New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Your talking about the Big Bud?

sorry, I see that big bloom is the true organic version and tiger bloom more synthetic. right now im like who cares about organics cause ive been using vigoro synthetics on this rose plant that is next to my window and its drinkin and growing like crazy! small container so it drinks all its food in 2 days! ive used the vigoro food on it like 3 times and its out of control with old blooms dying and new blooms poppin up!

the older growth had more nitrogen to them, and the new growth is a lighter tint of green because thats now my hand feeding it. I wish I could get my bud plants this nice lol. my bud plants are always losing their green too early! I need to switch to a good "organic" maybe big bloom is it?
Re: New City Grower

let me fix that error it should be ~10 weeks from pistil not 20.
So assuming this timetable is a general rule of thumb I'm where everyone is suggesting. 1 - 1 1/2 weeks to harvest. Let the chips fall where they may. I'll stop over thinking & flush tomorrow after work & one of these... :joint:
Re: New City Grower

Hi BAR, I am a couple weeks behind you on one of my plants, maybe more, so I am following this closely too. So if I do have a lot of yellowing fan leaves, this means I don't need to flush? This topic is confusing, as there seem to be a lot of variables. Can you just look at the leaves, and if they are still all green you know they still have lots of N available? Thank you for all of the quality discussion here :)
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR hows the growin a goin! Big Frosty Mc Nuggs to ya!
Ok on flushing I only really do soil so heres my two cents. I might be wrong but it seems quite simple to me. Firstly work your flower time out from the point she starts to really show pistils/begin budding. not from when you flip to 12/12. Then working with the flower time the breeder gives, work out you ruff finish date. Then calculate a second finish date 2 weeks later. Then work out as you go along if you have in any way stunted her growth cycle/disrupted her, if so work out roughly how many days you lost and add them on the ends as you go along. Then you simply start feeding only water and maybe some molasses for the last 3 weeks. You will have drained the soil and your plant should start to eat her own stores sending all her leaves yellow. Choosing which finish date to follow is your choice using your personal knowledge of your grow and your plant, also the type of buzz you want comes into it.

Also when I used to do Autos I found as long as you flush for the last 2/3 weeks you knew exactly when to harvest as all the fans will have turned and fallen off!
Re: New City Grower

Hey BAR hows the growin a goin! Big Frosty Mc Nuggs to ya!
Ok on flushing I only really do soil so heres my two cents. I might be wrong but it seems quite simple to me. Firstly work your flower time out from the point she starts to really show pistils/begin budding. not from when you flip to 12/12. Then working with the flower time the breeder gives, work out you ruff finish date. Then calculate a second finish date 2 weeks later. Then work out as you go along if you have in any way stunted her growth cycle/disrupted her, if so work out roughly how many days you lost and add them on the ends as you go along. Then you simply start feeding only water and maybe some molasses for the last 3 weeks. You will have drained the soil and your plant should start to eat her own stores sending all her leaves yellow. Choosing which finish date to follow is your choice using your personal knowledge of your grow and your plant, also the type of buzz you want comes into it.

Also when I used to do Autos I found as long as you flush for the last 2/3 weeks you knew exactly when to harvest as all the fans will have turned and fallen off!

I'm sure that seems simple to you, LA :)

Reg has been giving only water for 3 weeks now.

Does that not tie in with what you have just said?

That he has, in fact effectively already "flushed" his soil?

And should just calm down and wait for harvest?

Or am I still missing something?
Re: New City Grower

I understand a flush is supposed to wash out built up nutrient salts from the medium at the root zone. Reg has been watering with ph corrected water for 3 weeks, but not flushing in that he wasn't adding 3 times the pot volume of water, rather just giving the healthy amount of water for a feeding. Would this, over time achieve the flush that is desired to force the plant to ingest it's stored up nutrients from it's roots, stalk, and/or leaves?
Re: New City Grower

I understand a flush is supposed to wash out built up nutrient salts from the medium at the root zone. Reg has been watering with ph corrected water for 3 weeks, but not flushing in that he wasn't adding 3 times the pot volume of water, rather just giving the healthy amount of water for a feeding. Would this, over time achieve the flush that is desired to force the plant to ingest it's stored up nutrients from it's roots, stalk, and/or leaves?

Is 3 weeks of pure water enough? Depends on the environment of the soil. The way we humans can interpret the soil ecology is through the color of the leaves. Are they nice and yellow as they should be? If not flush yourself off and try again ha ha! All nutrients will be harsh when smoked, but nitrates or the green pigment is the most harsh

A true flush will reach the flowers themselves and turn them a hue of yellow and purple.
Re: New City Grower

There is a lot of confusion here about what flushing means.

It means a lot in hydroponics, but very little in soil.

It means essentially cutting off food and letting the plant use up its own mobile nutrient reserves.

In soil, we simply give water for the last few weeks.

In soil the food is broken down slowly, over time by bacteria and fungi.

This happens when the soil is healthy.

Reg has healthy soil microbiology

because he hasn't poured bottles of chemicals over it hoping for bigger and bigger buds.

This is why Reg's plant is still nice and green.

Reg does not need to "flush" with copious amounts of water.

That would simply wash away the bennys in his soil and cause his plant to starve.

Reg is growing in soil. He will not have a "harsh, chemical taste" because he has no "harsh chemicals" to "taste"

Curing removes chlorophyll, not flushing.

what does a "nitrate" taste like? :scratchinghead:

Flushing doesn't look like anything.

Nute lock outs and deficiencies look like things.

Flushing: A Tutorial by Papa Green
Re: New City Grower

I understand a flush is supposed to wash out built up nutrient salts from the medium at the root zone. Reg has been watering with ph corrected water for 3 weeks, but not flushing in that he wasn't adding 3 times the pot volume of water, rather just giving the healthy amount of water for a feeding. Would this, over time achieve the flush that is desired to force the plant to ingest it's stored up nutrients from it's roots, stalk, and/or leaves?
See Sky, you asked the question for me. You must have went into my brain, analyzed my thoughts then said this is what he needs to know.

Yeah Ricorico reg is fine just needs to chill and wait. Was just trying to help Rainstacks out. And yes a 3 week plain water has the same outcome as the quick, heavy flush. Better in my opinion.
Not to contradict you but if that's the case why haven't the fan leafs started turning yellow?

Is 3 weeks of pure water enough? Depends on the environment of the soil. The way we humans can interpret the soil ecology is through the color of the leaves. Are they nice and yellow as they should be? If not flush yourself off and try again ha ha! All nutrients will be harsh when smoked, but nitrates or the green pigment is the most harsh

A true flush will reach the flowers themselves and turn them a hue of yellow and purple.
OK. The leafs are very green (at least they were when I left for work this morning) Now if I do flush & let's just say on the off chance it wasn't necessary; could it do any damage or cause any short comings? All I need is yahs or nahs to make my final decision. Cast your ballots.
Re: New City Grower

Damn Rico Suavay, just when I was starting to relax!
Re: New City Grower

I grow organic, actually "veganic" now that I've retired the smelly fish protein that I used to use, yet I am always looking for smoother smoke.

He has been using harsh chemical fertilizers. Tiger bloom is a full blown synthetic. They add one organic ingredient in there and try labeling it as "organic"

Nitrates burn your throat very badly. I smoked bud once that actually crackled from the abundance of nitrates (and other fertilizers/minerals) left in the flowers!

Curing does remove some chlorophyll, but this is a very slow process. Flushing really speeds this process up nicely, which is why im able to get super smooth and flavorful buds after only a couple days of curing.

"Soil ecology is the study of the interactions among soil organisms, and between biotic and abiotic aspects of the soil environment.[1] It is particularly concerned with the cycling of nutrients, formation and stabilization of the pore structure, the spread and vitality of pathogens, and the biodiversity of this rich biological community."

For whatever reason, the nutrients have not been cycled OUT of has plant yet. The nutes are still in the root zone cycling heavily throughout the plant. There may be slow release plastic coated chemicals in his soil, or it may just have a large abundance of nutrients in it from the prior heavy feeding of tiger bloom? either way, its needs a flushing for sure. its not hard to see that. This will also help speed up the plants ripening process, making the plant think its almost time to go and pressuring it into creating bigger buds in order to attract a mate asap.

Ill ask again, are you using a slow release soil? Theres no harm in flushing at all. If you take a look at og1969s journal he really knows what hes doing. hes managed to yellow out his big outdoor, in ground plants for a really nice smoke. og is harvesting a bit early, but I understand his concern about mold during this time of the year.

I think tiger blooms nitrogen is from urea which is a really nasty form of nitrogen. FLUSH IT OUT There is no difference between flushing hydro and flushing soil besides that its easier to flush hydro plants because the medium has a lower density.
Re: New City Grower

Not to contradict you but if that's the case why haven't the fan leafs started turning yellow?

Because your plant is healthy and you don't have a deficiency.

There is a difference between having too much N and having healthy soil.
Re: New City Grower

1 yah - 0 nays ..edit oh shit the big boss is on the fl
Re: New City Grower

My personal experience is I have smoked my plants with zero flush because they hermied and needed to be removed from the flower room right away...I give them a 5-7 day drying period and a one month cure...they taste as good if not better than my plants that get a proper flush and a two week cure

I feel that three weeks of plain water is a flush. Just pouring a bunch of water through the pot isn't as effective as allowing the plant time to use up the chemicals within the plant

But than again I don't know anything...this is just my opinion
Re: New City Grower

Count me as being on the "sorta nay" side.

I'd wait until it completely dried out and then just flush a couple gallons through it. One flush - basically just a really heavy watering.
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