New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

I am sorry to hear about clona-cola, she was a sweet girl :rip:

But a joyous :happy-birthday: to Delicious Cotton Candy! I am very happy for you both. And I am thinking good thoughts for WW x Skunk too :) I think I missed one, so good thoughts in your general direction :) Laverne is looking lovely as well, you are taking some very clear photos

You know I am one to speak my mind BAR, and I am worried that soil looks a little bit too familiar if ya know what I mean. ;)
Re: New City Grower

Well here's something else we can look forward to...
I figured what the heck, let's get everything started;

WHITE WIDOW X SKUNK #1 (regular)

I APOLIGIZE everyone. This is the HONEY HAZE which I'll be removing from the (seed dish "my new name for it") today. I'm sorry if I confused anyone but I was sober when I made that post. I'm off today & well medicated which lead to my memory being jogged.

I recall way back in grade school doing the exact same thing. After soaking & tap rooting what I beleive were Lima beans we placed them in water soaked cardboard egg containers with soil.

They also told us in grade school that marajuana effects your memory. I wish I could remember that teachers name so I can tell her how wrong she was.:laughtwo:

I am sorry to hear about clona-cola, she was a sweet girl :rip:

But a joyous :happy-birthday: to Delicious Cotton Candy! I am very happy for you both. And I am thinking good thoughts for WW x Skunk too :) I think I missed one, so good thoughts in your general direction :) Laverne is looking lovely as well, you are taking some very clear photos

You know I am one to speak my mind BAR, and I am worried that soil looks a little bit too familiar if ya know what I mean. ;)
Thanxx Stax, I've been using that same free NYC compost that a freind of mines that works for the Parks & Recreation Dept. gave me mixed with Vermiculite.
Re: New City Grower

I'm pretty sure they don't give it away. It's the compost they use to plant shrubbery & trees around the city. He's just an old high school buddy of mines that I still go out drinking with sometimes when I visit the old neighborhood.

I have a question friends. I've read that seeds should sprout (break ground) in 2 to 4 days & I've also read it can take a week or even up to 2 wks to sprout. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE SEEDS TO SPROUT? I'm over here checking every 2 or 3hrs. I've even been using my Suavay Rico's.:dreamy:Help me stop the madnessss...
Re: New City Grower

I'm pretty sure they don't give it away. It's the compost they use to plant shrubbery & trees around the city. He's just an old high school buddy of mines that I still go out drinking with sometimes when I visit the old neighborhood.

I have a question friends. I've read that seeds should sprout (break ground) in 2 to 4 days & I've also read it can take a week or even up to 2 wks to sprout. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE SEEDS TO SPROUT? I'm over here checking every 2 or 3hrs. I've even been using my Suavay Rico's.:dreamy:Help me stop the madnessss...

Mine always sprout when I'm not looking. :;):

It'll depend on the strain and the individual seed, but somewhere between 2 days and 6+ days. After 6+ days I give up.
Re: New City Grower

>>>I've read that seeds should sprout (break ground) in 2 to 4 days & I've also read it can take a week or even up to 2 wks to sprout. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE SEEDS TO SPROUT? I'm over here checking every 2 or 3hrs.

Yes all you have read is true to some degree. As Graytail mentioned, it all depends on the strain characteristics of that specific strain, although some people have fail proof ways of germinating seeds. I specifically use the water in the cup method (wait for the pop, or 24hrs, whichever comes first!), then I just place it in a paper towel at 80-85F and wait another 24hrs for a tap root to pop out. It is important that however you choose to germinate your seed that there is a sufficient amount of heat, this promotes faster sprouting. From here I just plant into my soil.

Although this time around, since I took the hydro route, I took the advice from a fellow experienced grower on here. He gave me his recipe for a fool proof germination method he uses for rockwool. Which you may come to find out is easier to work with when germinating seeds. (I have germinated in rockwool cubes and then planted in soil before without problems).

Germ method given to me from a very experienced grower on here:

Start with one gallon of RO or distilled water and add:
2 drops GH grow
2 drops GH micro
2 drops cal mag
2 drops super thrive
2 drops rapid start
10ml aquashield
Then adjust water to PH 5.6

Soak a couple paper towels in the water, then put the seeds in the paper towel so they are totally soaked. Put that inside a plastic ziplock bag, and then put that on your internet router, or some electronic device that is warm to the touch. It should feel just warm, not hot.

Soak your rockwool blocks in that same water you mixed up. After the seeds have any root popping out, I make a hole in the rockwool with a toothpic, then I go ahead and plant them, root down, with tweezers. Then I rip off a little pc of rockwool and put it on top of the seed hole.

Then make yourself a little humidor like this picture below, and put that on the warm spot, it will keep those seedlings happy. But once the seedlings have broken ground, crack your humidor slightly. It should be humid in there, but not wet. If it's too wet, the stems will rot and they will die (dampen off). I know you know this already but just saying how it works for me.

I'm not sure what kind of nutrients you are using, but whatever you can substitute. When I say DROPS, I mean DROPS, not a "splash" of each. I usually get near 100% germination rates but the growth on the tap roots poking out is longer than normal using this recipe.

Take all this as you will, but I have used the above method with substitutes of ingredients in which I had and it gave me 100% germination for my two Bubb seeds and 4 bagseed!

Forgive me for not stopping by your journal more often Broke! Give me a few days to get caught up ;)
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

Reg, too many factors on bean popping. I prefer to warm the seed until it pops. I germ in a warm area then as soon as it cracks or splits it goes in the dirt in another warm spot. Ive had them germ in 30 hrs! Ive also had them take 5 days doing the exact thing. I probably average 3 days from the second it hits the paper towels. But before I used warmth, It would take a week or longer.
I may be completly wrong here but I believe that something in the embryo is receptive to temperature changes. like in the spring stuff that was wet all winter didnt come up til it was warm. :)
Re: New City Grower

So the bottom line is just be patient & chill out.:thumb:
Re: New City Grower

its a tough question to answer to be honest, ive had some seeds sprout out the ground in 2 days and ive had some that take 4 weeks, some have really thick seed shells and it takes a while for the moisture to get inside to the seedling so it can take anything from 2 days to 4 weeks from my own experience, but if your planting direct in soil then id say the average time for it to pop out the soil is around 6 to 7 days, paper towel method is about the same but i find it stresses the seedlings when you transplant to soil and gowth slows for a day or 2 whilte it gets used to the nutrients in the soil.

so its a bit hit and miss, some seeds take much longer than others, i planted a load of my own gdp cheese seeds and thought they was all no good, so i threw them in a pot of soil and forgot about them, then 3 to 4 weeks later i had sprouts growing out the ground so had to transplant them into seperate pots, if i dont have seeds that sprout using paper towel method then is still plant them but forget about them and usually they all grow but take several weeks,

i only use paper towel method when im testing how viable my own seeds are, i always plant direct into soil when i grow seeds ive purchased or when i grow my own seeds after checking germ rates, so for me the average is about 6 or 7 days before they sprout out of the soil after planting them 1 to 2cm deep,
Re: New City Grower

Good splendorously spanking smoke my friend! and hello all, I used to go straight to soil but found it took longer and I'm an impatient git. So now I use 6 hours soak in filtered water,then paper towel method soaked in filtered water, sealed in a plastic take away box, then placed on top of my Digital TV box on middle shelf in dark and warmth. As soon as I see the first little tail break shell she's in soil!
Re: New City Grower

LAVERNE Sept. 30 2013 Day 101 / Flower Day 76

This is only pics of trichs. I don't want to exceed past the ideal time of harvest so I'll be updating these pictures on a regular basis.
I'm counting on all of you to let me know when she's ready.



The seedling tap rooted over night & I put it in soil this afternoon. I used a method that I remembered from grade school believe it or not. We used cardboard egg cartons soaked in water then filled them with DRY soil. After placing the seeds in the cartons & then the cartons in a shallow pan of water we waited & YES, now I remember; WE WAITED!! I hope cannabis seeds sprout like Lima beans.


LA, I haven't had a problem with anything tap rooting, I'm just waiting for something to break soil.
Re: New City Grower

Now they told us back then that marijuana will cause memory & focus loss but I've been smoking since the 8th grade & I remembered that method out of the blue. All day I've been trying to remember that damn teacher's name but for the life of me all I remember was Tammy who was my project partner on the Lima beans experiment. Go figure.:hmmmm:
Re: New City Grower

Now they told us back then that marijuana will cause memory & focus loss but I've been smoking since the 8th grade & I remembered that method out of the blue. All day I've been trying to remember that damn teacher's name but for the life of me all I remember was Tammy who was my project partner on the Lima beans experiment. Go figure.:hmmmm:

They didn't call her "big titty Tammy" for nothin Reg....

....we all know why you remember her :)

...I wish you the best with your new seeds :high-five:
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