New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Lovely update :) Girls are looking so cute! Congrats Spimpster!!

I think DP said somewhere that the reveg plants do nothing for a month. I dont thing the flowers will dissapear. First single leves will pop out, then the buds will stretch and it will look like you have gone back in time as the flowers spread out. The clone I took in flower did this, very strange to see, but cool. :)
Re: New City Grower

hes right, give it time. my tomato plant outside revegged itself oddly enough (after a blight attack) and now its leaves are a bit more fat than before being revegged. I could get you a picture, im pretty bored
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR, good resplendent weed to you! I'm gonna have a go at getting out of the Dead clone society, gonna take a clone today from Queen Tutt, so It will be a monster cropped clone or something like that as she is in flower. Not sure if i'll be able to sort it this time round but I have to try save this girls genetics as she is an awesome girl. If my attempts fail again on the clone front I'll do a re-veg on her later but would prefer clone if I can manage!
Re: New City Grower

Nice updates on the cups Reg, I am sending green vibes your way.

One thing to comment, I don't know how I could reveg a plant without picking off all those sugar leaves one-by-one over the recovery period :yummy::rofl:
Re: New City Grower

Im gonna guess If she keeps looking the same, Id say :thumb:

p.s. And just so you know--- HE not I. The thread tells all sir
Think happy thoughts :)
So that's what I'll do; be patient & have happy thoughts.

Happy Sunday Reg...plants look great

It's almost Monday....and you know how we do on Mondays :;):

Same as we do on Sunday night's :lot-o-toke:
& you have no idea how I did on Sunday night! The usual + it was a Johnny Walker Black & Corona blue light special.

+1 :passitleft:

I have high hopes for Laverne. Her colors look healthy considering her recent traumatic experience.

All your ladies are looking fine, Reg. The vigor of that Little Miss Suavay continues to impress. :riskybusiness:

Great news about Kumiko. Grats, Spimp! :clap:
Yeah, RACHEL SUAVAY already told me she wants to play in the WNBA.

looking great man!

Lovely update :) Girls are looking so cute! Congrats Spimpster!!

I think DP said somewhere that the reveg plants do nothing for a month. I dont thing the flowers will dissapear. First single leves will pop out, then the buds will stretch and it will look like you have gone back in time as the flowers spread out. The clone I took in flower did this, very strange to see, but cool. :)

hes right, give it time. my tomato plant outside revegged itself oddly enough (after a blight attack) and now its leaves are a bit more fat than before being revegged. I could get you a picture, im pretty bored
Ok, I hear you two; patience is a virtue.

Hey BAR, good resplendent weed to you! I'm gonna have a go at getting out of the Dead clone society, gonna take a clone today from Queen Tutt, so It will be a monster cropped clone or something like that as she is in flower. Not sure if i'll be able to sort it this time round but I have to try save this girls genetics as she is an awesome girl. If my attempts fail again on the clone front I'll do a re-veg on her later but would prefer clone if I can manage!
A re-veg clone is in my Dead Clone Society portfolio.


Nice updates on the cups Reg, I am sending green vibes your way.

One thing to comment, I don't know how I could reveg a plant without picking off all those sugar leaves one-by-one over the recovery period :yummy::rofl:
I'm just following instructions. The sugar leafs would come in handy as I've used them all from the harvest by making tea. Now my hot cannabis tea only comes from fan leafs.

Oct. 21, 2013
KUMIKO (Honey Haze-feminized) Day 2

She's decided to open up a little & not be so shy. The pics may be a little under par. I have a small case of the shakes after furiously doing how I do on Sundays. No more Johnny Walker for awhile.

Re: New City Grower

I'm in taking a back seat
Here, have a front row seat. There's a few empty ones. My pal from the pond hasn't been around in awhile & someone else forfeited theirs.

Crazy, since your next in line as a god-father (which wont be until the next run) you might as well be an uncle to KUMIKO (Honey Hazed-feminized). Becoming a bruncle doesn't effect your god-father rights of passage. :circle-of-love: The circle of love continues.
Re: New City Grower

Johnny Walkster + Corona special + NYC MJ + Sunday + Reg =



I got a hangover just reading that sir. :)
Man I even called in sick this morning! :headbanger: Feling a lot better & doing like I do on Mondays. :smokin:
Re: New City Grower

Man I even called in sick this morning! :headbanger: Feling a lot better & doing like I do on Mondays. :smokin:

It's funny I did the same thing this morning...though I had a spliff in my mouth instead of a thermometer when talking to the dean ;)
Re: New City Grower

It's funny I did the same thing this morning...though I had a spliff in my mouth instead of a thermometer when talking to the dean ;)

Was thinking to do the same thing lol.

Johny & MaryJane are good friends, especially on Monday's off. :party:

Good luck on your clones & good day to you sir Reg :cheer:
Re: New City Grower

hes right, give it time. my tomato plant outside revegged itself oddly enough (after a blight attack) and now its leaves are a bit more fat than before being revegged. I could get you a picture, im pretty bored
What happen to the tomato pics.? You must have not been THAT bored. I want to see them. :geek:
Re: New City Grower

Here, have a front row seat. There's a few empty ones. My pal from the pond hasn't been around in awhile & someone else forfeited theirs.

Crazy, since your next in line as a god-father (which wont be until the next run) you might as well be an uncle to KUMIKO (Honey Hazed-feminized). Becoming a bruncle doesn't effect your god-father rights of passage. :circle-of-love: The circle of love continues.

I am honored :circle-of-love:

Oh and take it easy Reg I twisted a good on off earlier in the year at the In Laws house needless to say it involved cleaning out the wife's car she was not impressed
Re: New City Grower

Was thinking to do the same thing lol.

Johny & MaryJane are good friends, especially on Monday's off. :party:

Good luck on your clones & good day to you sir Reg :cheer:
The Johnny & Maryjane episode was Sunday night & I didn't have today (monday) off; I called in sick.
Those clones didn't survive. They're old news. That was my portfolio from the DEAD CLONE SOCIETY club.
Re: New City Grower

Hi mate,

info on the reveg,
week 1 to 2 you wont see anything change at all, the plant will look like its still in flower but the buds wont get any bigger, pistils may die and shrivel up,
week 2 to 3, you will notive single bladed leaves forming that look stressed and some will be curled up
week 3 onwards, this is when the plant gets back in veg and now you have a monster cropped plant.

you might find it takes longer or shorter but only by a week or possibly 2 at a push, but from my own experience its back in veg about week 3 of growth, but strains may vary,

also you can give it the odd mist with water to get some moisture to the leaves just to make sure its getting some water in case its in shock and not taking in much from the roots, ive not had to do this myself but thought id mention it in case it is something you want to try,

now the reveg clones look to me like the soil their in is to wet, this will just make the stem rot and roots wont grow and the plant will eventually turn moldy and be dead.

when i take clones i use soil strait out the compost/soil bag, its only very slightly moist and falls apart if you squash to together, you dont want water dripping out of it if you squeeze the soil your using, you then give the plant water from the top by misting it, do not water the soil the clone is in at all until you see roots forming or new growth on the plant,

roots need oxygen to grow, they need a dark environment, giving them to much water at root level stops oxygen getting to the roots and stops the roots from growing as they dont need to go searching for water, its basically doing the long storage method you can do,

if you take clones you can store them in the fridge in water for a while, they go into suspended animation or what ever its called, you just drop the clones into a jar of water and store them in the fridge with the lid on, you can keep them in the fridge for weeks or even months then when you want to grow them you just use the same cloning method, so the water stops the roots from forming along with the cool temps,

so for cuttings to root you need a slightly damp soil but not wet, if its wet the roots just wont grow as no oxygen can get to the stem and encourage roots to grow, if you can squeeze the compost and water drips out then its to wet to plant clones in, you dont want it dry but just very slightly damp, not watered like you water your plants just slightly moist so its not bone dry,

if the soil was totall dry then you would probably just need a table spoon of water and thats it until the clone has rooted, i think your having problems because the growing medium is to wet, let it dry out or use the growing medium strait out the bag, usually strait out the bag its just slightly moist but its not to wet and water wont drop out of it if you squeeze it together, if water drips out then its way to wet to root clones.

then once the soil is correct make sure the dome is slightly bigger than the plant without it being to big, so a couple of inches taller than the clone is good, then twice a day just give the plant a spray, not the soil just get a spray bottle and gently spray the clone, not so its soaking wet but just so it looks like its been rained on very lightly, then put the dome back on, leave the dome off for 1 or 2 min each time and no longer else the clone will wilt and fall over,

ive rooted clones that are tiny with a stem of less than an inch long, yep i failed at first, i could get a clone to root no matter how hard i tried, then i let the soil dry out and just misted the clome once or twice a day and form then on ive had no problems, it dont matter if i use rooting hormones or not, clones root and take about the same time as clones with no rooting hormone.

once you get it right and one clone lives you wont have any problems producing clones, its just getting the soil right first then the plant does the rest,
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