New City Grower 1.0

Re: New City Grower

Oh, I'm in the sauce for sure right now. Lost in the sauce
Re: New City Grower

So unless the soil being used has poor drainage, I don't get why you'd want to suck more moisture off? Since the cloner has it's own drainage holes (unless clogged somehow) there's no way you can have excess water buildup. Am I missing something BAR?
Well I didn't mention that until after you & Rico had answered my question; which was my fault. I'll check & make sure the drainage holes aren't clogged right now. The soil might be just right. I asked for info because someone mention that it looked too wet. ...EDIT... Are you still in the sauce?
Re: New City Grower

3 parts, the pot & the drainage pan.

This looks like the worst example of The Shell Game ever. :)
Re: New City Grower

This looks like the worst example of The Shell Game ever. :)
LOL Or the best pea dropper to ever Step foot behind a box of shells. That would have to be his setup!!!:rofl: That is so funny & so perfect timing. I just seen this DUMB A#$ BROAD this morning lose $210 in less than a minute playing 3 card monty in front of the subway gates. You just reminded me.
Re: New City Grower

LOL Or the best pea dropper to ever Step foot behind a box of shells. That would have to be his setup!!!:rofl: That is so funny & so perfect timing. I just seen this DUMB A#$ BROAD this morning lose $210 in less than a minute playing 3 card monty in front of the subway gates. You just reminded me.

I have a friend that usually goes to big cities with other friends bar hopping, and this dip shit always is "that guy". He gets drunk and thinks he gets the eye of the tiger and loses his wad in 3 card monty 11 out of every 10 times. Idiots are just too precious in this world!
Re: New City Grower

LOL....Sky, I've seen these guys send idiots to the Atm to get more money to give them talking about "you've already beat me, you just have to match the money on the box". That shit isn't gambling, you can't win. But people will always try. I just don't understand how a con that's been around forever still attracts fools. maybe they don't know the people that are winning are part of the game. Go figure...
Re: New City Grower

I should set up a table right next to a 3CM table with a sign that says 1000-1 odds if you can guess what number I'm thinking between 1-10.
Re: New City Grower

People are so stupid, it is just amazing. I swear some people don't even think. People are greedy, that is why they will always play. P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute"...shit I think there may be a few born every minute. This is making me miss poker...sigh.

BAR, here is what you need to do to get the excess moisture out. First tape the top and bottom of the cloner closed; air tight okay? Then you will hold the cloner over your head. Use your fingers to plug shut all but one drainage hole on the bottom. Then you will suck the one open hole as hard as you can. Oh and make sure the cap is on tightly too, to get that vacuum effect. Don't forget to take the tape off afterwards.
Re: New City Grower

Please have someone video tape the process.

For documentation purposes of course....
Re: New City Grower

Get These :partyboy: Add a dollar and 10 cents to your newfound $5.

They look cool and have a double led light as well!
Re: New City Grower

The clone: Sept. 19m 2013 Day 10

I think I see some new growth forming between the dying flowers towards the top.

Re: New City Grower


Today I took Laverne, the clone & all the other miscellaneous garbage (spare bulbs, humidity water bowl, etc.) out of the tent. I gave it a thorough wipe down with a new sponge using water & hydrogen peroxide for mold preventive maintenance.

Laverne: Sept. 14 2013 Day 85/Flower Day 60

I've added a twist to the Ghetto Clone Dome. I put it in a zip-lock bag half way sealed to help keep the humidity at 100 percent. As Rico pointed out, it doesn't need too much light as far as brightness goes so it shouldn't make a difference. (It beat's keeping it in my pocket)


The clone: Sept. 19m 2013 Day 10

I think I see some new growth forming between the dying flowers towards the top.


It kind of looks like the pistils are laying down more so it is hard to tell from the pics. Have you given her a gentle tug to see if she has roots?
Re: New City Grower

It kind of looks like the pistils are laying down more so it is hard to tell from the pics.
That's what he meant by "dying flowers" :partyboy:

Have you given her a gentle tug to see if she has roots?
Don't give it any kind of "tug", Reg :straightface:

I can see the new growth :thumb:

C'mon, Rainstacks :lot-o-toke:

He only just stopped carrying it around in his pocket.

Now he should start yanking on it?

Poor little baby clone.

Don't do it, Reg.

Use "patience".

A powerful tool.

Re: New City Grower

Yep I think I can see some knew growth at the top she looks nice an healthy:) I think I would do as Srila Ricorico says an leave her alone
taking her out of your pocket was a deffinate a smart move:grinjoint:
And have a great get fried day today:clap::clap::clap:
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