New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Glad to see you get some beans REG!
Are you pape towel germing them? And what kind of planter and medium are you gonna use?
On one of the Unknowns I'm using the In Soil Cup method. I know I shouldn't use white but all I have is Styrofoam cups no plastic. The same City Compost & Vermiculite. I'll use that free compost till it's done.


On the Delicious Cotton Candy I'm attempting the Soaking method.


I wonder if DP could tell the beans apart, I bet he could. Will you be throwing the ones away that are not perfectly round with a classic caldera volcano crater?
I wont be throwing ANYTHING away! That's a good idea. Let me see if I can take some half decent bean pics.
Re: New City Grower

the ww x sk is a very fast growing plant, mine is growing easily twice as quick as my other soil plants, its has huge leaves like dinner plants and growth is just shocking, never had a plant grow that quick before,

its a bit odd herbie sent the seeds all mixed up like that, did you order each seed seperate so was each one priced up with a different price or was it one of the mixed seeds offer as herbie does have some mixed seeds, i bought a pack a while back it was a kiwi mix, it was 5 or 6 top kiwi strains but i think they all got mixed up so they sold them as mixed seeds but all from the kiwi strain.

the cotton candy is also a very nice strain, it was a free seed a few offers back so i grew that a while back, its produced very nice buds so you should be very happy with that one as well, my last order i asked herbie if he could swap the ww x sk for something else as ive got a few of them now, plus if i like the strain ill take clones and produce my own fem seeds or regular seeds so i only really need 1 male and 1 female then i can produce more which i will do due to how its been growing, if it flowers as well and produces a good yield then ill take clones off the female i got now and hermie one clone and make some fem, not sure what its going to be called when its released as its a new strain coming out so will be interesting to see who its from and what its going to be called, ill let you know when i find out,

my last order herbie swapped the 2 x ww x sk for 2 x big bud seeds, so ive gifted the rest of the ww x sk to a couple of friends so i will produce more seeds of that strain as long as it flowers as well as its been growing, i had to pull mine right over on its side, i started it at the same time as my other plants and my other plants where still small when that was 1ft high, so i pulled it right over onto its side and now ive got 13 or 14 main shoots growing up, so ill take 2 of them off for clones or might wait till its in flower and do some reveg clones, i just hope it grows this well in flower, it just dont seem to slow down, the others had no chance of catching up so it will be interesting to see who the breeders is so we can see what other strains they do, if their producing strains that grow like that then ill gladly try some of the other strains,
Re: New City Grower

Gratz on the new seeds good growing to you man
and a happy Thurweed day :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

Bar Bar good weed do you have some hemp yea man yea man bags full
One for rico who lives by the sea sand mountains dessert one for the fish who dwells in
The pond and then one Alex who,s lives down Sirius
High Reg hope you is fine this fried day good weed to ya my friend my tum is slightly better today:high-five:
Re: New City Grower

Bar Bar good weed do you have some hemp yea man yea man bags full
One for rico who lives by the sea sand mountains dessert one for the fish who dwells in
The pond and then one Alex who,s lives down Sirius
High Reg hope you is fine this fried day good weed to ya my friend my tum is slightly better today:high-five:
I'm Chris Tucker & it's FRIDAY MAN!!! Overnight Cotton Candy has sunk to the bottom of her dish, the voyage begins.
Re: New City Grower

Looking forward to the grow. I have white widow x skunk #1 seeds and mazar x white rhino free seeds not sure when I will grow them. I dont know anything about them.
Re: New City Grower

I'm missing something here. I keep reading to soak the seed in darkness but no-one's saying weather to keep the seed in the dark until it tap roots or at a certain point are you to bring the dish into the light & if so for how long?
Also how moist should the soil be using the potted method of germination. I've read from saturated to moist but not soaked & what should the light cycle be with the potted method?
Re: New City Grower

if your just leaving the seeds in water for 24 hours then it really dont matter, its when you sprout the seeds in water or using paper towel method, when you use this method then its best to keep them in a dark place as roots dont like light, but ive grown seeds with the lights on so not sure how much truth is in it,

but ive always read that if you use paper towel method or let them sprout in water then they need to be kept in the dark until you are ready to plant them, the light is suppose to slow down root development by causing light shock, its why the roots grow below ground as they like it dark,

so if your keeping them in a dish then just place another dish over the top and check it each day, when their big enough to plant then just plant them and their good to go under lights once they sprout, i just leave my seedlings on a shelf in the corner of the room after planting in soil, putting them under direct light to early can cause problems, if the temps are to high or the lights to bright then it can kill the seedling,
Re: New City Grower

so it sounds like your using paper towel method, if you are just leave them in a dark but slightly warm place or put another dish over the top, as temps are cooler here i usually put mine on top of the sky or cable box and check them each day to make sure the paper towel is not drying out, then when they big enough i transplant to soil,

but i dont like using paper towel method, the only time i use it is when ive produced my own seeds and im checking germination rates, then ill throw 10 or 20 seeds into a paper towel and see how many sprout and how quick,
transplanting the seeds to soil from paper towel stresses the roots and if your not careful it can break,

i have 100% success planting direct into soil the way nature intended, poke a hole and drop the seed in, dont worry which way up as it sort itself out, plant them 1 or 2cm below surface level and water in, then dont do anything till its sprouted, if you dig down looking to see if its sprouted then it will die, trust me i know as ive dont it a few times, even if you just dig down carefully and dont touch the seedling it still tends to die, not every time but most of the time, so i just fill a small pot with compost and spray it a few times with water, then poke a hole between 1 and 2cm deep, then gently cover with soil and give it a few more sprays, then just forget about it, dont need to do anything else until its sprouted, some sprout within 2 or 3 days and some can take 2 or 3 weeks dependng on strain and how fresh the seeds are,

i had less success with seedlings when i used paper towel method, some died in the paper towel like the vids on tube, when they put 10 seeds in and only 6 or 7 sprout, well i was getting similar results, now i plant direct into soil and get 100% success, some take longer to sprout so if soil starts to dry out just give it a couple of sprays, you dont want it wet just sort of damp, that will get them growing,

your going to like the cotton candy, its a very nice strain
Re: New City Grower

but i dont like using paper towel method, the only time i use it is when ive produced my own seeds and im checking germination rates, then ill throw 10 or 20 seeds into a paper towel and see how many sprout and how quick,
transplanting the seeds to soil from paper towel stresses the roots and if your not careful it can break,
I've read that. That's why I chose not to use the paper towel method. 1 seed is waiting to tap root in the water dish & the other was placed directly in a cup of soil.
Re: New City Grower

Yea I agree with DP my first ones use the paper towel and soak. The last 2 I just put them in soil and wait. Never had one not pop like that way. I read a guide on here for auto flower seeds and that guy soaked his seed for 24 hours then put in soil and then cover the pot with plastic wrap. Like a humidity dome. My plan is to try the same but use a plastic container as sealing to my smart pots is bitch. The main reason he did it that way was less stress as he was starting them in 3 gallon pots so he did not mess with them any and let them do their thing. So I am a fan of just putting in soil or soak to soil if you want
Re: New City Grower

Glad to have you aboard Lavernz. We like to have a little fun while we learn here. Have you checked out FIRST TIMER yet? It's Laverne's history; Don't worry, it's short but sweet.:passitleft:
Re: New City Grower

the only thing ill add about planting direct in soil is if you dont plant the seeds deep enough then the shell dont come off the seeds and you may have to gently pull it off, if you spray it though the seed shell should fall off after a couple of days, but i find as long as you plant it about 2cm below surfce level then the seed shell comes off before it sprouts out of the soil
Re: New City Grower

Glad to have you aboard Lavernz. We like to have a little fun while we learn here. Have you checked out FIRST TIMER yet? It's Laverne's history; Don't worry, it's short but sweet.:passitleft:

Nop but ill take a look right away :)

Check out my first journal, just added few pics :)

Re: New City Grower

Did you get "Spineapple"?


I want that :)
Well we'll never know which bean is Spineapple until it's half done...EDIT...

(OK after further investigating with Herb I now know that the 6 beans in the bottle are all Honey Haze beans. Thus the bean in the cup of soil is Honey Haze)
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