New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

You guys are too funny. I'm not claiming to be an expert (because im not) but I am currently studying the earth along with soil and minerals for a geology degree.
OK ALREADY B! I'll flush when I get home.
Re: New City Grower

Well I flushed mine yesterday so Im going with YAY. Its not gonna hurt her unless you rough her up and I dont take you for a woman beater so she will be fine.
Re: New City Grower

Just trying to help you get the most out of your flower. east coast connection represent haha.
Re: New City Grower

I'm right behind you neighbor. ...EDIT... neighbors
Re: New City Grower

OK ALREADY B! I'll flush when I get home.

Just to confuse you some more Reg...I have to ask this question

You have starved them for 3 weeks and now you are going to drown a plant that prefers a dry soil ....just something to think about:)

Edit:guess that wasn't a question LOL

Good luck buddy

...Laverne will still be awesome no matter what you do :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

good stuff. make sure to do it in a sink or tub so shes not sitting in a pool of the flushed minerals.

if you get that excess nitrogen out of there she should switch her focus more to the flowers and you should in essence get bigger buds sooner than later

have a look at og1969's journal if you haven't already
Re: New City Grower

us ogs like the light green buds ;)

OG1969's 2013 Outdoor Journal - Blueberry - MadShack - Sour Boggle & Sweet Cindy

This is a properly flushed flower. notice the nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency causing the fall colors to come out?

blackout kush



some NYC diesel for you. I did not flush this as well as I wanted to and it was dark and harsh.




almost properly flushed master kush. this has had its nutrients washed out of its roots, but I didn't give it long enough to starve so it was a bit harsh still.



Re: New City Grower

thank you jetboy. im not just making this up.. the one that was flushed properly and THEN fed pure water for the last 2 weeks of its life was the smoothest ever. I wouldn't be saying this if it weren't true.. why would I want to harm my friends?

all the plants above were grown under a shared 150 watt hid light source, 12/12 from seed believe it or not.

so through EXPERIENCE and not just b.s. I have noticed that flushing at least 2 weeks before harvest helps. I don't think I can repeat myself again -_-

So currently my train of though tells me to flush 2 weeks before 10 weeks from pistil, then water with pure water (when shes thirsty of course) until harvest, which is usually around 10 weeks from pistil for me.

flushing a couple days before harvest wont do much but waste your time (as you can see with my master kush above) it started the starvation process, but it never went far enough.
Re: New City Grower

I dont doubt you B.real. I just flushed mine yesterday and planned a 2 week straight water regiment before harvest. But, I think 2 of them are a bit further along than I thought so they may only get a week. There is a little amber in the triches now and Im not looking for "couch lock" weed. So I think they will be harvested a bit sooner than the other two.
Re: New City Grower

I don't like that type of weed either. I harvest when the trichs are just changing to amber, which happens rapidly, much like a tomato. it takes forever for a tomato to grow, but when it starts ripening, it happens in a matter of a week or two. it also sends hormones to the other nearby tomatoes to ripen as well! (where the saying 1 bad apple can spoil the whole bunch came from)

be careful because trichs can be amber if they are injured. don't mistake these faulty ambers as harvest ready flowers
Re: New City Grower

if you have been watering with only pH adjusted water for 3 weeks now that is equivalent to a quick flush with at least twice the volume of water as pot size. if you had been feeding your plant heavily and had signs of too many nutrients I would agree with performing a fast flush before harvest but i doubt you have a fertilizer salt buildup in your medium. if you are within 2 weeks from harvest I would just continue to feed your plant pH adjusted water until harvest. can you take some new photographs of your plant and let us see how it is looking and tell us how many days of flower you are at?
Re: New City Grower

I find it funny that you guys think Reg isnt gonna do what he wants anyway. Just like his Harvest date. It doesnt matter what we all say. :)

Just like My first plant, Your first plant, and 98.5% of everyone who grows. You Chop the first one too early and with too many nutes in her still. Thats the facts of growing Ganja. He will learn just as we all have.

When he takes his first bowl to the head, that will be his "Moment of Clarity".

Hello Reg. :ciao: :):):) Hope the big boss gives you a raise. :)
Re: New City Grower

(in the voice of Ralph Crampton) AH-HAH! I'm going to learn from their mistakes Alice. WATCH... we'll be millionaires! ...EDIT... Even my supervisor started pretending he was busy. The Big Boss never comes to our floor.
Re: New City Grower

I flushed her this evening with 3 X her pot size using straight tap water.


My final decision was based on an after thought. Who knows how organic NYC compost is? It came in a plain black 10 lb bag labeled NYC COMPOST.
Re: New City Grower

A year ago, I worked for an excavation outfit and we demoed a farm house and surrounding structures that were all shipped off to be ground up and returned to the property. The college that funded the project used the ground up buildings as mulch and compost. Don't know that NYC compost is similar, but I wouldn't doubt it, and if so, may be derived from 100 year old (or older) pine wood. Don't really know what was used for lumber back then, but if it's pine, it's pretty acidic. Again, don't know if the acidity of pine alkalizes over time or not.
Re: New City Grower

shell thank you greatly, that plant is way overfed

flowers don't look done another 2 weeks, only cause they should be fatter than that and the pistils aren't "laying down" yet. are you using the sun? its odd its a huge beautiful girl but the flowers are small yet. I know flushing some n out is gonna make em grow better.. let her dry out WELL and good work soldier

skybound I hope I can get some cool job like that.. I just want to be done with school get a job testing water for some company lol. im almost done with my 2 yr degree at a community college and im gonna try and transfer into the geoscience degree. right now im taking some classes like a mineral class.. a plant biology class.. still doing a bunch of business related stuff cause I didn't know what I wanted to do till now so ill have a 2 yr degree in business soon (I hope I fucked a test recently)

I know these guys have great soil on the east coast, if its the same source as these guys its good stuff Long Island Compost
Re: New City Grower

You really think they're using that high end stuff throughout the cities planters?
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