New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Cuz BAR's got one clone in his pocket,
and the other one's givin a high 5:theband:
Re: New City Grower

Yep I think I can see some knew growth at the top she looks nice an healthy:) I think I would do as Srila Ricorico says an leave her alone
taking her out of your pocket was a deffinate a smart move:grinjoint:
And have a great get fried day today:clap::clap::clap:
:laughtwo:I concur on taking her out of my pocket & also leaving her alone.
Re: New City Grower


Explain what's going on here DP.
Re: New City Grower

After I went offline I tried them. I couldn't get those damn things into focus. I spent the rest of the evening B/S with my daughter. Tonight I'll read the instruction pamphlet.
Re: New City Grower

I'm focused now! Focused on ripping one of my co-workers a new one. The Spimpster knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Re: New City Grower

LAVERNE: Sept. 20 2013 Day 91/Flower Day 66


I tried to take a picture using the Rico Suavay's but I couldn't get it to focus any tighter (next pic). But looking through them while wearing them, I've just about got that down pat without reading the pamphlet. Trust me, there's plenty of trichs.


I think the picture is clearer without the glass.

Re: New City Grower

i did in my journal,

how deep is the soil you got the clone in and does it have drain holes in the bottom of the pot, the dome needs to keep the humidity up so spraying once a day like your doing is spot on, but as Spimp says the soil dont need watering until its dried out but this wont happen until the clone has rooted,

it looks like your clone is still alive and possibly got root growing which you will notice out the bottom at the bottom of the pot, but leave the dome on until you can clearly see new leaves growing out of the bud, if you take the dome off to early it dies and you cant save it, so wait until you can actually see leaves growing out of the bud, if the soil is wet then make sure its got drain holes so the soil can breath, the roots will need oxygen as much as they need water.

so far so good though, looks like you will have a very nice monster cropped clone.
its still alive and you can notice the pistils starting to die so new leaf growth should easily be noticed very soon
Re: New City Grower

City boy, thanks for stopping by and checking out my journal. I've been reading EVERYONE'S journals for months - including yours. I think I shed a tear when your balcony plant turned out to be a boy :sorry:
Re: New City Grower

Thanxx DP & Suavay Rico. PJ, you couldn't have taken it harder than I did but we live to grow & grow again.
Re: New City Grower

First you ignore my advice about how to dry the soil now this? :rofl:
Maybe tug was too strong a word. I could see how that might hurt Clona-Cola's darling little feet. What's it called when you get pistil whipped with the butt of a light saber?(Thanks for not using the pointy end kind Jedi Master Suavay :))

Laverne is looking great BAR! She has really filled out a lot :) +reps for figuring things out without reading
Re: New City Grower

Laverne is looking great BAR! She has really filled out a lot :) +reps for figuring things out without reading
I can get away with it on the Rico Suavay's but I refuse to make a move on the plants without reading up on each step & getting advice. Thanxx for the reps.

Are you feeding nutes? She looks really good, but looking like she needs the N to stop so she can start using up all that she has stored.
I haven't given her any nutes since Sept. 4. The next feeding should had been on Sept. 12 as I alternated between feeding & PH watering doing one then the other every 4 days. I read that nute build-up could cause different lockouts so I just PHed on the 12. By Sept. 14 I made a decision to just PH her for the rest of the journey.

Laverne looks sexy Reg
THAT'S RIGHT... & she sleeps in my bedroom:drool:
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