New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Reg, Ive been looking everywhere for spec on that halogen bulb. So far all I got is bad news. CAN I GROW WITH HALOGEN BULBS?

Everythign I find says not bright enough, not the right spectrum, and way too hot. I wanted it to work brother. :straightface: Hopefully someone will say otherwise so you can use them bad boys.
Re: New City Grower

Reg, Ive been looking everywhere for spec on that halogen bulb. So far all I got is bad news. CAN I GROW WITH HALOGEN BULBS?

Everythign I find says not bright enough, not the right spectrum, and way too hot. I wanted it to work brother. :straightface: Hopefully someone will say otherwise so you can use them bad boys.
Thanxx Spimp, that was very helpful. All I had to read was that they could set your grow area on fire from the heat. That's enough for me to know not to mess with them. I knew it was too good to be true; Unlimited amounts of free lights.:thanks:
Re: New City Grower

What Temp. is too low for outdoor vegging? Here it's in the mid 70's upper 60's during the day & dropping to the lower 50's and sometimes as low as the upper 40's Fahrenheit at night. Is it too late for the fire escape VEG?
Re: New City Grower

What Temp. is too low for outdoor vegging? Here it's in the mid 70's upper 60's during the day & dropping to the lower 50's and sometimes as low as the upper 40's Fahrenheit at night. Is it too late for the fire escape VEG?

Have they been out there or are you just putting them out there?...I've seen mj take a couple frosts.and be fine...I think the temp.change might make.all the difference.if they are not acclimated to it ...I am very firmilar with your weather LOL
Re: New City Grower

I was thinking if the clone took off would she be alright out there.
Re: New City Grower

This is a floodlight my sister's Super gave her. He said he has as many as she needs. Women; All they have to do is smile...

Tell me I can use these to grow. That tent will be so bright. I believe I could just purchase some grounded heavy duty extension cords, splice them & tell my sister to keep smiling.

sorry to tell you the halogen lights are the wrong spectrum, very inefficient and covert too much energy to heat. you could not use them to give enough of the correct spectrums to the plants.
Re: New City Grower

I bet you can use the hoods and put CFL's in there, specially if your sister can get more.
Re: New City Grower

And now more bad news; Today I have the day off, slept in late & woke up to this...


I think it's over. My 2nd attempt at clonning appears to be another failure (If you count throwing away Shirley's clone that's 3 failed attempts). She's wilting and dying. Maybe it was me walking around with it any my pocket all day instead of leaving her put in one place or maybe the Ghetto Clone Dome isn't the clonner I assumed it to be.
Re: New City Grower

Don't give up on her yet - snap those yellow leaves off and give 'er another week.

She'll come around. :thumb:
Re: New City Grower

I agree with graytail, don't give up Reg. Just snip the fan blades about 50% and if you can get some rooting hormone or make some willow water (youtube that) you can increase the hormones in the little nugget. I've read in an archived atricle that monster cropped clones are very difficult to make root again, but once done. the growth rate is uncontested so keep pushing it along until you succeed or truly bust. Don't get emo if you see a little leaf discoloration, just smoke a doob and realize that your focus was not adjusted from the Ganja, then everything will be right as rain!
Re: New City Grower

OK, OK ALREADY!!!:smokin:
Re: New City Grower


Sorry , you will get it.

Good luck

And now more bad news; Today I have the day off, slept in late & woke up to this...


I think it's over. My 2nd attempt at clonning appears to be another failure (If you count throwing away Shirley's clone that's 3 failed attempts). She's wilting and dying. Maybe it was me walking around with it any my pocket all day instead of leaving her put in one place or maybe the Ghetto Clone Dome isn't the clonner I assumed it to be.
Re: New City Grower

Are you sure that's not just the old pistls rotting away?

Leave the cover of and stare at her for a while, reg.

Apart from the wormy looking things she seems fine.

Cut those fan leaves off completely. they have been sucked dry.
Re: New City Grower

Whatever you say Suavay....

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