New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Good weed to you Simp

jagajagajagajagajaga Whats up sir? The ghetto is filled with turmoil and clarity all at once. :) Kinda like all of us. ;)

Reg usually goes big on frieday's. You know how he do it... :)
Re: New City Grower

Now You are my Inspiration sir. Your bravery and persistance in the field of Cloning has given me the courage to attempt it myself. It is not a high % attempt as I am trying to clone a 'top', but nevertheless it is from your adventeurus spirit that has given me hope.
+reps sir Reg.
Re: New City Grower

jagajagajagajagajaga Whats up sir? The ghetto is filled with turmoil and clarity all at once. :) Kinda like all of us. ;)

Reg usually goes big on frieday's. You know how he do it... :)
You're starting to know me a little to well. Have you been spying on me?:laughtwo: Thanxx for the reps.
Re: New City Grower

Re: New City Grower

This is a floodlight my sister's Super gave her. He said he has as many as she needs. Women; All they have to do is smile...


Tell me I can use these to grow. That tent will be so bright. I believe I could just purchase some grounded heavy duty extension cords, splice them & tell my sister to keep smiling.
Re: New City Grower

Rico Suave's are the name of the trich glasses & Suave Rico Is that guy who doesn't sub to anyone's journal but just surfs around with his B/S meter & checks to make sure every journal is running smoothly.:surf: PS. Thanxx for the correct spelling.
Re: New City Grower

Very inefficient lighting. No go.

This is a floodlight my sister's Super gave her. He said he has as many as she needs. Women; All they have to do is smile...


Tell me I can use these to grow. That tent will be so bright. I believe I could just purchase some grounded heavy duty extension cords, splice them & tell my sister to keep smiling.
Re: New City Grower

Rico Suave's are the name of the trich glasses & Suave Rico Is that guy who doesn't sub to anyone's journal but just surfs around with his B/S meter & checks to make sure every journal is running smoothly.:surf: PS. Thanxx for the correct spelling.


I name my glasses Rico Sauve' s too :high-five:
Re: New City Grower

Jay, what do you think about those floodlights, could I use them?:high-five::passitleft: I'd never leave you hanging. Toke Toke Pass
Re: New City Grower

Jay, what do you think about those floodlights, could I use them?

I really don't know...guess it depends on the light they put out...I've never heard anything about using halogen bulbs but I'm kinda deaf spell check is hilarious...the shet is comes up with sometimes blows my mind
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