New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Sounds perfect Reg :thumb: the frosty icicle lollys should be see through,

maybe some are cloudy by now. How many days of flower already?

When the frosty icicle lollys are all cloudy and some are turning amber,

then she will be ready to be eaten/harvested :)
Re: New City Grower

This is a floodlight my sister's Super gave her. He said he has as many as she needs. Women; All they have to do is smile...


Tell me I can use these to grow. That tent will be so bright. I believe I could just purchase some grounded heavy duty extension cords, splice them & tell my sister to keep smiling.

Ok you can grow with a halcen but the full spec of light will be needed for flowering so pop in a couple of full spec cfl,s I think
Back in the 90, one of my last grows I had an older version of that light but she was only on for a short while in our downstairs toilet looked like a
great I had about ten girls all bunched up in there and that was the only light I had, so the do work:)
Re: New City Grower

So are you saying it will be good for veg alone but not for flowering?
Re: New City Grower

Isn't it amazing when those flowers start growing little shoots out to the sides? Laverne is still looking very green, and I can see those flowers are filling out nicely. :thumb:

Sounds perfect Reg :thumb: the frosty icicle lollys should be see through,

maybe some are cloudy by now. How many days of flower already?

When the frosty icicle lollys are all cloudy and some are turning amber,

then she will be ready to be eaten/harvested :)
They're kind of see through, just like real ice cicles the color is clear.

Wait...:thedoubletake:....they take pictures too!!!!????
:laugh: No, I just meant I haven't been able to take HD pics through them yet.
Re: New City Grower

So are you saying it will be good for veg alone but not for flowering?

Good vs will work in a pinch are too different things. For example if you can deal with the heat it puts out, its not gonna hurt having it in your box. But I wouldnt set up a grow using them.
Re: New City Grower

thanks for the dwc cloner link, ive used something similar in the past but it was more like a bubble cloner, it used a sandwich tub and cut 4 holes in the top and thats what hold the cuttings, then the bottom or res i covered with black tape and added an air stone, then the clones where pushed through so their bottom of the clone was just above water level then the bubbles sort of splashed water onto the clones and this encourages the roots to grow, its a good method if you want to take lots of clones for a sog style grow, so thanks for posting the link im sure others will find it useful, i only take a small number of clones and as i grow in soil i find starting clones direct in soil is less stress when you transplant, but i may be switching to a hydro or dwc set up so will be using something similar for that,

now for the cloner on the previous page, id make the soil part a bit deeper so the clone can stay on that top for a few weeks before transplanting, not sure if you have pot noodle tubs where you are, their them snack pots that you just add hot water to, if you dont know what they are search the net and you will see what i mean, i fill them with soil and poke a hole, pour a tiny drop of rooting gel in the hole, then i take the cutting and scrape the stem near the bottom, then dip it in rooting gel for between 15 and 30 seconds, then i put it in the hole and gentle squeeze the soil around it, i find the 2ltr dome fit nicely over the noodle pot and that keeps humidity high,

i just think you will need the soil to be slightly deeper as the roots dont like light and you wont have much space for the roots to grow down, the tap root which is the main root from the clone grows strait down as thats what finds the water, then the roots that grow sideways are looking for nutrients, so the main tap root needs room to grow down, so my soil is about 4 or 5 inches deep, then i know once the clone is rooted i can leave it in that pot for a couple of weeks before i transplant,

ill put some pics up tomorrow of my clone set up then you can see exactly what im on about, i think with only a little bit of soil like that you might have problems with the soil staying to wet while the clone roots, what i do is fill my pot with compost/soil, then water it with about half a cup of water and let it soak into all the soil for an hour or so, then when i take my cutting the soil is just damp and then i dont water the soil at least until the clone has got roots and the dome is off, the humidity is what gives the plant the water while its got no roots, so their dont need to be to much moisture in the soil as the roots will grow as long as the humidity is high in the dome,

the roots grow in search of water and nutrients, so if the soil is to wet then the roots will take much longer to grow, so just keeping the soil slightly damp or even leave it as it is strait out the bag as its usually slightly damp when you take it out the bag it came in, the soil is not whats feeding the plant while the roots are growing, your giving it the water it needs via the leaves in the dome, so you encourage the roots to grow by letting them go hunting for water and nutrients, so if its to wet they will take longer to grow, my clones on average take around 7 days to root,

so i either use the pot noodle tubs or i clone direct into the big pots, if ive got a big pot with soil in then i just poke a hole in that and just use a dome over the top once i put the clone into the pot, then i dont need to transplant at all, its what ill be doing when i take clones from the jack flash and the cheese, they will be rooted direct into the pots they will be grown and flowered in
Re: New City Grower

halogen is not the best to grow with, they give off way to much heat, yes you can grow with them but they give off very little the plant needs,

a better option would be the hps flood lights, these are much cheaper than grow lights but are the exact same thing, if you look in your hardware store or online and search for flood lights then you can get some 150 and 250watt hps flood lights, the hood and ballast is enclosed in one piece, they use them to light up the sides of churches and buildings like hotels, their them black lights that have on their lawns shining upwards on the building, i had a load a few years back from a hotel that was been knocked down, i can buy them from my hardware store for about £30 to £40 quid, works out cheaper than a hps grow light,

grow lights come with seperate ballast and hood so you can mount the hood and bulb above the plants then the ballast can be on the floor or wall mounted, with the flood lights the ballast and hood and bulb is all in one case, so you either need to use it as it is or you can take it apart and extend the wires to the bulb holder then you can have it seperate like a regular grow light,

halogens are very poor for growing, much worse than cfls, very expensive to run for the amount of light you get off, they mainly give off heat so their not much good for these plants, but you can grow with them, i have in the past and ok results wasnt amazing but you can grow with them, their cheap to buy but give off lots of heat and not much beneficial light,

these flood lights im on about are well worth the money, if i never bought the 400watt hps then id of bought 2 flood lights, but at the time i didnt know where to get them from or how cheap they was, then when i went to my tool station store i found the lights in the catalogue and was shocked at how cheap they was, i would of bought 2 or 3 of the 150watt hps lights, not sure if you can buy dual spec bulbs of that watt but would certainly be a good option for growing, if you checked if the ballast was digital then you can buy mh bulbs for veg and hps for flower,
Re: New City Grower

use google and seach for hps floodlight, that will list hps floodlights starting at just 70watts, these are very cheap to buy and would be a much better option than halogen, you could buy 2 of the 70watt hps and have a lot more beneficial light from that then the 150watt halogen,

the problem with halogen is the temps it gives off and its basically just giving off a bit hot spot which will burn the plant, so you need the light further away from the plants, i did grow with halogen many many years ago but you end up with stretched plants, luckily i had a friend who had sort of dismantled a street light and he got the ballast out of it and the bulb so he let me use that, that was a 250watt hps street light, but them flood lights are hps and give off the best light, id be using them now if i never had the light im using now,

if i bought the flood lights id possible go with the 70 watt hps floodlights and run as many as i could up to around 400 or 500watts, that way i could have 3 or 4 above the plants then a couple down the sides of the grow space, so you would still be using around 400 watts but the light would be coming from more angles instead of just 1 light source, also with the lower wattage lights you can have them much closer to the plants, plus the floodlights are all enclosed so their is a glass cover over the bulb meaning the heat is kept inside the flood light, its air tight as well as they are used outdoors so they dont let rain in so safe to use in a grow room,

halogen will work but you would end up with some stretched plants as its not giving off enough of what the plants need, i would post a link but it takes you to other sites and i tried uploading pics of the flood lights and it said file to small, but search on the net for hps floodlights and you will see exactly what i mean, the 70watt ones are pretty cheap and to of them would use the same watts as that halogen and the amount of beneficial light would be a whole lot more and the yield would be well worth the extra money spent
Re: New City Grower

thanks for the dwc cloner link, ive used something similar in the past but it was more like a bubble cloner, it used a sandwich tub and cut 4 holes in the top and thats what hold the cuttings, then the bottom or res i covered with black tape and added an air stone, then the clones where pushed through so their bottom of the clone was just above water level then the bubbles sort of splashed water onto the clones and this encourages the roots to grow, its a good method if you want to take lots of clones for a sog style grow, so thanks for posting the link im sure others will find it useful, i only take a small number of clones and as i grow in soil i find starting clones direct in soil is less stress when you transplant, but i may be switching to a hydro or dwc set up so will be using something similar for that,

now for the cloner on the previous page, id make the soil part a bit deeper so the clone can stay on that top for a few weeks before transplanting, not sure if you have pot noodle tubs where you are, their them snack pots that you just add hot water to, if you dont know what they are search the net and you will see what i mean, i fill them with soil and poke a hole, pour a tiny drop of rooting gel in the hole, then i take the cutting and scrape the stem near the bottom, then dip it in rooting gel for between 15 and 30 seconds, then i put it in the hole and gentle squeeze the soil around it, i find the 2ltr dome fit nicely over the noodle pot and that keeps humidity high,

i just think you will need the soil to be slightly deeper as the roots dont like light and you wont have much space for the roots to grow down, the tap root which is the main root from the clone grows strait down as thats what finds the water, then the roots that grow sideways are looking for nutrients, so the main tap root needs room to grow down, so my soil is about 4 or 5 inches deep, then i know once the clone is rooted i can leave it in that pot for a couple of weeks before i transplant,

ill put some pics up tomorrow of my clone set up then you can see exactly what im on about, i think with only a little bit of soil like that you might have problems with the soil staying to wet while the clone roots, what i do is fill my pot with compost/soil, then water it with about half a cup of water and let it soak into all the soil for an hour or so, then when i take my cutting the soil is just damp and then i dont water the soil at least until the clone has got roots and the dome is off, the humidity is what gives the plant the water while its got no roots, so their dont need to be to much moisture in the soil as the roots will grow as long as the humidity is high in the dome,

the roots grow in search of water and nutrients, so if the soil is to wet then the roots will take much longer to grow, so just keeping the soil slightly damp or even leave it as it is strait out the bag as its usually slightly damp when you take it out the bag it came in, the soil is not whats feeding the plant while the roots are growing, your giving it the water it needs via the leaves in the dome, so you encourage the roots to grow by letting them go hunting for water and nutrients, so if its to wet they will take longer to grow, my clones on average take around 7 days to root,

so i either use the pot noodle tubs or i clone direct into the big pots, if ive got a big pot with soil in then i just poke a hole in that and just use a dome over the top once i put the clone into the pot, then i dont need to transplant at all, its what ill be doing when i take clones from the jack flash and the cheese, they will be rooted direct into the pots they will be grown and flowered in
Thanxx Dp; Keep me informed. So one flaw is that the soil pot is not deep enough. Maybe this is causing all my failures.
Re: New City Grower


Fresh Homemade Pizza

Tomato Sauce
Sliced Scallions
Sliced Olives
Sliced Mushrooms
Crushed jalapeno peppers
Ricotta Cheese
Shredded Mozzarella, Montery Jack, & Cheddar Cheese
Chili Powder
Garlic Salt
& The Rest of Shirley

On a Rosemary-Basil Flat Wrap Bread (Any Flat Wrap or Tortilla Bread)

Pre-heat oven at 420... Bake for 5 to 10mins depending on desired crunchiness. Whala! & I'm eating as I type. A recipe my mother taught us for an after school snack minus the cannabis. I still love em better than Pizzeria pizza. Your toppings consist of whatever's in the fridge :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: New City Grower

its got a good chance, the soil needs to only be damp and not wet, so only having a small amount of soil means its going to hold moisture a lot longer because of the dome keeping humidity high,

all i do is get the compost strait out the bag and its usually pretty moist when it comes strait out the bag, so i fill the pot with the compost and ive got a small spray bottle, i put it on the spray setting instead of the strait squirt position and just spray the soil with 2 of 3 sprays, then i wait about 30min so it soaks into the soil, this gives the soil enough moisture without it been to much, then when i put the clone in the soil the dome keeps the humidity high and i dont need to water the soil at all until the clone has rooted and the dome is off.

so try using a bigger pot, when you cut the clone remember to cut at 45 degree angle, then i use a sharp knife and i scrap a thin layer off of the bottom of the clone, you sort of just run the sharp knife down the last 1cm near where you cut and it just removes a very thin layer, then into rooting gel for 20 or 30 seconds, i find that method works well and seems to root quicker than just cutting at an angle.

if the soil is to wet the roots wont grow as they dont need to search for water, bubble cloners work because you have the clones about 1 or 2cm above the water level, then the bubbles splash water onto the clones which encourages them to grow to find the water source, so we need to replicate the same thing in soil, well soil cloning was around long before bubble clones and long before we had rooting gel, i find rooting gel speeds things up buy a couple of days but they will root without rooting gel as ive tried it a few times and it takes 2 or 3 days longer, so if the soil is to wet the roots wont grow to find the water, the dome keeps the plant watered with the high humidity so then the roots grow so they can try and find a water source, so the compost needs to be only damp, if you can squeeze the compost and lots of water comes out then its to wet, if its just moist then thats good enough for the clones,

the dome will keep humidity up so the soil shouldnt dry out to much but if it does just give it 1 or 2 sprays but dont water it with lots of water, once you see new growth like a new node and small leaves growing then you can try leaving the dome off, if it dont wilt after a few hours then its got enough roots to support the clone and its good to go,
Re: New City Grower

i seen your comment on my journal so you must of wrote the msg on mine at the same time i was writing on yours,

ill take plenty of pics tomorrow and ill go through the whole cloning process from taking the clone to putting it in the soil, other members have also been asking about cloning so ill do a write up on it and put a link in my sig so new growers can find it in my journal a bit easier,

basically the pot size you really want for clones is about the same size as a mug, if you filled a mug with soil then you need something about the same size to place your clones into, ive used fish food tubs but the best thing i have used is pot noodle tubs, their the perfect size and the 2ltr pop bottle pushes over the top of the noodle pot and creates a nice seal, then all i do is undo the lid on the 2ltr bottle for a minute or 2 a day at the most or i take the dome off but only for 1min so i can spray the clone with 1 or 2 sprays with a spray bottle, then ill spray the soil just once with 1 spray of the spray bottle, then spray inside the dome again with just 1 spray then put the dome back on.

then hopefully you will have roots in anything from 7 days to 3 weeks depending on the strain, on average my clones are rooted in 7 days and before i would take a few cuttings knowing that some will not make it, but now i have learned from my mistakes and i just take 1 cutting per plant and ive only had 1 plant that never rooted but that was because of the strain and not because of my rooting method
Re: New City Grower

How many days of flower already?

When the frosty icicle lollys are all cloudy and some are turning amber,

then she will be ready to be eaten/harvested :)
Sept. 25 2013 Flower Day 71
Re: New City Grower

Too bad there wasn't any room in cuisine for the stems, I got a but load of them. Maybe a garnish holder or something.
Re: New City Grower

Boil them for a few hrs & have yourself some Cannabis Tea. Throw in a pinch of mint & I could smell the aroma from here. Or even better yet let it cool off, add some sugar with few drops of lemon juice, toss it in the fridge; Cannabis Ice Tea. Shoot, Why didn't I think of that before I threw out Shirley's stems?:hmmmm:
Re: New City Grower

Boil them for a few hrs & have yourself some Cannabis Tea. Throw in a pinch of mint & I could smell the aroma from here. Or even better yet let it cool off, add some sugar with few drops of lemon juice, toss it in the fridge; Cannabis Ice Tea. Shoot, Why didn't I think of that before I threw out Shirley's stems?:hmmmm:

Just tried that, BAR. Boiled stems from last grows, and the last few bags I've had. Threw in some kief, too. Added some special olive oil, and steeped some Lemon Zinger herbal tea into it for flavor. And some honey. No mint, though. Rockin a serious cannaoil mustache, in my natural mustache, now, lol, so the oil may not have been my greatest idea, hehe. But with teh lemon tea, it tastes awesome, once yer past the oil.:thumb:
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