the intense branching at base? And that was after pruning!
Re: New City Grower

couldnt agree more crawdaddy, ive been doing a reveg every grow or at least do some reveg clones, monster cropped plants really are monsters, i must of threw away at least 60 cuttings from the last big reveg i had, not forgetting 2 bags of leaves, buy yields are better and average 40% more for the same size plant, but its down to the amount of extra branches you actually get,

you just lost 3 weeks of growth due to the reveg process but the end results is well worth it, i dont think id like a room full of reveg plants but 1 per grow or 2 small ones is fine, or i think they would be perfect for mother plants, you could do lots of sog type grows using a monster cropped plant as a mother, you would never run out of clones,
Re: New City Grower

A random baked thought,

I just imagined what would happen if say a grower with a garage to spare and a couple thousand watt hoods could do if a big producing plant were flowered, not harvested, but reveged again, and possibly one more time. Each time, not pruning at all, just observing what happens when nature is altered. Is something like this even feasible? If yes, I'm thinking the 10 pound indoor plant is in the future.
Re: New City Grower

A random baked thought,

I just imagined what would happen if say a grower with a garage to spare and a couple thousand watt hoods could do if a big producing plant were flowered, not harvested, but reveged again, and possibly one more time. Each time, not pruning at all, just observing what happens when nature is altered. Is something like this even feasible? If yes, I'm thinking the 10 pound indoor plant is in the future.

You would have to trim out some reveg branches, they grow WAY to close together to be healthy.
Re: New City Grower

im pretty sure it would be possible to reveg like that, you could flower it for at least 21 days or until buds are forming then reveg it and repeat the process, you would need a huge pot or bag to grow it in or big hydro with a big pump, but im pretty sure it would be possible,

ive revegged the same plant several times but always harvested it so it only ended up the same as the first time i revegged it, but if i never harvested then im sure it would just get crazy big, it would need some hard work putting in to keep it from getting to tangled, but im sure it would work.
Re: New City Grower

im pretty sure it would be possible to reveg like that, you could flower it for at least 21 days or until buds are forming then reveg it and repeat the process, you would need a huge pot or bag to grow it in or big hydro with a big pump, but im pretty sure it would be possible,

ive revegged the same plant several times but always harvested it so it only ended up the same as the first time i revegged it, but if i never harvested then im sure it would just get crazy big, it would need some hard work putting in to keep it from getting to tangled, but im sure it would work.

Do you think a single root system could handle the kind of demand a top like that would have? Maybe 3 or 4 bags of Grodan Grow Cubes in a 200 gallon tank would fit the bill. Imagination is such a wonderful thing!
Re: New City Grower

A random baked thought,

I just imagined what would happen if say a grower with a garage to spare and a couple thousand watt hoods could do if a big producing plant were flowered, not harvested, but reveged again, and possibly one more time. Each time, not pruning at all, just observing what happens when nature is altered. Is something like this even feasible? If yes, I'm thinking the 10 pound indoor plant is in the future.
Shoot, if you have the space why not go ahead & try it.
Re: New City Grower

I wish. Don't have the space or extra HIDs. Some day though!
Re: New City Grower

Hey Reg hope all is green and pleasant. Skybound you have inspired me my buddy, I'm in a spot of bother with to many girls etc. So I'm thinking I could give your Idea a go in my big ass closet. I could either use my WW or my supercropped clone from queen tutt, (if she makes it). I could veg em with my many CFLs and flower with them as well, mixed against my little 70 watt Hps. I was going to have to veg one of em for like 5 months anyway most probs. So I could flower only till some small buds form and re veg as you said and repeat for as many times as I want.
I know it wouldn't be a big hps experiment but should do ok! I would obviously go with everyone advice above and prune away when needed but also I'd go all nuts with my garden wire training all the way through. I reckon I could do maybe 4/5 reveg cycles then flower out in my big tent under my 600 + my 400 for the final flowering! It would be a soil grow starting in 20ltr pots then each time I went to reveg I'd up the pot size after clearing a little root growth off.
How does that sound? worth giving it a go? If people think it is, I'll do it gladly for some experimentation!
Re: New City Grower

Well you know I'd like to see that, but who else will give LA the green vibes and support on this endeavor?
Re: New City Grower

That goes without saying! It'll actually be a bonus to witness a plant in his House of Horrors that doesn't get tortured. :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

OK cool, I'll definitely do it with the Tutt monster cropped clone, if she makes it, which I'm a little more confident of compared with last time as soil is just right this time, I think!
It makes sense as I can take more clones when I prune and keep her lineage going as I'm kind of fallin for her good genes at mo. Also never grown my own WW so kind of want some of that sooner rather than later.
Re: New City Grower

its going to be hard work and keeping the roots happy will take a huge ass pot or a big hydro set up, im sure its possible but id use a bin or a big tote for the roots, if you wanted to keep height down then go with a big wide pot so the roots can spread without going to deep,

its going to need a lot of nutrients as well, if it gets big you could easily be giving it a gallon of nutes every few days or more depending on size of plant and root mass,

it will be interesting to see but will be hard work keeping on top of a plant revegged like that, you certainly wouldnt run out of clones
Re: New City Grower

Regarding this Monster clone technique, what is the chemical composition of the bud that produces so many shoots? Is it similar or same as rooting hormones? If so, could it be synthesized or colonized into a nutrient additive?
Re: New City Grower

what i think it is is this,

the bud is made up of leaves and buds, so when you go back to veg these leaves then start producing branches out the buds, its basically really stressing the plant and you can have 5 to 7 or more branches growing out of one bud site, then off these branches you get very close node spacing and branches growing more often and it continues all the way till you flip 12-12, then the plant goes back to a regular plant and starts to stretch a bit and open up.

im not sure if it coud be chemically induced as the buds need to be formed so it can grow out the branches or shoots, i dont know what the actual process is but im pretty sure it cant be chemically induced unless their was some way you could stress the plant to grow like this, but as far as im aware it down to the stress caused on the plant that it grows crazy amounts of branches. if you take the clone to early in flower then it dont work, so ive took clones at day 21 of flower and its not worked, so now i always wait until the plant is well in flower and the cutting has got a bud on the end, then its monster cropped

it also cant be bread into a plant, ive tried crossing 2 monster cropped females hoping it would carry that genetic trait on, how ever it dont do this so it dont alter the genetics so cant be bred to produce a monster cropped plant, if it could be re-produced in seed form then im sure we would of heard about it by now, ive used monster cropped clones to produce seeds from a few strains and none grew as a monster cropped plant
Re: New City Grower


No, what I meant was when a revegged bud produces the crazy amount of extra growth that would not otherwise be on a normal plant, what chemical, or grouping of chemicals then exists in the tissue of the bud that makes it produce so vigorously? There has to be some chemical difference between a monster clone at the point of when vegetation vs say a seedling that has set it's young roots good enough that it can now focus energy on canopy development. I'd bet that this chemical difference would make a world of difference in results growers get with using nutes that would have this(these) chemical(s) also included with that nute.

Imagine being able to give that "monster juice" to one of your favorite strains that you have in early veg and freshly topped. Not only would your tops recover quicker, but the proceeding growth would be record breaking. Then you flip to your flower nutes and same thing. Foot long buds develop all across your scrog in just a week or two. I know this is all very imaginative and the facts probably widely exaggerated, but if monster juice could be produced and added to my nutes, I'd bet that harvest weights would increase substantially.
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